using InternalLogger in Netty's wrapper

Piotr Findeisen piotr.findeisen at
Mon Jun 22 17:57:45 EDT 2009


I'm writing a not-so-thin wrapper around Netty that provides mutlti-point
communication using custom protocol.
I would like to achieve code at least a little as configurable as Netty's
code is. For example, I'd like to use logging framework of my users's
choice. From skimming Netty's code it should be enough to put
private static final InternalLogger logger =
in my classes.

Thus the I would achieve the goal with no effort, while my users would have
to configure use of their framework of choice only once (once for Netty --
and for my code too). Cool -- but the InternalLogger is commented "*DO
NOT*access this class outside of Netty."
Why is that? How can I achieve configurable logging framework, preferably
not duplicating the code?

thanks for help!
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