[keycloak-user] Alternative client-cert authentication

Nikola Malenic nikola.malenic at netsetglobal.rs
Tue Jul 24 09:22:09 EDT 2018

I am configuring browser flow and would like to provide users with
certificates with capability to login immediately.

Users which don't have (send) certificate should be able to login with
username+password (form would be presented to them).


I configured two ALTERNATIVE subflows inside browser flow. First subflow has
X509/Validate Username Form execution as ALTERNATIVE and second flow has
Username Password Form as REQUIRED.


The problem is that when I access admin console I am not shown form to enter
username and password since I didn't send certificate. I get this error:
"Invalid username or password.".

It seems that the second flow is automatically executed, but since I didn't
send username and password it finishes unsuccessfully.

Do you have any idea how to configure this.


Many thanks,


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