[keycloak-user] CODE_TO_TOKEN_ERROR and clustered mode

Daniel Fernández Rodríguez daniel.fernandez at cern.ch
Mon Nov 11 11:29:16 EST 2019

Hi guys,

we have keycloak v7 configured to use clustered mode.

For that I configured the service to start using standalone-ha.xml

(we have puppet so all keycloaks should have identical config) and added

'proxy-address-forwarding="true" (I have one nginx as a reverse proxy 
taking care of the https)

|<http-listener name="default" 
redirect-socket="https" enable-http2="true"/>|


In front of the keycloaks I have a couple of HAProxies configured to use 
tcp mode.

Front time to time, some users complain that they cannot login.

When I check the logs I see something like:

realmId=myrealm, clientId=myclient, userId=null, 
ipAddress=, error=invalid_code, 

Do you know what might be happening?

There is not a lot of documentation on how to properly configure 
clustered mode.

Thanks a lot.


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