[keycloak-user] Get old password in custom update-password required action

Dominik Guhr pinguwien at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 08:46:10 EDT 2018

Hi everyone,

I need help with the following custom authentication flow:

1a. user logs in via a custom username/pw form authenticator. Success 
case: he gets logged in, backendwise into a third-party system via a 
REST call. User is created in keycloak. => works!

1b. user logs in, but thirdparty system returns a flag that user has to 
change his password. For this, I created a required action which just 
uses the "normal" update_password required action, but in its 
processAction method calls the thirdparty system. => Doesn'T really 
work, because:

one requirement of the thirdparty-API for updating the pw of a user to a 
new one is, there has to be the old password in the request json, syntax:

	username: "...",
	passwordNew: "...",
	passwordOld: "..."

Now I am struggling a little to get the old password in my required 
action-form, which, as of now, is the login-update-password.ftl as can 
be found here: 

It seems there already is a hidden field for the current password, but 
this has no value.

So this seemed not to work, and now I am thinking to create my own form 
and set it for the required action. Therefor I have one problem (so far):

The code I use now for creating the update pw-form which is the "normal" 
kc-form looks like this:

    public void requiredActionChallenge(RequiredActionContext context) {
       Response challenge = context.form()

Now I want to use my own form, containing another form element where 
user has to put in his old pw. So, what do I need to change here?

I saw the secretactionrequiredaction at github, which uses 
createForm("...ftl"), but not the setAttribute and/or createResponse - 
so, one question is: is createForm... enough to get my own form loaded 
at the required action? (aside from putting a custom ftl in the theme I use)

Would be great to get some hints here!

Thanks in advance,
dominik.guhr at codecentric.de

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