[keycloak-user] Logout not send k_logout requests

张庆 zqzq71 at shu.edu.cn
Tue Sep 3 03:45:42 EDT 2019

Hi Guys,

I am using keycloak for several application single sign on solution. Keycloak works well in SSO, but I have troubles in single logout. 
According to document [https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/securing_apps/index.html#logout] and other answers in mailing list. from my understanding, single logout will need following steps:

 app a in -> client_a 
 app b in -> client_b 
 keycloak in

 1. add admin_url for each client (just like following settings)
   * Client Protocol: openid-connect
   * Access Type: confidential
   * Root URL:
   * Valid Redirect URls:*
   * Base URL:
   * Admin URL:

 2. Logout by redirect brower to

 3. All client sessions for user in current browser will be destroyed and keycloak will send logout signal (k_logout) to each client (admin_url), each client recieve the logout signal to remove user login info

In my experiment, by watch keycloak Manage/Sessions page, when the browser redirect to keycloak logout url, all session for current user have been destroyed, but app a and b do not recieved k_logout request. But if I direct click  "logout all" button in Manage/Sessions page, all sessions have been destroyed and both app a and b recieved k_logout request. By redirect to logout url, the sessions have been destroyed, but not send logout signal each application still login status. What am I misunderstanding? Is there any detail example for single logout? I expect that user click logout in app a and all application in same realm logout together. 

Another trouble is the client I used is openid-client which not implemented k_logout, how should I handle k_logout request, is there any document for handle k_logout?

Qing Zhang

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