[resteasy-dev] Testsuite question

Katerina Novotna kanovotn at redhat.com
Wed Apr 19 06:32:24 EDT 2017

----- Original Message -----
> This question arises from RESTEASY-1617 "Add support for injection in
> constraint validators on Java SE". We already use a CDI aware
> ValidatorFactory in the context of Wildfly / EAP, but not in Java SE.
> My question is: where do I test this new facility? I've got a test that
> makes an invocation to an embedded instance of Undertow. We have

Could you please point me to your branch with the test?

> resteasy-integration-tests for running tests on Wildfly, which isn't
> appropriate in this case. We also have resteasy-unit-tests, but my
> understanding is that it's not for tests that make network invocations.
> We could create a new test module for running tests with embedded
> servers. Or I could just put it in resteasy-integration-tests and forget
> about it.
> It's not a big deal, but I'm open to suggestions.

My opinion is, that it could be placed into resteasy-integration-tests into new package to separate the tests from other integration tests.
If in the future there should be more tests for different server adapters, then new module would be better.

-- Katka

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