[keycloak-user] register new user; redirect to specific client url

Matthieu Huin mhuin at redhat.com
Thu Sep 26 05:36:03 EDT 2019

Hello John,

I happen to have written a MQTT event listener for keycloak:
https://github.com/mhuin/keycloak-event-listener-mqtt - it's mostly based
on the text event listener you can find in the keycloak-examples repository
on github.

It's kind of "alpha" status because there aren't tests and it doesn't
support config parameters, and also mostly because my Java skills are
extremely limited; but I managed to make it work with Keycloak 6 a while
ago and in my specific MQTT setup, following KC's documentation about SPIs.
Hopefully it'll give you some pointers to achieve what you want. Also, feel
free to contribute to it if you can!

Best regards,


On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 11:09 AM John Norris <johnnorris-10 at outlook.com>

> Hi Marek,
> it is not unusual for me to be the only one to think something is obvious.
> Unfortunately not a very useful character trait.
> You mentioned event listeners. Just so we are talking about the same
> thing, you mean the events in the admin console?
> So, I could write my own event listener for keycloak and it would show up
> here (currently the two built in event listeners are jboss-logging and
> email). Then save events to "on" and remove all events except for register?
> And that event listener would be able to call my application
> "post-register" endpoint?
> And my java code is a separate project and then the jar is registered as a
> module in keycloak? (section 6.2.2 of the Server Developer docs)
> Looking at the docs
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_single_sign-on/7.0/html/server_administration_guide/auditing_and_events,
> that mentions keycloak-server.json. I have keycloak 6.0.1 and that does not
> have this file. Has it been replaced with application.keystore? Which is a
> binary file and so uneditable.
> Could you point me in the direction of some documentation for producing a
> custom event listener with lots of examples?
> Regards,
> John
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Matthieu Huin

Senior Software Developper

Red Hat <https://www.redhat.com>


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