[keycloak-user] Possibility to set new Provider in authentication flow for non-unique usernames

Dominik Guhr pinguwien at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 06:52:58 EST 2018

p.s. one provider uses Kerberos for Authentication, other does not.

Am 24.01.18 um 12:51 schrieb Dominik Guhr:
> So, further investigation notes:
> I think I should call the Provider like it's done here: 
> https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/master/examples/providers/user-storage-jpa/src/main/java/org/keycloak/examples/storage/user/EjbExampleUserStorageProviderFactory.java 
> in the create method, which allows me to call the corresponding 
> isValid(...) method of the required providers and only set the boolean 
> return value of validatePassword to false if the credentials doesn't 
> match in any of the providers.
> But to call this for ldap-providers set by admin interface, I need two 
> things:
> a) a Componentmodel.
> Concrete Question: Anyone knows how to get the right ComponentModel 
> instance to use from my AuthenticationFlowContext of 
> AbstractUsernameFormAuthenticator.java? I've seen that it's possible to 
> get a List of ComponentModels by calling 
> context.getRealm().getComponents(), or by getComponent(String s), but I 
> don't know which String would be the valid parameter or which Model I 
> should take out of the List.
> b) the lookup-path.
> Concrete question 2: Anyone knows how to get it form the internally used 
> Factories or s.th.?
> My Providers are 2 ldap directories which I want to iterate over for the 
> username.
> Thanks in advance!
> Best regards,
> Dominik
> Am 24.01.18 um 09:27 schrieb Dominik Guhr:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm implementing an authentication SPI execution on top of the 
>> "normal" username/password form of kc 3.4.3.Final. -> 
>> https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/master/services/src/main/java/org/keycloak/authentication/authenticators/browser/UsernamePasswordForm.java 
>> Sadly, usernames are not unique atm, so I need to change the 
>> execution, so that it doesn't stop with "invalid credentials" for a 
>> user who was found in one Provider.
>> Instead of giving the "invalid credentials"-error, I want my execution 
>> to first check all other providers for the same username, and then 
>> check the credentials against all matches. And just in case of no 
>> credentials matching, it should fail, or login a new session for this 
>> user when one is found in any of my (3) Providers, which are added by 
>> user federation feature (2 ADs, one by a custom user storage SPI).
>> So I drilled it down to the method validatePassword(...) in 
>> AbstractUsernameFormAuthenticator.java -> 
>> https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/master/services/src/main/java/org/keycloak/authentication/authenticators/browser/AbstractUsernameFormAuthenticator.java 
>> line 191, which I want to change accordingly. Sadly, I can't find a 
>> method to get all Providers of the realm and check accordingly. The 
>> code I want to change is:
>> if (password != null && !password.isEmpty() && 
>> context.getSession().userCredentialManager().isValid(context.getRealm(), 
>> user, credentials)) {
>>              return true;
>>          } else {...}
>> instead of just checking isValid() for one provider, which is what 
>> this does atm, I want to check all Providers. Like this pseudocode:
>> if (password != null && !password.isEmpty() && 
>> context.getSession().userCredentialManager().isValid(context.getRealm(), 
>> user, credentials)) {
>>              boolean isValid = false;
>>          List<Provider> realmProviders = context.getAllProviders();
>>          for(Provider provider : realmProviders){
>>              isValid = provider.isValid(...);
>>          }
>>              return isValid;
>>          } else {...}
>> Could anyone perhaps give me a hint in how to achieve this? I haven't 
>> found a method yet to get all Providers and check for isValid in any 
>> of the given ones.
>> Best regards,
>> Dominik
>> p.s. I created a stackoverflow question here: 
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48399622/keycloak-check-password-in-more-than-one-identity-provider 
>> feel free to comment/answer there :)

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