Jimmy Zhang crackeur at comcast.net
Fri Aug 13 03:40:43 EDT 2010

VTD-XML 2.9, the next generation XML Processing API for SOA and Cloud computing, has been released. Please visit  https://sourceforge.net/projects/vtd-xml/files/ to download the latest version.
  a.. Strict Conformance 
    a.. VTD-XML now fully conforms to XML namespace 1.0 spec 
  b.. Performance Improvement
    a.. Significantly improved parsing performance for small XML files 
  c.. Expand Core VTD-XML API  
    a.. Adds getPrefixString(), and toNormalizedString2() 
  d.. Cutting/Splitting 
    a.. Adds getSiblingElementFragment()  
  e.. A number of bug fixes and code enhancement including: 
    a.. Fixes a bug for reading very large XML documents on some platforms 
    b.. Fixes a bug in parsing processing instruction 
    c.. Fixes a bug in outputAndReparse() 
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