LittleProxy 0.3 Released

Adam Fisk a at
Sat Aug 21 17:14:51 EDT 2010

Hi Everyone- I released Netty-based LittleProxy 0.3 out in the wild
yesterday. It contains a lot of improvements over 0.2, most
importantly much better performance, update to Netty 3.2.1 Final,
custom response processing, and maven support. The full change log is

This release also includes LittleProxy's first outside patch, coming
from Valentin Alexeev to allow proxy chaining. Thanks Valentin!!

We've done some initial tests with Apache Benchmark that show
LittleProxy significantly outperforms Apache's mod_proxy, in some
cases by as much as 80%. We'll release more detailed performance
benchmarks at some point (feel free to contribute some if you've got
'em!!), but have a look here if you're curious:

Finally, there's also a new LittleProxy site with more documentation here:

Thanks everyone, and most of all to Trustin. LittleProxy very much
"stands on the shoulders of giants" - none of LittleProxy's
performance would be possible without it.


Adam Fisk | |

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