[keycloak-user] Make query string param available in marker template

Will Lopez will.lopez77 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 00:36:36 EDT 2018


I have a use case where I need to render a block of HTML depending on the value of a query string param in the login page. The value will be coming from the login URL similar to this: 

http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/default/protocol/openid-connect/auth?client_id=reaction-next-starterkit&redirect_uri=http://localhost:4000/auth&state=dc243a13-3fd9-4e64-a5f7-cb4dbc67243a&response_mode=fragment&response_type=id_token token&scope=openid&nonce=aa48185b-0582-4d4a-8f36-b6d01d7e72c6&app=1&customvar=1

I would like to have customvar available in the login.ftl to accomplish my objective. So far I have tried to retrieve the baseUrl from the client bean, but it’s not available, the app classes when I attempt to access baseUrl. 

Thanks in advance for any help.


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