[keycloak-user] CEK key for alg:dir

Tim Rademacher t.rademacher at gmx.de
Tue Nov 6 07:20:35 EST 2018

Hi all,


I am somewhat struggling with Keycloak (Version 4.5.0) and I would like to
view the data return from an authorization request. I retrieve the token and
would like to look into it.


I see, there are 5 parts:


1.	Header
2.	CEK
3.	Init Vector
4.	Content (encrypted)
5.	Auth Tag


The header mentions the Algorithm to be DIR and the Encryption Algorithm tob
e A128CBC-HS256.


The RFC7518 says, that DIR means "Direct use of a shared symmetric key as
the CEK".


So I wonder, how would the shared key come to the client to decrypt the


How would I be able to decrypt the token (where would I get the token from)?


Thank you very much!



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