[keycloak-user] Implementing a non-standard, custom IDP used for identity brokering

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Tue Oct 24 10:44:19 EDT 2017

On 24/10/17 11:15, Dominik Guhr wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've a Problem creating a custom Identity Provider which I want to use
> for identity Brokering (using kc version 3.2.1) and hope you could help:
> ** My Scenario:
> There's a legacy, non-standard, xml-based "SSO" Protocol which I want to
> broker to enrich it with roles etc. and provide it as an option in my
> realm beneath ither options such as a brokered IDP using SAML, social
> login, etc.
> ** What I've tried so far:
> Writing a project and provisioning it to the wildfly as a module with
> following structure:
> //IDP class
> public class MyIdentityProvider implements
> IdentityProvider<MyIdentityProviderConfig> {
>       //overridden methods (not implemented)
> }
> //Factory
> public class MyIdentityProviderFactory implements
> IdentityProviderFactory<MyIdentityProvider> {
>       //overridden methods (just implemented getId -> "MyIDP" and getName
> "My IDP" so far)
> }
> //config
> public class MyIdentityProviderConfig extends IdentityProviderModel {
> 	//empty so far.
> }
> Plus the org.keycloak.broker.provider.IdentityProviderFactory in
> META-INF pointing to com.my.MyIdentityProviderFactory
> Outcome is, when I'm publishing this to keycloak, I've got a new field
> on the identity provider dropdown (which is unclickable, yet, expectedly).
> **My Problems/Questions:
> 1. All IDPs I see implemented are using standards such as oauth2, but I
> am missing a more general architectural advice for custom
> implementations, such as "you have to override this, that and that
> method and you definitely need this, that and thus property / process to
> be compatible to keycloak with your custom SSO
> So, question: Which methods and interfaces do I definitely have to
> implement to get my custom idp going? Is there something like an
> architectural overview? (considering I am on the right track here)
There is documentation chapter about Identity Provider. You can also 
take a look at the sources of existing Identity Provider 
implementations. And eventually at the Keycloak sources to see from 
which place are IdentityProvider methods called etc.
> 2. I get this warning starting keycloak:
> WARN  [org.keycloak.services] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 50)
> KC-SERVICES0047: My IDP (com.my.MyIdentityProviderFactory) is
> implementing the internal SPI identity_provider. This SPI is internal
> and may change without notice
> So, this leads me to the second question: Am I missing something? Am I
> on the wrong track, perhaps? Is there another, better way to implement
> this? (I am fairly new)
This WARN can be ignored by you if you're aware about the consequences. 
Which is exactly what is mentioned in the WARN message. In other words, 
IdentityProvider interface can be changed anytime, so if you update to 
newer Keycloak version in the future (for example 3.5 or 4.0 etc), you 
may need to change your implementation as well because of the change in 
the IdentityProvider interface side.

> And last but not least, a very general question:
> 3. am I on the right mailinglist for this kind of question, or is this
> more for the dev-list? Or do u guys have a slackchannel or something
> like that where I could join?
Yes, it's right mailing list. We have IRC channel, but we highly prefer 
mailing list due the:
- It's ASYNC and questions can be replied anytime
- Conversations are saved and someone can search for them in the future.

> Would be great to hear from you!
> Best regards,
> Dominik
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