<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div>Hi all, <br><br></div>I'm trying to
integrate keycloak in a federation of indentities (shibolleth) using the
SAMLv2 Identity Provider. The problem is that the federation count
something like 100 Identity Providers and I'm afraid of the L&F of
the GUI as for now, adding 3 of them is creating a button for each. Is
there is a limit or something that creates a drop down menu ? (like this
list <a href="https://discovery.renater.fr/renater">https://discovery.renater.fr/renater</a>)<a href="https://discovery.renater.fr/renater/?entityID=https%3A%2F%2Fsaga.renater.fr%2F&return=https%3A%2F%2Fsaga.renater.fr%2FShibboleth.sso%2FLogin%3FSAMLDS%3D1%26passwd%3DhT6oU5$.%21%26submit_saga%3DConnexion%26%26target%3Dss%253Amem%253Aa66aa537777acf60e05706949b588b203be0a12e" target="_blank"></a><br></div>The goal for me is to create a kind of parser for this idps list : <br><a href="http://federation.renater.fr/renater/idps-renater-metadata.xml">http://federation.renater.fr/renater/idps-renater-metadata.xml</a><br></div>in order to parse this list and maintain my IDPs in keycloak up to date.<br><br></div>Another question is : is each client in keycloak has to be declared as a Service Provider or only the keycloak server ?<br><br></div>If you have any feedback for shibolleth federation integration using keycloak I'll be very glad to share them.<br><br></div>Thanks a lot, Best Regards, Jérôme.</div>