[keycloak-user] Retrieving user information through the admin client on springboot

Vikram vikram.eswar at fleetroute.com
Wed Mar 13 05:13:58 EDT 2019

Hi all,

Versions in use:
     Springboot version : 2.1.3 FINAL

     Keycloak version : 4.8.2

     Springboot adapter version: 4.8.3 FINAL

     Keycloak admin client 4.8.2 FINAL

So I am trying to get all the users that have a role "customer" and
belong to a group "group1".

I am using the following code.

RoleResource roleResource = realmResource.roles().get("customer");
Set<UserRepresentation> customers= roleResource.getRoleUserMembers();
ArrayList<UserRepresentation> groupCustomers = new ArrayList<UserRepresentation>();

for (UserRepresentation user: customers) {
        if (user.getGroups().contains("group1") { //error
            System.out.println("group customer: " + user.getUsername());

However, I get an error when I loop through the user representations to
read the group names. I do not get the group and roles information. I
get the username, first name and last name though.. Is it a permission
issue ? How can I get around it ?


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