[keycloak-user] Use of event.clientId in FreeMarker

GARDAIS Ionel ionel.gardais at tech-advantage.com
Mon Oct 22 08:03:25 EDT 2018


I've configured the localisation and FTL templates to send an email at every successful login. 
I'd like to add, beside the date and the source IP, the client through the user was connected 

However, event.clientId always resolves to null, whereas event.ipAddress and event.date are correct. 

Here is what lies in the .ftl file : 

messages_en.properties contains 
eventLoginSubject=Successful login 
eventLoginBody=A successful login was detected to your account on {0} from {1} for {2}. If this was not you, please contact an admin. 
eventLoginBodyHtml=<p>A successful login was detected to your account on {0} from {1} for {2}. If this was not you, please contact an admin.</p> 

If I logg the event to the console, clientId is correctly set. 

Does EmailTemplateProvider swallow the clientId field ? 
Am I missing something in the template definition ? 



CIO - IT Team manager 

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