[keycloak-user] Execution Flow

Stuart keycloak at collectivesystems.com
Tue Sep 24 10:37:27 EDT 2019

Hi All,

I'm a little confused with configuring alternative execution flows.

I currently have the follow configured.

Username Password Form
TOTP Configured?             <- Alternative
                    OTP Form       <- Optional
No, SMS then                     <- Alternative
                    SMS Auth       <- Optional

As you can guess, I want SMS auth to trigger if OTP is not configured.

At the moment it seem that if OTP isn't configured, the OTP Form is skipped
and authentication is successful and SMS is skipped.  Is there a way to
tell keycloak the if OTP is not configured then the 'TOTP Configured?'
execution flow has failed, so the 'No, SMS then' execution flow is actioned?



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