[keycloak-user] Rest Extension?

Craig Setera craig at baseventure.com
Thu Jan 31 17:55:31 EST 2019

I was in the process of creating a new REST extension per the current
developer docs at
,  however, I noticed I had to pull in the keycloak-server-spi-private
module and also I'm seeing the following in the logs:

keycloak_1             | 22:49:44,975 WARN  [org.keycloak.services] (MSC
service thread 1-1) KC-SERVICES0047: bv-user-invitation
is implementing the internal SPI realm-restapi-extension. This SPI is
internal and may change without notice

Should this have me concerned about the long term viability of this feature?


*Craig Setera*

*Chief Technology Officer*

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