[keycloak-user] Fine Authorization on User Account Service

Nikola Malenic nikola.malenic at netsetglobal.rs
Mon Jan 14 13:19:09 EST 2019

I am trying to disable access to the account service to all users by using
js policy (I have a reason for this).

So what I tried is to put just $evaluation.deny(); in the body of the
policy, to restrict access to all users.

In Evaluate tab I can see that this policy is denying access but when I
access account service application via browser I get access.


Anyone has an idea what could be wrong?


Here is my  Authorization config exported:


  "allowRemoteResourceManagement": false,

  "policyEnforcementMode": "ENFORCING",

  "resources": [


      "name": "account_resource",

      "type": "urn:account:resources:accountresource",

      "ownerManagedAccess": false,

      "displayName": "account_resource",

      "attributes": {},

      "_id": "778c2a62-4415-4cf1-a057-a60f0beeb0a4",

      "uris": [





  "policies": [


      "id": "4de5145d-4d34-411f-9b2a-d99cc361a08c",

      "name": "auth_method_policy",

      "description": "Policy based on authentication method used",

      "type": "js",

      "logic": "POSITIVE",

      "decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",

      "config": {

        "code": "// var context = $evaluation.getContext();\r\n// var
identity = context.getIdentity();\r\n// var attributes =
identity.getAttributes();\r\n\r\n// if
s')) {\r\n//     $evaluation.deny();\r\n// } else {\r\n//
$evaluation.deny();\r\n// }\r\n"




      "id": "e2567a26-aa46-4f0f-aba7-421e35b90615",

      "name": "auth_based_permission",

      "type": "resource",

      "logic": "POSITIVE",

      "decisionStrategy": "UNANIMOUS",

      "config": {

        "resources": "[\"account_resource\"]",

        "applyPolicies": "[\"auth_method_policy\"]"




  "scopes": []


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