[keycloak-user] User session administration

Eivind Larsen eivind at jotta.no
Thu May 3 09:01:44 EDT 2018

Hi Keycloak Users!

We are setting up apps and services to use Keycloak for managing
logins and sessions.

To let users manage their own devices and their login sessions, we
want to display session information on our settings webpage (that we
already have).

I can see there is a session listing in the Keycloak Administration
GUI, and I found the API call:

GET /auth/admin/realms/{realmName}/users/{userId}/sessions

Which should list all the sessions of the given user.

This call seem to require some set of admin privileges, while ideally
the user’ token itself would have access to listing his/her _own_
sessions only, with the ability to revoke their own grants.

Is there any way to do this with Keycloak?

Best regards,

Eivind Larsen

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