[keycloak-user] 2 emails being sent after pressing browser back-button in reset password process

Stan Silvert ssilvert at redhat.com
Fri Sep 6 08:47:00 EDT 2019

I don't think this is a known bug.  Can you file a JIRA for it?

On 9/6/2019 7:31 AM, Igor Afanasov wrote:
> Didn't find similar in the JIRA.
> Steps to reproduce:
>     - Go to the login screen
>     - Click forgot Password
>     - Fill in your username on the screen 'Reset password'
>     - Click Submit
>     - After submission, the user is redirected to the login screen.
>     - Click on Browser back-button
>     - The URL string is refreshed and a second email is triggered and sent
>     to the email of the candidate
> Is it a (known) bug?
> The solution seems feasible - override browser history after email sent.

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