Maximize Netty performances

Frederic Bregier fredbregier at
Thu Mar 5 12:07:35 EST 2009

Hi Patrizio,

For me, you have almost all.

I could suggest the following:
- adding the .setOption("reuseAddress", true) 
   both on server (using "child.reuseAddress") and client sides

- adding if necessary an OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor in your
  (that you could create once for all connections and reuse it)
  bewteen you "encoder" and "handler". This is only needed if your handler
  is doing stuff like database, file access, or any heavy computations.
  Heavy can depend on each case of software, so it is up to you to check
  if it is better or not.

- perhaps using DefaultChannelGroup to add any created channel to it
  (either in client or server) in order to allow a shutdown of Netty
  more easily:

  In your "handler", you can add in the channelConnected a

  Again in the "handler" in channelClosed, add a

  And finaly in your global exit command (like shutdown in your other post):
  myChannelGroup.close().awaitUninterruptibly(); // it should close all
      // channel, even the father in Server version
  then your "orderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor".shutdownNow(); // if you
added one
  then your "channelFactory" (from new NioXXXSocketChannelFactory)
        "channelFactory".releaseExternalResources(); // should release all
    // like thread pools.

I think it is all... ;-)

Hardware/Software Architect
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