[keycloak-user] Account Management Rest API

Corentin Dupont corentin.dupont at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 10:52:02 EDT 2019

I wanted know the status of the new account Console and API (see
message copied bellow)?
I have an application developed in ReactJS, which is using Keycloak
account pages generated by Keycloak (4.4.0).
I would like to add additional elements to the account page, that are
not controlled by Keycloak.
Notably, I need to access the Redux store and make some HTTP requests
to an eternal API.

What do you suggest? I was thinking to re-do completely the account
pages with React, and retrieve the data from Keycloak using API.
However I'm not sure the account management API is ready on Keycloak side.



Stan Silvert wrote on Mon Apr 15 12:32:07 EDT 2019:

Right now this API is in development and subject to change at any time.
We are hoping to have it completed in the next few months.

Also, we are working on a new Account Console that will use PatternFly 4
and React.  It will be easy to extend, so you can add your own pages.
It will work better on mobile devices.  And of course, you will be able
to change it around with different themes and such.

So building your own console from this new Account Console might be a
better option than building the whole thing from scratch.

If you are interested, the code is here along with a readme that tells
how to build and run.  It's very much a work in

I still need to document how to create extensions, so let me know if you
are interested in that.


On 4/15/2019 11:23 AM, Gabriele Rabbiosi wrote:
>* Hi guys,
*>* I'd like more information about the AccountRestService class
*>* (https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/master/services/src/main/java/org/keycloak/services/resources/account/AccountRestService.java
*>>* 1. I noticed that there are still a couple of TODO (such as Identity
*>* Providers management), is there a roadmap for the development of this
*>* missing features?
*>* 2. Are these API public or for internal use only? I'd like to use them
*>* to implement a custom Account Management page for my application.
*>* 3. How stable are they? How likely is it that they will change or
*>* disappear in the (near) future?
*>>* Thanky you.
*>* Best regards
*>>* --
*>>* BeePMN Software Engineer

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