[mod_cluster-dev] Cycling a node or entire domain

Bela Ban bela at jboss.com
Wed Feb 4 04:08:50 EST 2009

In mod-jk, we had the ability to disable and/or stop a worker. Disabling 
a wroker W meant that existing sessions would be served, but new 
sessions would not be created on W, until W was enabled again.

I'd like to have the same capability in mod-cluster. It would be good to 

    * this capability added to /mod_cluster-manager and possibly
    * provide a script (in jboss/bin ?) which allows an admin to do the
      same thing, e.g. "./disable-worker.sh node2" or "./disable-domain D3"

The functionality should include

    * Disabling a worker W
    * Stopping a worker W. Note that we can achive this by shutting W
      down, but 'stopping a worker' merely removes W from httpd's worker
      list, but doesn't require a shutdown of W (W would also not
      register with httpd at this point)
    * Starting a worker W. The opposite of stopping W. Have W resume
      registering with httpd
    * Enabling a worker W. Allows for new sessions to be created on W
    * Disabling / stopping / starting / enabling a domain D. Same as
      above, but for all workers in a given domain D.
    * It would be nice to be notified when all sessions in a disabled
      domain have expired

Can we create a JIRA to do this ?

Bela Ban
Lead JGroups / Clustering Team
JBoss - a division of Red Hat

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