[keycloak-user] Fwd: LDAP Registration user sync

Kevin VAN DEN ELSHOUT kevin.vandenelshout at inbo.be
Wed Sep 6 03:20:12 EDT 2017


I have an ldap user federation configured with sync registrations ON.

Now when I register a new user, this user is synced to ldap but not saved
into local DB (synced back from ldap).

[org.keycloak.storage.ldap.LDAPStorageProvider] (default task-21) LDAP User
invalid. ID doesn't match. ID from LDAP [test at mailinator.com], LDAP ID from
local DB: [ ]

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

Error user_not_found
grant_type authorization_code
code_id 7ac8c3c7-c9d3-413a-bb83-401047925b92
client_auth_method client-secret

auth_method openid-connect
auth_type code
redirect_uri ***/sso/login
consent no_consent_required
code_id 7ac8c3c7-c9d3-413a-bb83-401047925b92
username ***

auth_method openid-connect
auth_type code
register_method form
redirect_uri ***/sso/login
code_id 7ac8c3c7-c9d3-413a-bb83-401047925b92
email ***
username ***

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