[keycloak-user] OIDC access_token URL parameter rather than Bearer Authentication header

Gabriel Lavoie glavoie at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 14:17:23 EDT 2017

     we have one use case where we want to use a access_token URL parameter
rather than the Authorization: Bearer header, to allow SSO from a mobile
app to Safari.

KeycloakAuthenticationProcessingFilter.java (
the authentication flow is different when using the query param vs the
Authorization header. Any reason for this?

- Header: Upon successful authentication, the filter chain is processed to
the requested page.
- Query param: Upon successful authentication, default success handler is
called and user is redirected to a target page (/ by default) (first
condition of

if (!(this.isBearerTokenRequest(request) ||
this.isBasicAuthRequest(request))) {
    super.successfulAuthentication(request, response, chain, authResult);


Gabriel Lavoie
glavoie at gmail.com

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