[rhmessaging-commits] rhmessaging commits: r3461 - mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging.

rhmessaging-commits at lists.jboss.org rhmessaging-commits at lists.jboss.org
Thu Jun 18 13:41:14 EDT 2009

Author: justi9
Date: 2009-06-18 13:41:14 -0400 (Thu, 18 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 3461

Rename client.py to connection.py

Modified: mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/broker.py
--- mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/broker.py	2009-06-18 15:46:18 UTC (rev 3460)
+++ mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/broker.py	2009-06-18 17:41:14 UTC (rev 3461)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 from queue import *
 from exchange import *
 from brokerlink import *
-from client import *
+from connection import *
 from brokerlink import LinkSet

Deleted: mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/client.py
--- mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/client.py	2009-06-18 15:46:18 UTC (rev 3460)
+++ mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/client.py	2009-06-18 17:41:14 UTC (rev 3461)
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-from wooly import *
-from wooly.widgets import *
-from wooly.tables import *
-from datetime import datetime
-from cumin.stat import *
-from cumin.widgets import *
-from cumin.modelwidgets import *
-from cumin.parameters import *
-from cumin.formats import *
-from cumin.util import *
-import main
-strings = StringCatalog(__file__)
-class ConnectionSet(CuminSelectionTable):
-    def __init__(self, app, name, vhost):
-        item = ConnectionParameter(app, "item")
-        super(ConnectionSet, self).__init__(app, name, item)
-        self.vhost = vhost
-        col = self.AddressColumn(app, "addr")
-        self.add_column(col)
-        self.set_default_column(col)
-        col = self.SystemConnectionColumn(app, "sysconn")
-        self.add_column(col)
-        col = self.AuthIdentityColumn(app, "authid")
-        self.add_column(col)
-        col = self.FedLinkColumn(app, "fedlink")
-        self.add_column(col)
-        col = self.SentColumn(app, "sent")
-        col.alignment = "right"
-        self.add_column(col)
-        col = self.ReceivedColumn(app, "received")
-        col.alignment = "right"
-        self.add_column(col)
-        self.unit = StateSwitch(app, "unit")
-        self.unit.add_state("b", "Bytes")
-        self.unit.add_state("f", "Frames")
-        self.switches.add_child(self.unit)
-        self.phase = PhaseSwitch(app, "phase")
-        self.filters.add_child(self.phase)
-        task = main.module.connection_set_close
-        button = TaskButton(app, "close", task, self.selection)
-        self.add_child(button)
-    def get_unit_plural(self, session):
-        return self.unit.get(session) == "b" and "Bytes" or "Frames"
-    def render_title(self, session):
-        vhost = self.vhost.get(session)
-        return "Connections %s" % fmt_count(vhost.clientConnections.count())
-    def render_sql_where(self, session):
-        vhost = self.vhost.get(session)
-        constraints = list()
-        constraints.append("l.vhost_id = %(id)r")
-        constraints.append(self.phase.get_sql_constraint(session, vhost))
-        return "where %s" % " and ".join(constraints)
-    def get_sql_values(self, session):
-        vhost = self.vhost.get(session)
-        return {"id": vhost.id}
-    class AddressColumn(SqlTableColumn):
-        def render_title(self, session, data):
-            return "Address"
-        def render_content(self, session, data):
-            conn = Identifiable(data["id"])
-            href = self.frame.connection.get_href(session, conn)
-            return fmt_link(href, fmt_shorten(data["addr"]))
-    class SystemConnectionColumn(SqlTableColumn):
-        def render_title(self, session, data):
-            return "Connect Type"
-        def render_content(self, session, data):
-            if data['sysconn']:
-                return "System"
-            else:
-                return "Client"
-    class AuthIdentityColumn(SqlTableColumn):
-        def render_title(self, session, data):
-            return "Auth Id"
-    class FedLinkColumn(SqlTableColumn):
-        def render_title(self, session, data):
-            return "Fed Link"
-        def render_content(self, session, data):
-            if data['fedlink']:
-                return "Yes"
-            else:
-                return "No"
-    class SentColumn(NullSortColumn, FreshDataOnlyColumn):
-        def render_title(self, session, data):
-            return "%s Sent" % self.parent.get_unit_plural(session)
-        def get_column_key(self, session):
-            unit = self.parent.unit.get(session)
-            return unit == "b" and "bs" or "fs"
-        def render_value(self, session, value):
-            return fmt_rate(value, "", "sec")
-    class ReceivedColumn(NullSortColumn, FreshDataOnlyColumn):
-        def render_title(self, session, data):
-            return "%s Received" % self.parent.get_unit_plural(session)
-        def get_column_key(self, session):
-            unit = self.parent.unit.get(session)
-            return unit == "b" and "br" or "fr"
-        def render_value(self, session, value):
-            return fmt_rate(value, "", "sec")
-class ConnectionFrame(CuminFrame):
-    def __init__(self, app, name):
-        super(ConnectionFrame, self).__init__(app, name)
-        self.object = ConnectionParameter(app, "id")
-        self.add_parameter(self.object)
-        self.view = ConnectionView(app, "view", self.object)
-        self.add_mode(self.view)
-    def show_object(self, session, conn):
-        if hasattr(conn, "vhost"):
-            self.frame.set_object(session, conn.vhost.broker)
-        return super(ConnectionFrame, self).show_object(session, conn)
-class ConnectionCloseForm(CuminTaskForm):
-    def __init__(self, app, name, task):
-        super(ConnectionCloseForm, self).__init__(app, name, task)
-        self.object = ConnectionParameter(app, "conn")
-        self.add_parameter(self.object)
-class ConnectionSetCloseForm(CuminTaskForm):
-    def __init__(self, app, name, task):
-        super(ConnectionSetCloseForm, self).__init__(app, name, task)
-        item = ConnectionParameter(app, "item")
-        self.object = ListParameter(app, "conn", item)
-        self.add_parameter(self.object)
-class ConnectionView(CuminView):
-    def __init__(self, app, name, conn):
-        super(ConnectionView, self).__init__(app, name)
-        self.tabs = TabbedModeSet(app, "tabs")
-        self.add_child(self.tabs)
-        self.tabs.add_tab(ConnectionStats(app, "stats"))
-        self.sessions = SessionSet(app, "sessions", conn)
-        self.tabs.add_tab(self.sessions)
-        self.tabs.add_tab(CuminDetails(app, "details"))
-class ConnectionStats(Widget):
-    def __init__(self, app, name):
-        super(ConnectionStats, self).__init__(app, name)
-        self.add_child(StatSet(app, "io", "io"))
-        self.add_child(StatSet(app, "general", "general"))
-        chart = self.SendReceiveRateChart(app, "sendrecv")
-        self.add_child(chart)
-    def render_title(self, session):
-        return "Statistics"
-    class SendReceiveRateChart(StatValueChart):
-        def __init__(self, app, name):
-            super(ConnectionStats.SendReceiveRateChart, self).__init__(app, name)
-            self.stats = ("bytesFromClient", "bytesToClient")
-            self.mode = "rate"
-        def render_title(self, session, conn):
-            return "Bytes Sent and Received"
-class SessionSetTaskForm(CuminTaskForm):
-    def __init__(self, app, name, task):
-        super(SessionSetTaskForm, self).__init__(app, name, task)
-        item = SessionParameter(app, "item")
-        self.object = ListParameter(app, "session", item)
-        self.add_parameter(self.object)
-class SessionSet(CuminSelectionTable):
-    def __init__(self, app, name, conn):
-        item = SessionParameter(app, "item")
-        super(SessionSet, self).__init__(app, name, item)
-        self.conn = conn
-        col = self.NameColumn(app, "name")
-        self.add_column(col)
-        self.set_default_column(col)
-        col = self.ExpiresColumn(app, "expires")
-        self.add_column(col)
-        col = self.StatusColumn(app, "status")
-        self.add_column(col)
-        self.__phase = PhaseSwitch(app, "phase")
-        self.add_child(self.__phase)
-        task = main.module.session_set_detach
-        self.buttons.add_child(TaskButton(app, "detach", task, self.selection))
-        task = main.module.session_set_close
-        self.buttons.add_child(TaskButton(app, "close", task, self.selection))
-    def render_title(self, session):
-        conn = self.conn.get(session)
-        return "Sessions %s" % fmt_count(conn.sessions.count())
-    def render_sql_where(self, session):
-        conn = self.conn.get(session)
-        elems = list()
-        elems.append("s.client_connection_id = %(id)r")
-        elems.append(self.__phase.get_sql_constraint(session, conn))
-        return "where %s" % " and ".join(elems)
-    def get_sql_values(self, session):
-        conn = self.conn.get(session)
-        return {"id": conn.id}
-    class NameColumn(SqlTableColumn):
-        def render_title(self, session, data):
-            return "Name"
-    class ExpiresColumn(SqlTableColumn):
-        def render_title(self, session, data):
-            return "Expires"
-        def render_value(self, session, value):
-            return fmt_datetime(value)
-    class StatusColumn(SqlTableColumn):
-        def render_title(self, session, data):
-            return "Attached?"
-        def render_content(self, session, data):
-            return fmt_predicate(data["attached"])

Deleted: mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/client.strings
--- mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/client.strings	2009-06-18 15:46:18 UTC (rev 3460)
+++ mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/client.strings	2009-06-18 17:41:14 UTC (rev 3461)
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-  l.id,
-  l.system_connection as sysconn,
-  l.auth_identity as authid,
-  l.federation_link as fedlink,
-  l.address as addr,
-  (c.bytes_from_client - p.bytes_from_client)
-   / (extract(epoch from (c.qmf_update_time - p.qmf_update_time)) + 0.0001) as bs,
-  case when p.bytes_from_client is null then true else false end as bs_is_null,
-  (c.frames_from_client - p.frames_from_client)
-   / (extract(epoch from (c.qmf_update_time - p.qmf_update_time)) + 0.0001) as fs,
-  case when p.frames_from_client is null then true else false end as fs_is_null,
-  (c.bytes_to_client - p.bytes_to_client)
-   / (extract(epoch from (c.qmf_update_time - p.qmf_update_time)) + 0.0001) as br,
-  case when p.bytes_to_client is null then true else false end as br_is_null,
-  (c.frames_to_client - p.frames_to_client)
-   / (extract(epoch from (c.qmf_update_time - p.qmf_update_time)) + 0.0001) as fr,
-  case when p.frames_to_client is null then true else false end as fr_is_null,
-  c.qmf_update_time
-from client_connection as l
-left outer join client_connection_stats as c on c.id = l.stats_curr_id
-left outer join client_connection_stats as p on p.id = l.stats_prev_id
-select count(*)
-from client_connection as l
-left outer join client_connection_stats as c on c.id = l.stats_curr_id
-<table class="twocol">
-  <tbody>
-  <tr>
-    <td>
-      <h2>Input/Output</h2>
-      {io}
-      <h2>General</h2>
-      {general}
-    </td>
-    <td>
-      {sendrecv}
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  </tbody>
-select s.id, s.name, s.expire_time as expires, s.attached
-from session as s
-left outer join session_stats as c on c.id = s.stats_curr_id
-left outer join session_stats as p on p.id = s.stats_prev_id
-select count(*)
-from session as s
-left outer join session_stats as c on c.id = s.stats_curr_id

Copied: mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/connection.py (from rev 3460, mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/client.py)
--- mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/connection.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/connection.py	2009-06-18 17:41:14 UTC (rev 3461)
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+from wooly import *
+from wooly.widgets import *
+from wooly.tables import *
+from datetime import datetime
+from cumin.stat import *
+from cumin.widgets import *
+from cumin.modelwidgets import *
+from cumin.parameters import *
+from cumin.formats import *
+from cumin.util import *
+import main
+strings = StringCatalog(__file__)
+class ConnectionSet(CuminSelectionTable):
+    def __init__(self, app, name, vhost):
+        item = ConnectionParameter(app, "item")
+        super(ConnectionSet, self).__init__(app, name, item)
+        self.vhost = vhost
+        col = self.AddressColumn(app, "addr")
+        self.add_column(col)
+        self.set_default_column(col)
+        col = self.SystemConnectionColumn(app, "sysconn")
+        self.add_column(col)
+        col = self.AuthIdentityColumn(app, "authid")
+        self.add_column(col)
+        col = self.FedLinkColumn(app, "fedlink")
+        self.add_column(col)
+        col = self.SentColumn(app, "sent")
+        col.alignment = "right"
+        self.add_column(col)
+        col = self.ReceivedColumn(app, "received")
+        col.alignment = "right"
+        self.add_column(col)
+        self.unit = StateSwitch(app, "unit")
+        self.unit.add_state("b", "Bytes")
+        self.unit.add_state("f", "Frames")
+        self.switches.add_child(self.unit)
+        self.phase = PhaseSwitch(app, "phase")
+        self.filters.add_child(self.phase)
+        task = main.module.connection_set_close
+        button = TaskButton(app, "close", task, self.selection)
+        self.add_child(button)
+    def get_unit_plural(self, session):
+        return self.unit.get(session) == "b" and "Bytes" or "Frames"
+    def render_title(self, session):
+        vhost = self.vhost.get(session)
+        return "Connections %s" % fmt_count(vhost.clientConnections.count())
+    def render_sql_where(self, session):
+        vhost = self.vhost.get(session)
+        constraints = list()
+        constraints.append("l.vhost_id = %(id)r")
+        constraints.append(self.phase.get_sql_constraint(session, vhost))
+        return "where %s" % " and ".join(constraints)
+    def get_sql_values(self, session):
+        vhost = self.vhost.get(session)
+        return {"id": vhost.id}
+    class AddressColumn(SqlTableColumn):
+        def render_title(self, session, data):
+            return "Address"
+        def render_content(self, session, data):
+            conn = Identifiable(data["id"])
+            href = self.frame.connection.get_href(session, conn)
+            return fmt_link(href, fmt_shorten(data["addr"]))
+    class SystemConnectionColumn(SqlTableColumn):
+        def render_title(self, session, data):
+            return "Connect Type"
+        def render_content(self, session, data):
+            if data['sysconn']:
+                return "System"
+            else:
+                return "Client"
+    class AuthIdentityColumn(SqlTableColumn):
+        def render_title(self, session, data):
+            return "Auth Id"
+    class FedLinkColumn(SqlTableColumn):
+        def render_title(self, session, data):
+            return "Fed Link"
+        def render_content(self, session, data):
+            if data['fedlink']:
+                return "Yes"
+            else:
+                return "No"
+    class SentColumn(NullSortColumn, FreshDataOnlyColumn):
+        def render_title(self, session, data):
+            return "%s Sent" % self.parent.get_unit_plural(session)
+        def get_column_key(self, session):
+            unit = self.parent.unit.get(session)
+            return unit == "b" and "bs" or "fs"
+        def render_value(self, session, value):
+            return fmt_rate(value, "", "sec")
+    class ReceivedColumn(NullSortColumn, FreshDataOnlyColumn):
+        def render_title(self, session, data):
+            return "%s Received" % self.parent.get_unit_plural(session)
+        def get_column_key(self, session):
+            unit = self.parent.unit.get(session)
+            return unit == "b" and "br" or "fr"
+        def render_value(self, session, value):
+            return fmt_rate(value, "", "sec")
+class ConnectionFrame(CuminFrame):
+    def __init__(self, app, name):
+        super(ConnectionFrame, self).__init__(app, name)
+        self.object = ConnectionParameter(app, "id")
+        self.add_parameter(self.object)
+        self.view = ConnectionView(app, "view", self.object)
+        self.add_mode(self.view)
+    def show_object(self, session, conn):
+        if hasattr(conn, "vhost"):
+            self.frame.set_object(session, conn.vhost.broker)
+        return super(ConnectionFrame, self).show_object(session, conn)
+class ConnectionCloseForm(CuminTaskForm):
+    def __init__(self, app, name, task):
+        super(ConnectionCloseForm, self).__init__(app, name, task)
+        self.object = ConnectionParameter(app, "conn")
+        self.add_parameter(self.object)
+class ConnectionSetCloseForm(CuminTaskForm):
+    def __init__(self, app, name, task):
+        super(ConnectionSetCloseForm, self).__init__(app, name, task)
+        item = ConnectionParameter(app, "item")
+        self.object = ListParameter(app, "conn", item)
+        self.add_parameter(self.object)
+class ConnectionView(CuminView):
+    def __init__(self, app, name, conn):
+        super(ConnectionView, self).__init__(app, name)
+        self.tabs = TabbedModeSet(app, "tabs")
+        self.add_child(self.tabs)
+        self.tabs.add_tab(ConnectionStats(app, "stats"))
+        self.sessions = SessionSet(app, "sessions", conn)
+        self.tabs.add_tab(self.sessions)
+        self.tabs.add_tab(CuminDetails(app, "details"))
+class ConnectionStats(Widget):
+    def __init__(self, app, name):
+        super(ConnectionStats, self).__init__(app, name)
+        self.add_child(StatSet(app, "io", "io"))
+        self.add_child(StatSet(app, "general", "general"))
+        chart = self.SendReceiveRateChart(app, "sendrecv")
+        self.add_child(chart)
+    def render_title(self, session):
+        return "Statistics"
+    class SendReceiveRateChart(StatValueChart):
+        def __init__(self, app, name):
+            super(ConnectionStats.SendReceiveRateChart, self).__init__(app, name)
+            self.stats = ("bytesFromClient", "bytesToClient")
+            self.mode = "rate"
+        def render_title(self, session, conn):
+            return "Bytes Sent and Received"
+class SessionSetTaskForm(CuminTaskForm):
+    def __init__(self, app, name, task):
+        super(SessionSetTaskForm, self).__init__(app, name, task)
+        item = SessionParameter(app, "item")
+        self.object = ListParameter(app, "session", item)
+        self.add_parameter(self.object)
+class SessionSet(CuminSelectionTable):
+    def __init__(self, app, name, conn):
+        item = SessionParameter(app, "item")
+        super(SessionSet, self).__init__(app, name, item)
+        self.conn = conn
+        col = self.NameColumn(app, "name")
+        self.add_column(col)
+        self.set_default_column(col)
+        col = self.ExpiresColumn(app, "expires")
+        self.add_column(col)
+        col = self.StatusColumn(app, "status")
+        self.add_column(col)
+        self.__phase = PhaseSwitch(app, "phase")
+        self.add_child(self.__phase)
+        task = main.module.session_set_detach
+        self.buttons.add_child(TaskButton(app, "detach", task, self.selection))
+        task = main.module.session_set_close
+        self.buttons.add_child(TaskButton(app, "close", task, self.selection))
+    def render_title(self, session):
+        conn = self.conn.get(session)
+        return "Sessions %s" % fmt_count(conn.sessions.count())
+    def render_sql_where(self, session):
+        conn = self.conn.get(session)
+        elems = list()
+        elems.append("s.client_connection_id = %(id)r")
+        elems.append(self.__phase.get_sql_constraint(session, conn))
+        return "where %s" % " and ".join(elems)
+    def get_sql_values(self, session):
+        conn = self.conn.get(session)
+        return {"id": conn.id}
+    class NameColumn(SqlTableColumn):
+        def render_title(self, session, data):
+            return "Name"
+    class ExpiresColumn(SqlTableColumn):
+        def render_title(self, session, data):
+            return "Expires"
+        def render_value(self, session, value):
+            return fmt_datetime(value)
+    class StatusColumn(SqlTableColumn):
+        def render_title(self, session, data):
+            return "Attached?"
+        def render_content(self, session, data):
+            return fmt_predicate(data["attached"])

Copied: mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/connection.strings (from rev 3460, mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/client.strings)
--- mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/connection.strings	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/trunk/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/connection.strings	2009-06-18 17:41:14 UTC (rev 3461)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+  l.id,
+  l.system_connection as sysconn,
+  l.auth_identity as authid,
+  l.federation_link as fedlink,
+  l.address as addr,
+  (c.bytes_from_client - p.bytes_from_client)
+   / (extract(epoch from (c.qmf_update_time - p.qmf_update_time)) + 0.0001) as bs,
+  case when p.bytes_from_client is null then true else false end as bs_is_null,
+  (c.frames_from_client - p.frames_from_client)
+   / (extract(epoch from (c.qmf_update_time - p.qmf_update_time)) + 0.0001) as fs,
+  case when p.frames_from_client is null then true else false end as fs_is_null,
+  (c.bytes_to_client - p.bytes_to_client)
+   / (extract(epoch from (c.qmf_update_time - p.qmf_update_time)) + 0.0001) as br,
+  case when p.bytes_to_client is null then true else false end as br_is_null,
+  (c.frames_to_client - p.frames_to_client)
+   / (extract(epoch from (c.qmf_update_time - p.qmf_update_time)) + 0.0001) as fr,
+  case when p.frames_to_client is null then true else false end as fr_is_null,
+  c.qmf_update_time
+from client_connection as l
+left outer join client_connection_stats as c on c.id = l.stats_curr_id
+left outer join client_connection_stats as p on p.id = l.stats_prev_id
+select count(*)
+from client_connection as l
+left outer join client_connection_stats as c on c.id = l.stats_curr_id
+<table class="twocol">
+  <tbody>
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <h2>Input/Output</h2>
+      {io}
+      <h2>General</h2>
+      {general}
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      {sendrecv}
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  </tbody>
+select s.id, s.name, s.expire_time as expires, s.attached
+from session as s
+left outer join session_stats as c on c.id = s.stats_curr_id
+left outer join session_stats as p on p.id = s.stats_prev_id
+select count(*)
+from session as s
+left outer join session_stats as c on c.id = s.stats_curr_id

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