[keycloak-user] Need help getting authorization code flow working

David Erie (US) David.Erie at datapath.com
Fri Sep 7 17:44:40 EDT 2018

I am having trouble exchanging an OIDC auth code for an access token after logging in with Keycloak. I am getting this error back in the response:

	{error: "invalid_grant", error_description: "Code not valid"}

The Keycloak log has these entries:

	WARN  [org.keycloak.services.managers.CodeGenerateUtil] (default task-51) Code '6023c45e-c4de-4094-a29e-f8ef36b5a937' already used for userSession 'e8eb1e32-dbed-42d9-97f3-fc8e5be6e6ae' and client 'cb65bac8-abdb-4e55-b098-efa686127460'.
	WARN  [org.keycloak.events] (default task-51) type=CODE_TO_TOKEN_ERROR, realmId=<snip>, clientId=<snip>, userId=null, ipAddress=<snip>, error=invalid_code, grant_type=authorization_code, code_id=e8eb1e32-dbed-42d9-97f3-fc8e5be6e6ae, client_auth_method=client-secret

My request looks like this:



	Authorization: Basic <snip>
	Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Form data:


I am not using the Keycloak JS adapter (it's a long story), but I'm using it as a guide for what to do after getting the code back in order to get the tokens.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

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