[rhmessaging-commits] rhmessaging commits: r3946 - in mgmt/newdata: bin and 19 other directories.

rhmessaging-commits at lists.jboss.org rhmessaging-commits at lists.jboss.org
Wed May 5 11:58:18 EDT 2010

Author: justi9
Date: 2010-05-05 11:58:15 -0400 (Wed, 05 May 2010)
New Revision: 3946

 * The console now accepts some qmf 1.1 data

 * Cumin no longer uses sqlobject; integrate RosemaryModel as the
   implementation of CuminModel; delete old schema stuff and
   sqlobject-based tooling

 * Reorganize top-level daemons under the names cumin-web and
   cumin-data (and eventually, cumin-agent)

 * Consolidate config for all daemons in cumin.conf

 * Move the model xml files under cumin

 * Use a purpose-built qmf session in cumin instead of embedding a
   full mint instance

 * Many improvements to cumin-database, the tool for setting up the
   postgresql instance

 * (This one's exciting!)  Fix the highly annoying hang on Ctrl-C we
   were seeing from the cherrypy wsgiserver

 * Improve the thread debugging code

 * Repair the change password functionality

 * Set a cursor on session intended for any db reads (and reads only)

 * Update readme for streamlined installation

 * Rename the existing RosemaryClass.get_object to get_object_by_id,
   and offer a new get_object that takes criteria and returns a single

 * We weren't properly vacuuming samples tables; fix that

 * Remove ssl config that no longer applies to updated cherrypy

Modified: mgmt/newdata/README
--- mgmt/newdata/README	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/README	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 These instructions assume you have sudo installed.  If not, you can
 install it (as shown below) or you can instead su to root.
-To install sudo:
+To install sudo (on a yum-driven distro):
   $ su -
   $ yum install sudo
@@ -17,10 +17,9 @@
 what you get in a typical Fedora install):
-  python-sqlobject
-  $ sudo yum install postgresql-server python-sqlobject python-psycopg2
+  $ sudo yum install postgresql-server python-psycopg2
 It also depends on the qpid python code.  You can satisfy these
 dependencies either by installing the python-qpid package, or by
@@ -66,68 +65,17 @@
 haven't already done it, you'll need to initialize the postgres
 service, edit permissions, and start it up.
-Initialize the postgresql data files:
+  $ sudo cumin-database stop           # If necessary
+  $ sudo cumin-database configure
+  $ sudo cumin-database start
+  $ su -c "cumin-database create"      # 'su -c' so the env inherits
-  $ sudo su - postgres                # Now you're the postgres user
-  $ initdb -D /var/lib/pgsql/data
+At this point you should have a working database.  Test it:
-Edit postgresql permissions:
+  $ sudo cumin-database check
-  $ vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
-    [Add the following line, *before* the other similar lines]
-    host    cumin       cumin          trust
-Alternative postgresql permissions:
-  $ vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
-    [Add the following line, *before* the other similar lines]
-    host    cumin       cumin          ident cumin
-  $ vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_ident.conf
-    [Add the following lines at the bottom, substituting your user
-     name for "youruser"]
-    cumin         youruser          cumin
-    cumin         root              cumin
-Start the postgresql service:
-  $ exit                              # Back to your own user
-  $ sudo /sbin/service postgresql start
-  Starting postgresql service:                               [  OK  ]
-Now you can create a database.  First you have to switch to the
-postgres user, and then you can use the create* scripts.
-Create the postgresql database:
-  $ sudo su - postgres                # Become the postgres user again
-  $ createuser --superuser cumin
-  $ createdb --owner=cumin cumin
-  $ exit                              # Leave the postgres user
-At this point you should have a working database.  Test it using psql:
-  $ psql -d cumin -U cumin -h localhost
-  Welcome to psql 8.2.7, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
-  [...]
-  cumin=#                             # Type \q to get out
-Now you can load the scheme definition.
-  $ cumin-admin create-schema
-  Executed 100 statements from file '/home/jross/checkouts/mgmt/cumin-test-0/sql/schema.sql'
-  Executed 6 statements from file '/home/jross/checkouts/mgmt/cumin-test-0/sql/indexes.sql'
 At this point you should have a working database and schema that you
-can connect to at postgresql://cumin@localhost/cumin.  All that
+can connect to with 'psql -d cumin -U cumin -h localhost'.  All that
 remains is to add a cumin user:
 Add a cumin user:
@@ -137,7 +85,6 @@
   Confirm new password:               # Re-type said password
   User 'guest' is added
@@ -151,12 +98,3 @@
   export DEVEL_HOME="${HOME}/mgmt"
   exec "${DEVEL_HOME}/bin/devel"
-1. PostgreSQL "sameuser ident" authentication
-   If you get an error about failed ident authentication, make sure
-   you have an ident server installed and running.

Modified: mgmt/newdata/bin/devel-check
--- mgmt/newdata/bin/devel-check	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/bin/devel-check	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 print "Python %s" % sys.version
-smodules = ["qpid", "mllib", "sqlobject", "psycopg2"]
+smodules = ["qpid", "mllib", "psycopg2"]
 for smodule in smodules:
     print "Module '%s' ->" % smodule,

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/bin/devel-reload-database
--- mgmt/newdata/bin/devel-reload-database	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/bin/devel-reload-database	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ]; then
-    echo "Usage: devel-reload-database DATABASE-USER DATABASE-NAME"
-    exit 1
-psql -U "$1" -d "$2" -c "drop schema public cascade"
-psql -U "$1" -d "$2" -c "create schema public"
-psql -U "$1" -d "$2" -f "$DEVEL_HOME"/mint/sql/schema.sql
-python "$DEVEL_HOME"/cumin/python/cumin/demo.py postgresql://"$1"@localhost/"$2"

Modified: mgmt/newdata/bin/reschema
--- mgmt/newdata/bin/reschema	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/bin/reschema	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
 #!/bin/bash -ex
-exec mint-demo reload
+cumin-admin drop-schema
+cumin-admin create-schema
+cumin-admin add-user guest guest

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 trap die EXIT
-mint-server &
+cumin-data &
-cumin-server &
+cumin-web &
 while :; do

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-admin
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-admin	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-admin	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+from parsley.collectionsex import defaultdict
+from cumin import *
+from cumin.config import *
+from cumin.util import *
+def main():
+    config = CuminConfig()
+    values = config.parse()
+    parser = CuminOptionParser(values.data)
+    opts, args = parser.parse_args()
+    try:
+        name = args[0]
+    except IndexError:
+        parser.print_usage()
+        sys.exit(1)
+    name = name.replace("-", "_")
+    commands = globals()
+    try:
+        command = commands[name]
+    except KeyError:
+        print "Command '%s' is unknown" % name
+        sys.exit(1)
+    app = Cumin(config.home, opts.broker, opts.database)
+    app.check()
+    app.init()
+    conn = app.database.get_connection()
+    cursor = conn.cursor()
+    try:
+        command(app, cursor, opts, args[1:])
+        conn.commit()
+    finally:
+        cursor.close()
+def error(msg):
+    print msg
+    sys.exit(1)
+def print_schema(app, cursor, opts, args):
+    print app.admin.get_schema(),
+def create_schema(app, cursor, opts, args):
+    app.admin.create_schema(cursor)
+    app.admin.add_role(cursor, "user")
+    app.admin.add_role(cursor, "admin")
+    print "The schema is created"
+def drop_schema(app, cursor, opts, args):
+    app.admin.drop_schema(cursor)
+    print "The schema is dropped"
+def list_users(app, cursor, opts, args):
+    user_cls = app.model.com_redhat_cumin.User
+    role_cls = app.model.com_redhat_cumin.Role
+    mapping_cls = app.model.com_redhat_cumin.UserRoleMapping
+    query = SqlQuery(mapping_cls.sql_table)
+    SqlInnerJoin(query,
+                 role_cls.sql_table,
+                 role_cls._id.sql_column,
+                 mapping_cls.sql_table._role_id)
+    users = user_cls.get_selection(cursor)
+    cols = (mapping_cls.sql_table._user_id, role_cls.name.sql_column)
+    sql = query.emit(cols)
+    cursor.execute(sql)
+    roles_by_user_id = defaultdict(list)
+    for id, name in cursor.fetchall():
+        roles_by_user_id[id].append(name)
+    print "  ID Name                 Roles"
+    print "---- -------------------- --------------------"
+    for user in users:
+        try:
+            roles = ", ".join(roles_by_user_id[user._id])
+        except KeyError:
+            roles = ""
+        print "%4i %-20s %-20s" % (user._id, user.name, roles)
+    count = len(users)
+    print
+    print "(%i user%s found)" % (count, ess(count))
+def add_user(app, cursor, opts, args):
+    try:
+        name = args[0]
+    except IndexError:
+        error("NAME is required")
+    try:
+        password = args[1]
+    except IndexError:
+        password = prompt_password()
+    crypted = crypt_password(password)
+    role = app.admin.get_role(cursor, "user")
+    try:
+        user = app.admin.add_user(cursor, name, crypted)
+    except IntegrityError:
+        error("Error: a user called '%s' already exists" % name)
+    app.admin.add_assignment(cursor, user, role)
+    print "User '%s' is added" % name
+def remove_user(app, cursor, opts, args):
+    try:
+        name = args[0]
+    except IndexError:
+        error("NAME is required")
+    user = app.admin.get_user(cursor, name)
+    user.delete(cursor)
+    print "User '%s' is removed" % name
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

Property changes on: mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-admin
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-admin-test
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-admin-test	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-admin-test	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
+trap "rm -rf ${tmpdir}" EXIT
+while read command; do
+    echo -n "Testing command '$command'..."
+    $command &> "${tmpdir}/output"
+    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
+        echo " OK"
+    else
+        echo
+        echo "Command failed with exit code $?"
+        echo "Output:"
+        cat "${tmpdir}/output"
+        code=1
+    fi
+done <<EOF
+cumin-admin --help
+cumin-admin add-user "$id" changeme
+cumin-admin remove-user "$id"
+#cumin-admin remove-user "$id" --force
+#cumin-admin assign "$id" admin
+#cumin-admin unassign "$id" admin
+#cumin-admin list-users
+exit "$code"

Property changes on: mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-admin-test
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-data
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-data	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-data	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+from cumin.config import *
+from cumin.util import *
+from mint import *
+def main():
+    config = CuminConfig()
+    values = config.parse()
+    parser = CuminOptionParser(values.data)
+    opts, args = parser.parse_args()
+    setup_logging(opts)
+    model_dir = os.path.join(config.home, "model")
+    mint = Mint(model_dir, opts.broker, opts.database)
+    mint.check()
+    mint.init()
+    if opts.init_only:
+        return
+    mint.start()
+    try:
+        while True:
+            # print_threads()
+            sleep(5)
+    finally:
+        mint.stop()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    try:
+        main()
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        pass

Property changes on: mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-data
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-database
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-database	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-database	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+if [[ "$EUID" != "0" ]]; then
+    echo "This script must be run as root"
+    exit 2
+function check-environment {
+    which rpm > /dev/null
+    rpm -q postgresql-server > /dev/null
+function check-server {
+    # Is it installed?
+    # Is it initialized?
+    # Is it running?
+    test -d "$pgdata" || {
+        echo "The database is not configured.  Run 'cumin-database configure'."
+        exit 1
+    }
+    /sbin/service postgresql status > /dev/null || {
+        echo "The database is not running.  Run 'cumin-database start'."
+        exit 1
+    }
+function check-access {
+    psql -d cumin -U cumin -h localhost -c '\q' &> /dev/null || {
+        echo "The database is not accessible.  Run 'cumin-database create'"
+        exit 1
+    }
+function format-output {
+    while read line; do
+        echo " | $line"
+    done
+function run {
+    echo " | \$ $1"
+    if [[ "$2" ]]; then
+        su - postgres -c "$1" | format-output 2>&1
+    else
+        $1 | format-output 2>&1
+    fi
+    return ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
+case "$1" in
+    start)
+        run "/sbin/service postgresql start"
+        echo "The database server is started."
+        ;;
+    stop)
+        run "/sbin/service postgresql stop"
+        echo "The database server is stopped."
+        ;;
+    configure)
+        check-environment
+        if grep ${dbname} ${pghbaconf} &> /dev/null; then
+            echo "The database server appears to have been configured already."
+            exit 1
+        fi
+        if /sbin/service postgresql status > /dev/null; then
+            echo "The database server is running.  To proceed with"
+            echo "configuration, it must be stopped."
+            exit 1
+        fi
+        if [[ ! -d "$pgdata" ]]; then
+            run "initdb --pgdata='$pgdata' --auth='ident sameuser'" postgres
+            run "mkdir '$pglog'" postgres
+            run "chmod 700 '$pglog'" postgres
+            /sbin/restorecon -R "$pgdata"
+        fi
+        python <<EOF
+from cumin.database import modify_pghba_conf
+modify_pghba_conf('${pghbaconf}', '${dbname}', 'cumin')
+        echo "The database server is configured."
+        ;;
+    check)
+        echo -n "Checking environment ... "
+        check-environment && echo "OK"
+        echo -n "Checking server ........ "
+        check-server && echo "OK"
+        echo -n "Checking access ........ "
+        check-access && echo "OK"
+        # check-data
+        echo "The database is ready."
+        ;;
+    create)
+        check-environment
+        check-server
+        run "createuser --superuser ${dbname}" postgres
+        run "createdb --owner=${dbname} ${dbname}" postgres
+        check-access
+        run "cumin-admin create-schema"
+        # run "cumin-admin add-role user"
+        # run "cumin-admin add-role admin"
+        echo "The database is initialized."
+        ;;
+    drop)
+        check-environment
+        check-server
+        run "dropdb ${dbname}" postgres
+        run "dropuser ${dbname}" postgres
+        echo "The database is dropped."
+        ;;
+    annihilate)
+        run "rm -rf /var/lib/pgsql/data"
+        echo "Ouch!"
+        ;;
+    *)
+        echo "Control and configure the cumin database"
+        echo "Usage: cumin-database COMMAND"
+        echo "Commands:"
+        echo "    start         Start the database server"
+        echo "    stop          Stop the database server"
+        echo "    configure     Configure the main database cluster"
+        echo "    check         Check the cumin database"
+        echo "    create        Create the user, database, and schema"
+        echo "    drop          Discard the database user, database, and all data"
+        exit 1
+        ;;

Property changes on: mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-database
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-web
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-web	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-web	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+from parsley.threadingex import print_threads
+from cumin import *
+from cumin.config import *
+from cumin.util import *
+def main():
+    config = CuminConfig()
+    values = config.parse()
+    parser = CuminOptionParser(values.web)
+    parser.add_option("--host", default=values.web.host)
+    parser.add_option("--port", default=values.web.port)
+    opts, args = parser.parse_args()
+    setup_logging(opts)
+    cumin = Cumin(config.home, opts.broker, opts.database,
+                  opts.host, opts.port)
+    cumin.user = values.web.user
+    cumin.check()
+    cumin.init()
+    if opts.init_only:
+        return
+    cumin.start()
+    try:
+        while True:
+            # print_threads()
+            sleep(5)
+    finally:
+        cumin.stop()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    try:
+        main()
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        pass

Property changes on: mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-web
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/instance/etc/cumin.conf
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/instance/etc/cumin.conf	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/instance/etc/cumin.conf	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
-data: postgresql://cumin@localhost/cumin
+# database: dbname=cumin user=cumin host=localhost
+# broker: localhost:5672
 debug: True
+# host: localhost
+# host:
 user: guest

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/instance/model
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/instance/model	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/instance/model	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link ../model
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: mgmt/newdata/cumin/instance/model
Name: svn:special
   + *

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/cumin/instance/sql
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/instance/sql	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/instance/sql	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-link ../../mint/sql
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/cumin/instance/xml
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/instance/xml	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/instance/xml	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-link ../../mint/xml
\ No newline at end of file

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/Makefile
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/Makefile	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+.PHONY: update
+FILES := qpid.xml qpid-store.xml qpid-acl.xml qpid-cluster.xml condor.xml sesame.xml
+	@echo "'make update' fetches new versions"
+update: ${FILES}
+	svn export http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/qpid/trunk/qpid/specs/management-schema.xml qpid.xml
+	svn export http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/rhmessaging/store/trunk/cpp/lib/qmf-schema.xml qpid-store.xml
+	svn export http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/qpid/trunk/qpid/cpp/src/qpid/acl/management-schema.xml qpid-acl.xml
+	svn export http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/qpid/trunk/qpid/cpp/src/qpid/cluster/management-schema.xml qpid-cluster.xml
+	wget "http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/grid.git?p=grid.git;a=blob_plain;f=src/management/condor-management-schema.xml;hb=V7_4-QMF-branch" -O condor.xml
+	svn export http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/rhmessaging/mgmt/trunk/sesame/cpp/src/qmfgen/schema.xml sesame.xml

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/condor.xml
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/condor.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/condor.xml	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
+<schema package="mrg.grid">
+ * Copyright 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+<group name="daemon-stats">
+  <property name="CondorPlatform"
+	    type="sstr"
+	    desc="The Condor platform string for the daemon's platform"/>
+  <property name="CondorVersion"
+	    type="sstr"
+	    desc="The Condor version string for the daemon's version"/>
+  <property name="DaemonStartTime"
+	    type="absTime" unit="nanosecond"
+	    desc="Number of nanoseconds since epoch when the daemon
+		  was started"/>
+  <statistic name="MonitorSelfAge" type="uint32"/>
+  <statistic name="MonitorSelfCPUUsage" type="double"/>
+  <statistic name="MonitorSelfImageSize" type="double"/>
+  <statistic name="MonitorSelfRegisteredSocketCount" type="uint32"/>
+  <statistic name="MonitorSelfResidentSetSize" type="uint32"/>
+  <statistic name="MonitorSelfTime" type="absTime"/>
+CpuBusy = ((LoadAvg - CondorLoadAvg) >= 0.500000)
+CpuBusyTime = 0
+CpuIsBusy = FALSE
+HasCheckpointing = TRUE
+HasFileTransfer = TRUE
+HasIOProxy = TRUE
+HasJava = TRUE
+HasJICLocalConfig = TRUE
+HasJICLocalStdin = TRUE
+HasJobDeferral = TRUE
+HasPerFileEncryption = TRUE
+HasReconnect = TRUE
+HasRemoteSyscalls = TRUE
+JavaMFlops = 8.156164
+JavaVendor = "Free Software Foundation, Inc."
+JavaVersion = "1.4.2"
+Subnet = "10.16.43"
+Set by Collector:
+  UpdateSequenceNumber = 627
+  UpdatesHistory = "0x00000000000000000000000000000000"
+  UpdatesLost = 0
+  UpdatesSequenced = 58
+  UpdatesTotal = 59
+  <class name="Slot">
+    <group name="daemon-stats"/>
+    <property name="Pool" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="System" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="AccountingGroup"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="AccountingGroup of the running job, fully
+		    qualified with a UidDomain, UidDomain taken from
+		    RemoteUser, only present when a job is
+		    executing"/>
+    <property name="Activity"
+	       type="sstr"
+	       desc="One of: Idle, No job activity; Busy, Job is
+		     running; Suspended, Job is suspended; Vacating,
+		     Job is being removed; Killing, Job is being
+		     killed; Benchmarking, Benchmarks being run"/>
+    <property name="Arch"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      desc="Slot's architecture, e.g.: ALPHA, Diginal Alpha;
+		    HPPA1, HP PA-RISC 1.x (7000 series); HPPA2, HP
+		    PA-RISC 2.x (8000 series); IA64, Intel Itanium;
+		    INTEL, Intel x86 (Pentium, Xeon, etc); SGI, SGI
+		    MIPS; SUN4u, Sun UltraSparc; SUN4x, Sun Sparc
+		    (not UltraSparc); PPC, Power Macintosh; PPC64,
+		    64-bit Power Macintosh; X86_64, AMD/Intel 64-bit
+		    x86"/>
+    <property name="CheckpointPlatform"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      desc="Opaque string encoding OS, hardware and kernel
+		    attributes"/>
+    <property name="ClientMachine"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="The hostname of the machine that has claimed the
+		    slot, only present when slot is claimed"/>
+    <statistic name="ClockDay"
+	       type="uint32"
+	       desc="Day of the week: 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, ..., 6 =
+		     Saturaday"/>
+    <statistic name="ClockMin"
+	       type="uint32" unit="minute"
+	       desc="Number of elapsed minutes since midnight"/>
+    <property name="ConcurrencyLimits"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="Set of concurrency limits associated with the
+		    current job"/>
+    <statistic name="CondorLoadAvg"
+	       type="double"
+	       desc="Portion of LoadAvg generated by Condor (job or
+		     benchmark)"/>
+    <statistic name="ConsoleIdle"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Seconds since activity on console keyboard or
+		     mouse"/>
+    <property name="Cpus"
+	      type="uint32"
+	      desc="Number of CPUs in slot"/>
+    <property name="CurrentRank"
+	      type="double"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="Slots' affinity for running the job it is
+		    currently hosting, calculated as Rank expression
+		    evaluated in context of the running job's ad"/>
+    <property name="Disk"
+	      type="uint32" unit="KiB"
+	      desc="Amount of disk space in KiB available in the slot"/>
+    <property name="EnteredCurrentActivity"
+	       type="absTime" unit="nanosecond"
+	       desc="Time at which current Activity was entered,
+		     number of nanoseconds since Unix epoch"/>
+    <property name="EnteredCurrentState"
+	       type="absTime" unit="nanosecond"
+	       desc="Time at which current State was entered,
+		     number of seconds since Unix epoch"/>
+    <property name="FileSystemDomain"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      desc="Configured namespace shared by slots with
+		    uniformly mounted shared storage"/>
+    <property name="GlobalJobId"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="The running job's GlobalJobId, only present when
+		    a job is executing"/>
+    <statistic name="ImageSize"
+	      type="uint32" unit="KiB"
+	      desc="Estimate of the memory image size, in KiB, of the
+		    running job, only present when a job is
+		    executing, pulled by STARTD_JOB_EXPRS"/>
+    <property name="IsValidCheckpointPlatform"
+	      type="lstr"
+	      desc="A configurable expression representing if a
+		    checkpointed job can run on the slot, part of the
+		    slot's Requirements along with the Start
+		    expression"/>
+    <property name="JobId"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="The running job's identifier,
+		    i.e. ClusterId.ProcId, only present when a job is
+		    executing"/>
+    <property name="JobStart"
+	      type="absTime" unit="nanosecond"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="The number of nanosecond since epoch when the job
+		    began executing, only present when a job is
+		    executing"/>
+    <statistic name="KeyboardIdle"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Number of seconds since any activity on any
+		     keyboard or mouse associated with the machine,
+		     including pseudo-terminals"/>
+    <property name="KFlops"
+	      type="uint32"
+	      desc="Relative floating point performance on a Linpack
+		    benchmark"/>
+    <property name="LastBenchmark"
+	       type="absTime" unit="nanosecond"
+	       desc="Number of nanoseconds since epoch when the last
+		     benchmark was run"/>
+    <property name="LastFetchWorkCompleted"
+	       type="absTime" unit="nanosecond"
+	       desc="Number of nanoseconds since epoch when the
+		     FetchWork Hook returned"
+               optional="y"/>
+    <property name="LastFetchWorkSpawned"
+	       type="absTime" unit="nanosecond"
+	       desc="Number of nanoseconds since epoch when the
+		     FetchWork Hook was invoked"
+               optional="y"/>
+    <property name="LastPeriodicCheckpoint"
+	       type="absTime" unit="nanosecond"
+	       desc="The number of nanoseconds since epoch when the
+		     job last performed a periodic checkpoint, only
+		     present when a job is executing"
+               optional="y"/>
+    <statistic name="LastHeardFrom"
+	       type="absTime" unit="nanosecond"
+	       desc="Time when the Collector received an update from
+		     the slot, nanoseconds since epoch, inserted by
+		     Collector"/>
+    <statistic name="LoadAvg"
+	       type="double"
+	       desc="Load average of CPUs hosting the slot"/>
+    <property name="Machine"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      desc="The fully qualified hostname of slot's host
+		    machine"/>
+    <property name="MaxJobRetirementTime"
+	      type="lstr" unit="second"
+	      desc="Expression evaluated in context of job ad
+		    producing the number of seconds a job is allowed
+		    to finish before being killed, relevant when job
+		    is being kicked out of the slot"/>
+    <property name="Memory"
+	      type="uint32" unit="MiB"
+	      desc="Amount of RAM available in the slot, in MiB"/>
+    <property name="Mips"
+	      type="uint32"
+	      desc="Relative integer performance on a Dhrystone
+		    benchmark"/>
+    <property name="MyAddress"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      desc="IP:Port of StartD in charge of the slot"/>
+    <statistic name="MyCurrentTime"
+	       type="absTime" unit="nanosecond"
+	       desc="The number of nanoseconds since epoch that the
+		     slot produced an updated ad"/>
+    <property name="MyType"
+	       type="sstr"
+	       desc="Always 'Machine'"\>
+    <property name="Name"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      index="y"
+	      desc="Name of the slot, either the same as Machine,
+		    slot#@Machine, or a configured value"/>
+    <property name="NextFetchWorkDelay"
+	       type="int32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Number of seconds until the next FetchWork
+		     Hook will be invoked, -1 means never"/>
+    <property name="OpSys"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      desc="Slot's operating system, e.g.: HPUX10, HPUX
+		    10.20; HPUX11, HPUX B.11.00; LINUX, Linux
+		    2.[0,2,4,6].x kernels; OSF1, Diginal Unix 4.x;
+		    OSX, Darwin; OSX10_2, Darwin 6.4; SOLARIS25,
+		    Solaris 2.4 or 5.5; SOLARIS251, Solaris 2.5.1 or
+		    5.5.1; SOLARIS26, Solaris 2.6 or 5.6; SOLARIS27,
+		    Solaris 2.7 or 5.7; SOLARIS28, Solaris 2.8 or
+		    5.8; SOLARIS29, Solaris 2.9 or 5.9; WINNT50,
+		    Windows 2000; WINNT51, Windows XP; WINNT52,
+		    Windows Server 2003; WINNT60, Windows Vista"/>
+    <property name="PreemptingConcurrencyLimits"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="Set of concurrency limits associated with the
+		    preempting job"/>
+    <property name="PreemptingOwner"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="The name of the user originally preempting the
+		    current job, i.e. the incoming user, only present
+		    when slot is claimed"/>
+    <property name="PreemptingUser"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="The name of the user preempting the current job,
+		    different from PreemptingOwner only if the claim
+		    was given to another user who is using it to
+		    preempt, only present when slot is claimed"/>
+    <property name="PreemptingRank"
+	      type="double"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="Slots' affinity for running the incoming,
+		    preempting, job, calculated as Rank expression
+		    evaluated in context of the incoming job's ad,
+		    only present when slot is claimed"/>
+    <property name="RemoteOwner"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="The name of the user who originally claimed the
+		    slot, only present when slot is claimed"/>
+    <property name="RemoteUser"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="The name of the user who is currently using the
+		    slot, different from RemoteOwner only if the
+		    claim was given to another user who is using the
+		    slot, only present when slot is claimed"/>
+    <property name="Requirements"
+	      type="lstr"
+	      desc="Expression evaluated in the context of a job ad
+		    to determine if the slot will run a job"/>
+    <property name="Rank"
+	      type="lstr"
+	      desc="Configured expression representing how the slot
+		    prefers jobs"/>
+    <property name="SlotID"
+	      type="uint32"
+	      desc="The # in the slot's Name, i.e. Name='slot#@Machine'"/>
+    <property name="Start"
+	      type="lstr"
+	      desc="Expression evaluated to determine if a slot is
+		    willing to start running a job"/>
+    <property name="StarterAbilityList"
+	      type="lstr"
+	      desc="StringList, comma separated, set of abilities the
+		    slot has, i.e. HasFileTransfer,HasJava,HasVM,
+		    query with stringListMember('Element',
+		    StarterAbilityList)"/>
+    <property name="State"
+	       type="sstr"
+	       desc="One of: Owner, unavailable to Condor; Unclaimed,
+		     available to Condor, but no job match yet;
+		     Matched, job found, but not yet claimed; Claimed,
+		     claimed and job likely running (see Activity);
+		     Preempting, running job is being kicked off the
+		     slot"/>
+    <statistic name="TargetType"
+	       type="sstr"
+	       desc="Always 'Job'"/>
+    <property name="TimeToLive"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Number of second until StartD managing the slot
+		     has until it will exit"/>
+    <property name="TotalClaimRunTime"
+	      type="uint32" unit="second"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="Number of seconds the current claim has spent
+		    running jobs, only present when slot is
+		    claimed"/>
+    <property name="TotalClaimSuspendTime"
+	      type="uint32" unit="second"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="Number of seconds the current claim has spent
+		    with suspended jobs, only present when slot is
+		    claimed"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalCondorLoadAvg"
+	       type="double"
+	       desc="Portion of TotalLoadAvg generated by Condor (jobs
+		     or benchmarks)"/>
+    <property name="TotalCpus"
+	      type="uint32"
+	      desc="Total number of CPUs on slot's host machine, or
+		    NUM_CPUS configuration option"/>
+    <property name="TotalDisk"
+	      type="uint32" unit="KiB"
+	      desc="Amount of disk space available on the slot's host
+		    machine"/>
+    <property name="TotalJobRunTime"
+	      type="uint32" unit="second"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="Number of seconds the current job has spent
+		    running, i.e. Claimed/Busy, only present when
+		    slot is claimed"/>
+    <property name="TotalJobSuspendTime"
+	      type="uint32" unit="second"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="Number of seconds the current job has spent
+		    suspended, i.e. Claimed/Suspended, only present
+		    when slot is claimed"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalLoadAvg"
+	       type="double"
+	       desc="Total load average of the slot's host machine"/>
+    <property name="TotalMemory"
+	      type="uint32" unit="MiB"
+	      desc="Total RAM available on slot's machine, in MiB"/>
+    <property name="TotalSlots"
+	      type="uint32"
+	      desc="Total number of slots sharing the Machine"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalTimeBackfillBusy"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Accumulated number of seconds the slot has been
+		     in State=Backfill and Activity=Busy since the
+		     Startd started"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalTimeBackfillIdle"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Accumulated number of seconds the slot has been
+		     in State=Backfill and Activity=Idle since the
+		     Startd started"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalTimeBackfillKilling"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Accumulated number of seconds the slot has been
+		     in State=Backfill and Activity=Killing since the
+		     Startd started"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalTimeClaimedBusy"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Accumulated number of seconds the slot has been
+		     in State=Claimed and Activity=Busy since the
+		     Startd started"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalTimeClaimedIdle"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Accumulated number of seconds the slot has been
+		     in State=Claimed and Activity=Idle since the
+		     Startd started"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalTimeClaimedRetiring"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Accumulated number of seconds the slot has been
+		     in State=Claimed and Activity=Retiring since the
+		     Startd started"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalTimeClaimedSuspended"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Accumulated number of seconds the slot has been
+		     in State=Claimed and Activity=Suspended since the
+		     Startd started"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalTimeMatchedIdle"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Accumulated number of seconds the slot has been
+		     in State=Matched and Activity=Idle since the
+		     Startd started"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalTimeOwnerIdle"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Accumulated number of seconds the slot has been
+		     in State=Owner and Activity=Idle since the
+		     Startd started"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalTimePreemptingKilling"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Accumulated number of seconds the slot has been
+		     in State=Preempting and Activity=Killing since the
+		     Startd started"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalTimePreemptingVacating"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Accumulated number of seconds the slot has been
+		     in State=Preempting and Activity=Vacating since the
+		     Startd started"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalTimeUnclaimedBenchmarking"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Accumulated number of seconds the slot has been
+		     in State=Unclaimed and Activity=Benchmarking since
+		     the Startd started"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle"
+	       type="uint32" unit="second"
+	       desc="Accumulated number of seconds the slot has been
+		     in State=Unclaimed and Activity=Idle since the
+		     Startd started"/>
+    <property name="TotalVirtualMemory"
+	      type="uint32" unit="KiB"
+	      desc="Amount of swap space available on slot"/>
+    <property name="UidDomain"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      desc="Configured namespace shared by slots with
+		    uniform uid/gid entries, i.e. same logins and
+		    groups"/>
+    <property name="VirtualMemory"
+	      type="uint32" unit="KiB"
+	      desc="Amount of currently available virtual memory
+		    (swap space) in KiB"/>
+    <property name="WindowsBuildNumber"
+	      type="uint32"
+	      desc="Integer extracted from the platform type,
+		    representing a build number for a Windows
+		    operating system, only present on Windows
+		    slots"/>
+    <property name="WindowsMajorVersion"
+	      type="uint32"
+	      desc="Integer extracted from the platform type,
+		    representing a major version number for a Windows
+		    operating system, only present on Windows
+		    slots, e.g. 5 for OpSys=WINNT50"/>
+    <property name="WindowsMinorVersion"
+	      type="uint32"
+	      desc="Integer extected from the platform type,
+		    representing a minor version numer for a Windows
+		    operating system, only present on Windows
+		    slots, e.g. 2 for OpSys=WINNT52"/>
+    <property name="AdditionalAttributes" type="map"/>
+  </class>
+Exec Host, Order(Rank?), StartTime, TotalTime (Sys, User), Project, AccountingGroup
+  <class name="Job">
+    <property name="schedulerRef" type="objId" parentRef="y" index="y" references="mrg.grid:Scheduler"/>
+    <property name="submitterRef" type="objId" references="mrg.grid.Submitter"/>
+    <property name="AccountingGroup" type="sstr" optional="y" desc=""/>
+    <property name="Args" type="lstr" optional="y" desc=""/>
+    <property name="ClusterId"
+	      type="uint32" index="y"
+	      desc="The id of the cluster the job belongs
+		    to. ClusterIds are unique within a SchedD."/>
+    <property name="Cmd" type="lstr" desc=""/>
+    <property name="ConcurrencyLimits" type="lstr" optional="y" desc=""/>
+    <property name="CustomGroup" type="sstr" optional="y" desc=""/>
+    <property name="CustomId" type="sstr" optional="y" desc=""/>
+    <property name="CustomPriority" type="uint32" optional="y" desc=""/>
+    <property name="GlobalJobId" type="sstr" desc=""/>
+    <property name="In"
+	      type="lstr"
+	      desc="The file where the job's standard input is read
+		    from."/>
+    <property name="Iwd" type="lstr" desc=""/>
+    <property name="JobStatus"
+	      type="uint32"
+	      desc="One of: 0, unexpanded; 1, idle; 2, running; 3,
+		    removed; 4, completed; 5, held; or, 6, submission
+		    error"/>
+    <property name="Note"
+	      type="lstr" optional="y"
+	      desc="An arbitrary note attached to the job."/>
+    <property name="Out"
+	      type="lstr"
+	      desc="The file where the job's standard output is
+		    written."/>
+    <property name="Owner"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      desc="The submitter of the job."/>
+    <property name="User"
+	      type="sstr"
+	      desc="The Owner '@' the configured UidDomain namespace"/>
+    <property name="ProcId"
+	      type="uint32" index="y"
+	      desc="The id of the job within its cluster. ProcIds re
+		    unique within a cluster."/>
+    <property name="QDate"
+	      type="absTime" unit="nanoseconds"
+	      desc="The number of nanoseconds since epoch when the
+		    job was submitted."/>
+//    <property name="Requirements" type="lstr" desc=""/>
+//    <property name="Scheduler" type="sstr" desc=""/>
+    <property name="JobUniverse"
+	      type="uint32"
+	      desc=""/>
+    <property name="Title" type="sstr" optional="y" desc=""/>
+    <property name="UserLog" type="lstr" optional="y" desc=""/>
+    <property name="HoldReason" type="lstr" optional="y" desc=""/>
+    <property name="DAGNodeName"
+	      type="sstr" optional="y" desc=""/>
+    <property name="DAGParentNodeNames"
+	      type="lstr" optional="y"
+	      desc="Comma separated list of the job's parent's node
+		    names"/>
+    <property name="DAGManJobId"
+	      type="uint32" optional="y"
+	      desc="The ClusterId of the DAGMan job who spawned the
+		    job"/>
+    <property name="Ad" type="map" optional="y" desc=""/>
+    <method name="GetAd">
+      <arg name="JobAd" dir="O" type="map"
+	   desc="(name,value,type) tuples; Values are INTEGER, FLOAT,
+		 STRING and EXPR. The EXPR value is not first class,
+		 it is an unquoted, with double quotes, string"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="SetAttribute">
+      <arg name="Name" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="Value" dir="I" type="lstr"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="Hold">
+      <arg name="Reason" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="Release">
+      <arg name="Reason" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="Remove">
+      <arg name="Reason" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="Fetch">
+      <arg name="File" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="Start" dir="I" type="int32"/>
+      <arg name="End" dir="I" type="int32"/>
+      <arg name="Data" dir="O" type="lstr"/>
+    </method>
+  </class>
+  <class name="Scheduler">
+    <group name="daemon-stats"/>
+    <property name="Pool" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="System" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="JobQueueBirthdate" type="absTime"/>
+    <property name="MaxJobsRunning" type="uint32" desc=""/>
+    <property name="Machine" type="sstr" desc=""/>
+    <property name="MyAddress" type="sstr" desc=""/>
+    <statistic name="NumUsers" type="uint32"/>
+    <property name="Name" type="sstr" index="y" desc=""/>
+    <statistic name="TotalHeldJobs" type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalIdleJobs" type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalJobAds" type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalRemovedJobs" type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="TotalRunningJobs" type="uint32"/>    
+    <method name="Submit">
+      <arg name="Ad" dir="I" type="map"/>
+      <arg name="Id" dir="O" type="sstr"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="GetAd">
+      <arg name="Id" dir="I" type="sstr"
+	   desc="Job's Id, the string ClusterId.ProcId"/>
+      <arg name="JobAd" dir="O" type="map"
+	   desc="(name,value,type) tuples; Values are INTEGER, FLOAT,
+		 STRING and EXPR. The EXPR value is not first class,
+		 it is an unquoted, with double quotes, string"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="SetAttribute">
+      <arg name="Id" dir="I" type="sstr"
+	   desc="Job's Id, the string ClusterId.ProcId"/>
+      <arg name="Name" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="Value" dir="I" type="lstr"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="Hold">
+      <arg name="Id" dir="I" type="sstr"
+	   desc="Job's Id, the string ClusterId.ProcId"/>
+      <arg name="Reason" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="Release">
+      <arg name="Id" dir="I" type="sstr"
+	   desc="Job's Id, the string ClusterId.ProcId"/>
+      <arg name="Reason" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="Remove">
+      <arg name="Id" dir="I" type="sstr"
+	   desc="Job's Id, the string ClusterId.ProcId"/>
+      <arg name="Reason" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="Fetch">
+      <arg name="Id" dir="I" type="sstr"
+	   desc="Job's Id, the string ClusterId.ProcId"/>
+      <arg name="File" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="Start" dir="I" type="int32"/>
+      <arg name="End" dir="I" type="int32"/>
+      <arg name="Data" dir="O" type="lstr"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="GetStates">
+      <arg name="Submission" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="State" dir="I" type="uint32"/>
+      <arg name="Count" dir="O" type="uint32"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="GetJobs">
+      <arg name="Submission" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="Jobs" dir="O" type="map"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="echo">
+      <arg name="sequence" dir="IO" type="uint32"/>
+      <arg name="body" dir="IO" type="lstr"/>
+    </method>
+  </class>
+  <class name="Submitter">
+    <property name="schedulerRef" type="objId" parentRef="y" index="y" references="mrg.grid:Scheduler"/>
+    <statistic name="HeldJobs" type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="IdleJobs" type="uint32"/>
+    <property name="JobQueueBirthdate" type="absTime"/>
+    <property name="Machine" type="sstr"/>
+    <property name="Name" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <statistic name="RunningJobs" type="uint32"/>
+    <property name="ScheddName" type="sstr"/>
+  </class>
+  <class name="Negotiator">
+    <property name="Pool" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="System" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="Name" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="Machine" type="sstr"/>
+    <property name="MyAddress" type="sstr" desc=""/>
+    <!-- NOTE: MonitorSelf* statistics are currently missing in 7.0.0 -->
+    <group name="daemon-stats"/>
+    <method name="GetLimits">
+      <arg name="Limits" dir="O" type="map"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="SetLimit">
+      <arg name="Name" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="Max" dir="I" type="double"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="GetStats">
+      <arg name="Name" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="User or group name"/>
+      <arg name="Ad" dir="O" type="map"/>
+      <arg name="Effective" dir="O" type="double"/>
+      <arg name="Real" dir="O" type="double"/>
+      <arg name="Factor" dir="O" type="double"/>
+      <arg name="Resources" dir="O" type="unit32"/>
+      <arg name="Usage" dir="O" type="double" units="hours"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="SetPriority">
+      <arg name="Name" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="User or group name"/>
+      <arg name="Priority" dir="I" type="double"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="SetPriorityFactor">
+      <arg name="Name" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="User or group name"/>
+      <arg name="PriorityFactor" dir="I" type="double"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="SetUsage">
+      <arg name="Name" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="User or group name"/>
+      <arg name="Usage" dir="I" type="double"/>
+    </method>
+ <!--
+    <method name="GetStaticQuota">
+      <arg name="Name" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="Group name"/>
+      <arg name="Quota" dir="O" type="uint32"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="GetDynamicQuota">
+      <arg name="Name" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="Group name"/>
+      <arg name="Quota" dir="O" type="double"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="SetStaticQuota">
+      <arg name="Name" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="Group name"/>
+      <arg name="Quota" dir="I" type="uint32"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="SetDynamicQuota">
+      <arg name="Name" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="Group name"/>
+      <arg name="Quota" dir="I" type="double"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="GetRawConfig">
+      <arg name="Name" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="Config param name"/>
+      <arg name="Value" dir="O" type="lstr"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="SetRawConfig">
+      <arg name="Name" dir="I" type="sstr" desc="Config param name"/>
+      <arg name="Value" dir="I" type="lstr"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="Reconfig"/>
+  </class>
+  <class name="Collector">
+    <property name="Pool" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="System" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="CondorPlatform" type="sstr"/>
+    <property name="CondorVersion" type="sstr"/>
+    <property name="Name" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="MyAddress" type="sstr"/>
+    <statistic name="RunningJobs" type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="IdleJobs" type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="HostsTotal" type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="HostsClaimed" type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="HostsUnclaimed" type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="HostsOwner" type="uint32"/>
+  </class>
+  <class name="Master">
+    <group name="daemon-stats"/>
+    <property name="Pool" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="System" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="Name" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="Machine" type="sstr"/>
+    <property name="MyAddress" type="sstr"/>
+    <property name="RealUid" type="int32"/>
+    <method name="Start">
+      <arg name="Subsystem"
+	   dir="I" type="sstr"
+	   desc="The component/subsystem to start: one of STARTD,
+    </method>
+    <method name="Stop">
+      <arg name="Subsystem"
+	   dir="I" type="sstr"
+	   desc="The component/subsystem to stop: one of STARTD,
+    </method>
+  </class>
+  <class name="Grid">
+    <property name="Pool" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="Name" type="sstr"/>
+    <property name="ScheddName" type="sstr"/>
+    <property name="Owner" type="sstr"/>
+    <statistic name="NumJobs" type="uint32"/>
+    <property name="JobLimit"
+	      type="uint32"
+	      desc="Maximum number of jobs that can be in the process
+		    of being submitted at any time."/>
+    <property name="SubmitLimit"
+	      type="uint32"
+	      desc="Limit on the number of jobs that will be submitted
+		    to the grid resource at once."/>
+    <statistic name="SubmitsInProgress" type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="SubmitsQueued" type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="SubmitsAllowed" type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="SubmitsWanted" type="uint32"/>
+    <property name="GridResourceUnavailableTime"
+	      type="absTime" unit="nanosecond"
+	      optional="y"
+	      desc="If present, the Grid is down for the specified
+		    amount of time."/>
+    <statistic name="RunningJobs" type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="IdleJobs" type="uint32"/>
+  </class>
+  <class name="Submission">
+    <property name="schedulerRef" type="objId" parentRef="y" index="y" references="mrg.grid:Scheduler"/>
+    <property name="Name" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="Owner" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <statistic name="Idle" type="count32"/>
+    <statistic name="Running" type="count32"/>
+    <statistic name="Removed" type="count32"/>
+    <statistic name="Completed" type="count32"/>
+    <statistic name="Held" type="count32"/>
+  </class>

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/cumin.xml
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/cumin.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/cumin.xml	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<schema package="com.redhat.cumin">
+  <class name="BrokerGroup">
+    <property name="name" type="sstr"/>
+    <property name="description" type="lstr" optional="y"/>
+  </class>
+  <class name="BrokerGroupMapping">
+    <property name="broker" type="objId" references="org.apache.qpid.broker:Broker"/>
+    <property name="group" type="objId" references="BrokerGroup"/>
+  </class>
+  <class name="User">
+    <property name="name" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+    <property name="password" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+  </class>
+  <class name="Role">
+    <property name="name" type="sstr" index="y"/>
+  </class>
+  <class name="UserRoleMapping">
+    <property name="user" references="User" index="y"/>
+    <property name="role" references="Role" index="y"/>
+  </class>

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/qpid-acl.xml
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/qpid-acl.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/qpid-acl.xml	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+<schema package="org.apache.qpid.acl">
+ * Copyright (c) 2008 The Apache Software Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+  <class name="Acl">
+    <property name="brokerRef"     type="objId"   references="org.apache.qpid.broker:Broker" access="RO" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
+    <property name="policyFile"    type="sstr"    access="RO"    desc="Name of the policy file"/>
+    <property name="enforcingAcl"  type="bool"    access="RO"    desc="Currently Enforcing ACL"/>
+    <property name="transferAcl"   type="bool"    access="RO"    desc="Any transfer ACL rules in force"/>
+    <property name="lastAclLoad"   type="absTime" access="RO"    desc="Timestamp of last successful load of ACL"/>
+    <statistic name="aclDenyCount" type="count64" unit="request" desc="Number of ACL requests denied"/>
+    <method name="reloadACLFile" desc="Reload the ACL file"/>
+  </class>
+  <eventArguments>
+    <arg name="action"     type="sstr"/>
+    <arg name="arguments"  type="map"/>
+    <arg name="objectName" type="sstr"/>
+    <arg name="objectType" type="sstr"/>
+    <arg name="reason"     type="sstr"/>
+    <arg name="userId"     type="sstr"/>
+  </eventArguments>
+  <event name="allow"          sev="inform" args="userId, action, objectType, objectName, arguments"/>
+  <event name="deny"           sev="notice" args="userId, action, objectType, objectName, arguments"/>
+  <event name="fileLoaded"     sev="inform" args="userId"/>
+  <event name="fileLoadFailed" sev="error"  args="userId, reason"/>

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/qpid-cluster.xml
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/qpid-cluster.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/qpid-cluster.xml	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+<schema package="org.apache.qpid.cluster">
+  <!--
+      Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+      or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+      distributed with this work for additional information
+      regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+      to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+      "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+      with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+      software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+      KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+      specific language governing permissions and limitations
+      under the License.
+  -->
+  <!-- Type information:
+Numeric types with "_wm" suffix are watermarked numbers.  These are compound
+values containing a current value, and a low and high water mark for the reporting
+interval.  The low and high water marks are set to the current value at the
+beginning of each interval and track the minimum and maximum values of the statistic
+over the interval respectively.
+Access rights for configuration elements:
+RO => Read Only
+RC => Read/Create, can be set at create time only, read-only thereafter
+RW => Read/Write
+If access rights are omitted for a property, they are assumed to be RO.
+  -->
+  <class name="Cluster">
+    <property name="brokerRef"        type="objId"  references="org.apache.qpid.broker:Broker" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
+    <property name="clusterName"      type="sstr"   access="RC" desc="Name of cluster this server is a member of"/>
+    <property name="clusterID"        type="sstr"   access="RO" desc="Globally unique ID (UUID) for this cluster instance"/>
+    <property name="memberID"         type="sstr"   access="RO" desc="ID of this member of the cluster"/>
+    <property name="publishedURL"     type="sstr"   access="RC" desc="URL this node advertizes itself as"/>
+    <property name="clusterSize"      type="uint16" access="RO" desc="Number of brokers currently in the cluster"/>
+    <property name="status"           type="sstr"   access="RO" desc="Cluster node status (STALLED,ACTIVE,JOINING)"/>
+    <property name="members"          type="lstr"   access="RO" desc="List of member URLs delimited by ';'"/> 
+    <property name="memberIDs"        type="lstr"   access="RO" desc="List of member IDs delimited by ';'"/> 
+    <method name="stopClusterNode">
+      <arg name="brokerId" type="sstr" dir="I"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="stopFullCluster"/>
+  </class>

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/qpid-store.xml
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/qpid-store.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/qpid-store.xml	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+<schema package="com.redhat.rhm.store">
+ Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
+ This file is part of the Qpid async store library msgstore.so.
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
+ The GNU Lesser General Public License is available in the file COPYING.
+ -->
+  <class name="Store">
+    <property name="brokerRef"               type="objId"  access="RO" references="org.apache.qpid.broker:Broker" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
+    <property name="location"                type="sstr"   access="RO"              desc="Logical directory on disk"/>
+    <property name="defaultInitialFileCount" type="uint16" access="RO" unit="file"  desc="Default number of files initially allocated to each journal"/>
+    <property name="defaultDataFileSize"     type="uint32" access="RO" unit="RdPg"  desc="Default size of each journal data file"/>
+    <property name="tplIsInitialized"        type="bool"   access="RO"              desc="Transaction prepared list has been initialized by a transactional prepare"/>
+    <property name="tplDirectory"            type="sstr"   access="RO"              desc="Transaction prepared list directory"/>
+    <property name="tplWritePageSize"        type="uint32" access="RO" unit="byte"  desc="Page size in transaction prepared list write-page-cache"/>
+    <property name="tplWritePages"           type="uint32" access="RO" unit="wpage" desc="Number of pages in transaction prepared list write-page-cache"/>
+    <property name="tplInitialFileCount"     type="uint16" access="RO" unit="file"  desc="Number of files initially allocated to transaction prepared list journal"/>
+    <property name="tplDataFileSize"         type="uint32" access="RO" unit="byte"  desc="Size of each journal data file in transaction prepared list journal"/>
+    <property name="tplCurrentFileCount"     type="uint32" access="RO" unit="file"  desc="Number of files currently allocated to transaction prepared list journal"/>
+    <statistic name="tplTransactionDepth"    type="hilo32"  unit="txn"    desc="Number of currently enqueued prepared transactions"/>
+    <statistic name="tplTxnPrepares"         type="count64" unit="record" desc="Total transaction prepares on transaction prepared list"/>
+    <statistic name="tplTxnCommits"          type="count64" unit="record" desc="Total transaction commits on transaction prepared list"/>
+    <statistic name="tplTxnAborts"           type="count64" unit="record" desc="Total transaction aborts on transaction prepared list"/>
+    <statistic name="tplOutstandingAIOs"     type="hilo32"  unit="aio_op" desc="Number of currently outstanding AIO requests in Async IO system"/>
+  </class>
+  <class name="Journal">
+    <property name="queueRef"           type="objId"  access="RO" references="org.apache.qpid.broker:Queue" isGeneralReference="y"/>
+    <property name="name"               type="sstr"   access="RO" index="y"/>
+    <property name="directory"          type="sstr"   access="RO"              desc="Directory containing journal files"/>
+    <property name="baseFileName"       type="sstr"   access="RO"              desc="Base filename prefix for journal"/>
+    <property name="writePageSize"      type="uint32" access="RO" unit="byte"  desc="Page size in write-page-cache"/>
+    <property name="writePages"         type="uint32" access="RO" unit="wpage" desc="Number of pages in write-page-cache"/>
+    <property name="readPageSize"       type="uint32" access="RO" unit="byte"  desc="Page size in read-page-cache"/>
+    <property name="readPages"          type="uint32" access="RO" unit="rpage" desc="Number of pages in read-page-cache"/>
+    <property name="initialFileCount"   type="uint16" access="RO" unit="file"  desc="Number of files initially allocated to this journal"/>
+    <property name="autoExpand"         type="bool"   access="RO"              desc="Auto-expand enabled"/>
+    <property name="currentFileCount"   type="uint16" access="RO" unit="file"  desc="Number of files currently allocated to this journal"/>
+    <property name="maxFileCount"       type="uint16" access="RO" unit="file"  desc="Max number of files allowed for this journal"/>
+    <property name="dataFileSize"       type="uint32" access="RO" unit="byte"  desc="Size of each journal data file"/>
+    <statistic name="recordDepth"       type="hilo32"  unit="record" desc="Number of currently enqueued records (durable messages)"/>
+    <statistic name="enqueues"          type="count64" unit="record" desc="Total enqueued records on journal"/>
+    <statistic name="dequeues"          type="count64" unit="record" desc="Total dequeued records on journal"/>
+    <statistic name="txn"               type="count32" unit="record" desc="Total open transactions (xids) on journal"/>
+    <statistic name="txnEnqueues"       type="count64" unit="record" desc="Total transactional enqueued records on journal"/>
+    <statistic name="txnDequeues"       type="count64" unit="record" desc="Total transactional dequeued records on journal"/>
+    <statistic name="txnCommits"        type="count64" unit="record" desc="Total transactional commit records on journal"/>
+    <statistic name="txnAborts"         type="count64" unit="record" desc="Total transactional abort records on journal"/>
+    <statistic name="outstandingAIOs"   type="hilo32"  unit="aio_op" desc="Number of currently outstanding AIO requests in Async IO system"/>
+    The following are not yet "wired up" in JournalImpl.cpp
+    <statistic name="freeFileCount"       type="hilo32"  unit="file"   desc="Number of files free on this journal. Includes free files trapped in holes."/>
+    <statistic name="availableFileCount"  type="hilo32"  unit="file"   desc="Number of files available to be written.  Excluding holes"/>
+    <statistic name="writeWaitFailures"   type="count64" unit="record" desc="AIO Wait failures on write"/>
+    <statistic name="writeBusyFailures"   type="count64" unit="record" desc="AIO Busy failures on write"/>
+    <statistic name="readRecordCount"     type="count64" unit="record" desc="Records read from the journal"/>
+    <statistic name="readBusyFailures"    type="count64" unit="record" desc="AIO Busy failures on read"/>
+    <statistic name="writePageCacheDepth" type="hilo32"  unit="wpage"  desc="Current depth of write-page-cache"/>
+    <statistic name="readPageCacheDepth"  type="hilo32"  unit="rpage"  desc="Current depth of read-page-cache"/>
+    <method name="expand" desc="Increase number of files allocated for this journal">
+      <arg name="by" type="uint32" dir="I" desc="Number of files to increase journal size by"/>
+    </method>
+  </class>
+  <eventArguments>
+    <arg name="autoExpand" type="bool"   desc="Journal auto-expand enabled"/>
+    <arg name="fileSize"   type="uint32" desc="Journal file size in bytes"/>
+    <arg name="jrnlId"     type="sstr"   desc="Journal Id"/>
+    <arg name="numEnq"     type="uint32" desc="Number of recovered enqueues"/>
+    <arg name="numFiles"   type="uint16" desc="Number of journal files"/>
+    <arg name="numTxn"     type="uint32" desc="Number of recovered transactions"/>
+    <arg name="numTxnDeq"  type="uint32" desc="Number of recovered transactional dequeues"/>
+    <arg name="numTxnEnq"  type="uint32" desc="Number of recovered transactional enqueues"/>
+    <arg name="what"       type="sstr"   desc="Description of event"/>
+  </eventArguments>
+  <event name="enqThresholdExceeded" sev="warn"   args="jrnlId, what"/>
+  <event name="created"              sev="notice" args="jrnlId, fileSize, numFiles"/>
+  <event name="full"                 sev="error"  args="jrnlId, what"/>
+  <event name="recovered"            sev="notice" args="jrnlId, fileSize, numFiles, numEnq, numTxn, numTxnEnq, numTxnDeq"/>

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/qpid.xml
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/qpid.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/qpid.xml	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+<schema package="org.apache.qpid.broker">
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+  distributed with this work for additional information
+  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+  KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+  specific language governing permissions and limitations
+  under the License.
+  <!-- Type information:
+       Numeric types with "_wm" suffix are watermarked numbers.  These are compound
+       values containing a current value, and a low and high water mark for the reporting
+       interval.  The low and high water marks are set to the current value at the
+       beginning of each interval and track the minimum and maximum values of the statistic
+       over the interval respectively.
+       Access rights for configuration elements:
+           RO => Read Only
+           RC => Read/Create, can be set at create time only, read-only thereafter
+           RW => Read/Write
+           If access rights are omitted for a property, they are assumed to be RO.
+  -->
+  <!-- Questions:  Does C++ broker round-robin dests on queues? -->
+  <!--
+  ===============================================================
+  System
+  ===============================================================
+  -->
+  <class name="System">
+    <property name="systemId" index="y" type="uuid" access="RC"/>
+    <property name="osName"   type="sstr" access="RO" desc="Operating System Name"/>
+    <property name="nodeName" type="sstr" access="RO" desc="Node Name"/>
+    <property name="release"  type="sstr" access="RO"/>
+    <property name="version"  type="sstr" access="RO"/>
+    <property name="machine"  type="sstr" access="RO"/>
+  </class>
+  <!--
+  ===============================================================
+  Broker
+  ===============================================================
+  -->
+  <class name="Broker">
+    <property name="systemRef"        type="objId"  references="System" access="RC" index="y" desc="System ID" parentRef="y"/>
+    <property name="port"             type="uint16" access="RC" index="y" desc="TCP Port for AMQP Service"/>
+    <property name="workerThreads"    type="uint16" access="RO" desc="Thread pool size"/>
+    <property name="maxConns"         type="uint16" access="RO" desc="Maximum allowed connections"/>
+    <property name="connBacklog"      type="uint16" access="RO" desc="Connection backlog limit for listening socket"/>
+    <property name="stagingThreshold" type="uint32" access="RO" desc="Broker stages messages over this size to disk"/>
+    <property name="mgmtPubInterval"  type="uint16" access="RW" unit="second" min="1" desc="Interval for management broadcasts"/>
+    <property name="version"          type="sstr"   access="RO" desc="Running software version"/>
+    <property name="dataDir"          type="sstr"   access="RO" optional="y" desc="Persistent configuration storage location"/>
+    <statistic name="uptime" type="deltaTime"/>
+    <method name="echo" desc="Request a response to test the path to the management broker">
+      <arg name="sequence" dir="IO" type="uint32" default="0"/>
+      <arg name="body"     dir="IO" type="lstr"   default=""/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="connect" desc="Establish a connection to another broker">
+      <arg name="host"          dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="port"          dir="I" type="uint32"/>
+      <arg name="durable"       dir="I" type="bool"/>
+      <arg name="authMechanism" dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="username"      dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="password"      dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="transport"     dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="queueMoveMessages" desc="Move messages from one queue to another">
+      <arg name="srcQueue"          dir="I" type="sstr" desc="Source queue"/>
+      <arg name="destQueue"         dir="I" type="sstr" desc="Destination queue"/>
+      <arg name="qty"               dir="I" type="uint32" desc="# of messages to move. 0 means all messages"/>
+    </method>
+  </class>
+  <!--
+  ===============================================================
+  Management Agent
+  ===============================================================
+  -->
+  <class name="Agent">
+    <property name="connectionRef" type="objId"  references="Connection" access="RO" index="y"/>
+    <property name="label"         type="sstr"   access="RO"           desc="Label for agent"/>
+    <property name="registeredTo"  type="objId"  references="Broker" access="RO" desc="Broker agent is registered to"/>
+    <property name="systemId"      type="uuid"   access="RO"           desc="Identifier of system where agent resides"/>
+    <property name="brokerBank"    type="uint32" access="RO"           desc="Assigned object-id broker bank"/>
+    <property name="agentBank"     type="uint32" access="RO"           desc="Assigned object-id agent bank"/>
+  </class>
+  <!--
+  ===============================================================
+  Virtual Host
+  ===============================================================
+  -->
+  <class name="Vhost">
+    <property name="brokerRef"     type="objId" references="Broker" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
+    <property name="name"          type="sstr"  access="RC" index="y"/>
+    <property name="federationTag" type="sstr"  access="RO"/>
+  </class>
+  <!--
+  ===============================================================
+  Queue
+  ===============================================================
+  -->
+  <class name="Queue">
+    <property name="vhostRef"   type="objId" references="Vhost" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
+    <property name="name"       type="sstr"  access="RC" index="y"/>
+    <property name="durable"     type="bool"  access="RC"/>
+    <property name="autoDelete"  type="bool"  access="RC"/>
+    <property name="exclusive"   type="bool"  access="RC"/>
+    <property name="arguments"   type="map"   access="RO" desc="Arguments supplied in queue.declare"/>
+    <property name="altExchange" type="objId" references="Exchange" access="RO" optional="y"/>
+    <statistic name="msgTotalEnqueues"    type="count64"  unit="message"     desc="Total messages enqueued"/>
+    <statistic name="msgTotalDequeues"    type="count64"  unit="message"     desc="Total messages dequeued"/>
+    <statistic name="msgTxnEnqueues"      type="count64"  unit="message"     desc="Transactional messages enqueued"/>
+    <statistic name="msgTxnDequeues"      type="count64"  unit="message"     desc="Transactional messages dequeued"/>
+    <statistic name="msgPersistEnqueues"  type="count64"  unit="message"     desc="Persistent messages enqueued"/>
+    <statistic name="msgPersistDequeues"  type="count64"  unit="message"     desc="Persistent messages dequeued"/>
+    <statistic name="msgDepth"            type="count32"  unit="message"     desc="Current size of queue in messages" assign="msgTotalEnqueues - msgTotalDequeues"/>
+    <statistic name="byteDepth"           type="count32"  unit="octet"       desc="Current size of queue in bytes"    assign="byteTotalEnqueues - byteTotalDequeues"/>
+    <statistic name="byteTotalEnqueues"   type="count64"  unit="octet"       desc="Total messages enqueued"/>
+    <statistic name="byteTotalDequeues"   type="count64"  unit="octet"       desc="Total messages dequeued"/>
+    <statistic name="byteTxnEnqueues"     type="count64"  unit="octet"       desc="Transactional messages enqueued"/>
+    <statistic name="byteTxnDequeues"     type="count64"  unit="octet"       desc="Transactional messages dequeued"/>
+    <statistic name="bytePersistEnqueues" type="count64"  unit="octet"       desc="Persistent messages enqueued"/>
+    <statistic name="bytePersistDequeues" type="count64"  unit="octet"       desc="Persistent messages dequeued"/>
+    <statistic name="consumerCount"       type="hilo32"   unit="consumer"    desc="Current consumers on queue"/>
+    <statistic name="bindingCount"        type="hilo32"   unit="binding"     desc="Current bindings"/>
+    <statistic name="unackedMessages"     type="hilo32"   unit="message"     desc="Messages consumed but not yet acked"/>
+    <statistic name="messageLatency"      type="mmaTime"  unit="nanosecond"  desc="Broker latency through this queue" optional="y"/>
+    <method name="purge" desc="Discard all or some messages on a queue">
+      <arg name="request" dir="I" type="uint32" desc="0 for all messages or n>0 for n messages"/>
+    </method>
+    <method name="reroute" desc="Remove all or some messages on this queue and route them to an exchange">
+      <arg name="request"        dir="I" type="uint32" desc="0 for all messages or n>0 for n messages"/>
+      <arg name="useAltExchange" dir="I" type="bool"   desc="Iff true, use the queue's configured alternate exchange; iff false, use exchange named in the 'exchange' argument"/>
+      <arg name="exchange"       dir="I" type="sstr"   desc="Name of the exchange to route the messages through"/>
+    </method>
+  </class>
+  <!--
+  ===============================================================
+  Exchange
+  ===============================================================
+  -->
+  <class name="Exchange">
+    <property name="vhostRef"    type="objId" references="Vhost" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
+    <property name="name"        type="sstr"  access="RC" index="y"/>
+    <property name="type"        type="sstr"  access="RO"/>
+    <property name="durable"     type="bool"  access="RO"/>
+    <property name="autoDelete"  type="bool"  access="RO"/>
+    <property name="altExchange" type="objId" references="Exchange" access="RO" optional="y"/>
+    <property name="arguments"   type="map"   access="RO" desc="Arguments supplied in exchange.declare"/>
+    <statistic name="producerCount" type="hilo32"  desc="Current producers on exchange"/>
+    <statistic name="bindingCount"  type="hilo32"  desc="Current bindings"/>
+    <statistic name="msgReceives"   type="count64" desc="Total messages received"/>
+    <statistic name="msgDrops"      type="count64" desc="Total messages dropped (no matching key)"/>
+    <statistic name="msgRoutes"     type="count64" desc="Total routed messages"/>
+    <statistic name="byteReceives"  type="count64" desc="Total bytes received"/>
+    <statistic name="byteDrops"     type="count64" desc="Total bytes dropped (no matching key)"/>
+    <statistic name="byteRoutes"    type="count64" desc="Total routed bytes"/>
+  </class>
+  <!--
+  ===============================================================
+  Binding
+  ===============================================================
+  -->
+  <class name="Binding">
+    <property name="exchangeRef" type="objId" references="Exchange" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
+    <property name="queueRef"    type="objId" references="Queue"    access="RC" index="y"/>
+    <property name="bindingKey"  type="sstr"  access="RC" index="y"/>
+    <property name="arguments"   type="map"   access="RC"/>
+    <property name="origin"      type="sstr"  access="RO" optional="y"/>
+    <statistic name="msgMatched" type="count64"/>
+  </class>
+  <!--
+  ===============================================================
+  Subscription
+  ===============================================================
+  -->
+  <class name="Subscription">
+    <property name="sessionRef"     type="objId"    references="Session" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
+    <property name="queueRef"       type="objId"    references="Queue"   access="RC" index="y"/>
+    <property name="name"           type="sstr"     access="RC" index="y"/>
+    <property name="browsing"       type="bool"     access="RC"/>
+    <property name="acknowledged"   type="bool"     access="RC"/>
+    <property name="exclusive"      type="bool"     access="RC"/>
+    <property name="creditMode"     type="sstr"     access="RO" desc="WINDOW or CREDIT"/>
+    <property name="arguments"      type="map"      access="RC"/>
+    <statistic name="delivered"     type="count64"  unit="message" desc="Messages delivered"/>
+  </class>
+  <!--
+  ===============================================================
+  Connection
+  ===============================================================
+  -->
+  <class name="Connection">
+    <property name="vhostRef" type="objId"  references="Vhost" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
+    <property name="address"  type="sstr"   access="RC" index="y"/>
+    <property name="incoming" type="bool"   access="RC"/>
+    <property name="SystemConnection"   type="bool"   access="RC" desc="Infrastucture/ Inter-system connection (Cluster, Federation, ...)"/>
+    <property name="federationLink"     type="bool"   access="RO" desc="Is this a federation link"/>
+    <property name="authIdentity"       type="sstr"   access="RO" desc="authId of connection if authentication enabled"/>
+    <property name="remoteProcessName"  type="sstr"   access="RO" optional="y" desc="Name of executable running as remote client"/>
+    <property name="remotePid"          type="uint32" access="RO" optional="y" desc="Process ID of remote client"/>
+    <property name="remoteParentPid"    type="uint32" access="RO" optional="y" desc="Parent Process ID of remote client"/>
+    <property name="shadow"             type="bool"   access="RO" desc="True for shadow connections"/>
+    <statistic name="closing"          type="bool" desc="This client is closing by management request"/>
+    <statistic name="framesFromClient" type="count64"/>
+    <statistic name="framesToClient"   type="count64"/>
+    <statistic name="bytesFromClient"  type="count64"/>
+    <statistic name="bytesToClient"    type="count64"/>
+    <method name="close"/> 
+  </class>
+  <!--
+  ===============================================================
+  Link
+  ===============================================================
+  -->
+  <class name="Link">
+    This class represents an inter-broker connection.
+    <property name="vhostRef"  type="objId"  references="Vhost" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
+    <property name="host"      type="sstr"   access="RC" index="y"/>
+    <property name="port"      type="uint16" access="RC" index="y"/>
+    <property name="transport" type="sstr"   access="RC"/>
+    <property name="durable"   type="bool"   access="RC"/>
+    <statistic name="state"       type="sstr" desc="Operational state of the link"/>
+    <statistic name="lastError"   type="sstr" desc="Reason link is not operational"/>
+    <method name="close"/> 
+    <method name="bridge" desc="Bridge messages over the link">
+      <arg name="durable"     dir="I" type="bool"/>
+      <arg name="src"         dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="dest"        dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="key"         dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="tag"         dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="excludes"    dir="I" type="sstr"/>
+      <arg name="srcIsQueue"  dir="I" type="bool"/>
+      <arg name="srcIsLocal"  dir="I" type="bool"/>
+      <arg name="dynamic"     dir="I" type="bool"/>
+      <arg name="sync"        dir="I" type="uint16"/>
+    </method>
+  </class>
+  <!--
+  ===============================================================
+  Bridge
+  ===============================================================
+  -->
+  <class name="Bridge">
+    <property name="linkRef"     type="objId"  references="Link" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
+    <property name="channelId"   type="uint16" access="RC" index="y"/>
+    <property name="durable"     type="bool"   access="RC"/>
+    <property name="src"         type="sstr"   access="RC"/>
+    <property name="dest"        type="sstr"   access="RC"/>
+    <property name="key"         type="sstr"   access="RC"/>
+    <property name="srcIsQueue"  type="bool"   access="RC"/>
+    <property name="srcIsLocal"  type="bool"   access="RC"/>
+    <property name="tag"         type="sstr"   access="RC"/>
+    <property name="excludes"    type="sstr"   access="RC"/>
+    <property name="dynamic"     type="bool"   access="RC"/>
+    <property name="sync"        type="uint16" access="RC"/>
+    <method name="close"/> 
+  </class>
+  <!--
+  ===============================================================
+  Session
+  ===============================================================
+  -->
+  <class name="Session">
+    <property name="vhostRef"         type="objId"   references="Vhost" access="RC" index="y" parentRef="y"/>
+    <property name="name"             type="sstr"    access="RC" index="y"/>
+    <property name="channelId"        type="uint16"  access="RO"/>
+    <property name="connectionRef"    type="objId"   references="Connection" access="RO"/>
+    <property name="detachedLifespan" type="uint32"  access="RO" unit="second"/>
+    <property name="attached"         type="bool"    access="RO"/>
+    <property name="expireTime"       type="absTime" access="RO" optional="y"/>
+    <property name="maxClientRate"    type="uint32"  access="RO" unit="msgs/sec" optional="y"/>
+    <statistic name="framesOutstanding" type="count32"/>
+    <statistic name="TxnStarts"    type="count64"  unit="transaction" desc="Total transactions started "/>
+    <statistic name="TxnCommits"   type="count64"  unit="transaction" desc="Total transactions committed"/>
+    <statistic name="TxnRejects"   type="count64"  unit="transaction" desc="Total transactions rejected"/>
+    <statistic name="TxnCount"     type="count32"  unit="transaction" desc="Current pending transactions"/>
+    <statistic name="clientCredit" type="count32" unit="message" desc="Client message credit"/>
+    <method name="solicitAck"/>
+    <method name="detach"/>
+    <method name="resetLifespan"/>
+    <method name="close"/>
+  </class>
+  <!--
+  ===============================================================
+  ManagementSetupState
+  ===============================================================
+     This thing is used during cluster recovery operations (and maybe
+  eventually elsewhere) to transmit assorted state from one broker to
+  another.  At present, the two data propagated are the object number
+  counter and boot sequence, both of which are used for creating
+  object ids for newly-created objects.
+    -->
+  <class name="ManagementSetupState">
+    <!-- for reasons that aren't clear (to me, anyhow) you have to say
+    access="RO" to get accessor methods defined.  RC or RW don't do
+    it.  Probably this is documented someplace, but I couldn't find
+    it. -jrd -->
+    <property name="objectNum" type="uint64" access="RO"/>
+    <property name="bootSequence" type="uint16" access="RO"/>
+  </class>
+  <eventArguments>
+    <arg name="altEx"   type="sstr"   desc="Name of the alternate exchange"/>
+    <arg name="args"    type="map"    desc="Supplemental arguments or parameters supplied"/>
+    <arg name="autoDel" type="bool"   desc="Created object is automatically deleted when no longer in use"/>
+    <arg name="dest"    type="sstr"   desc="Destination tag for a subscription"/>
+    <arg name="disp"    type="sstr"   desc="Disposition of a declaration: 'created' if object was created, 'existing' if object already existed"/>
+    <arg name="durable" type="bool"   desc="Created object is durable"/>
+    <arg name="exName"  type="sstr"   desc="Name of an exchange"/>
+    <arg name="exType"  type="sstr"   desc="Type of an exchange"/>
+    <arg name="excl"    type="bool"   desc="Created object is exclusive for the use of the owner only"/>
+    <arg name="key"     type="lstr"   desc="Key text used for routing or binding"/>
+    <arg name="qName"   type="sstr"   desc="Name of a queue"/>
+    <arg name="reason"  type="lstr"   desc="Reason for a failure"/>
+    <arg name="rhost"   type="sstr"   desc="Address (i.e. DNS name, IP address, etc.) of a remotely connected host"/>
+    <arg name="user"    type="sstr"   desc="Authentication identity"/>
+  </eventArguments>
+  <event name="clientConnect"     sev="inform" args="rhost, user"/>
+  <event name="clientConnectFail" sev="warn"   args="rhost, user, reason"/>
+  <event name="clientDisconnect"  sev="inform" args="rhost, user"/>
+  <event name="brokerLinkUp"      sev="inform" args="rhost"/>
+  <event name="brokerLinkDown"    sev="warn"   args="rhost"/>
+  <event name="queueDeclare"      sev="inform" args="rhost, user, qName, durable, excl, autoDel, args, disp"/>
+  <event name="queueDelete"       sev="inform" args="rhost, user, qName"/>
+  <event name="exchangeDeclare"   sev="inform" args="rhost, user, exName, exType, altEx, durable, autoDel, args, disp"/>
+  <event name="exchangeDelete"    sev="inform" args="rhost, user, exName"/>
+  <event name="bind"              sev="inform" args="rhost, user, exName, qName, key, args"/>
+  <event name="unbind"            sev="inform" args="rhost, user, exName, qName, key"/>
+  <event name="subscribe"         sev="inform" args="rhost, user, qName, dest, excl, args"/>
+  <event name="unsubscribe"       sev="inform" args="rhost, user, dest"/>

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/rosemary.xml
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/rosemary.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/rosemary.xml	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+  <package name="org.apache.qpid.broker">
+    <class name="Binding">
+      <property name="bindingKey">
+        <title>Binding Key</title>
+      </property>
+      <property name="arguments">
+        <title>Arguments</title>
+      </property>
+      <property name="origin">
+        <title>Origin</title>
+      </property>
+      <statistic name="msgMatched">
+        <title>Messages Matched</title>
+      </statistic>
+    </class>
+    <class name="Broker">
+      <object>
+        <title>host:%(port)s</title>
+      </object>
+      <property name="port">
+        <title>Port</title>
+      </property>
+    </class>
+    <class name="Connection">
+      <property name="remotePid">
+        <title>Process ID</title>
+        <!-- value -->
+      </property>
+      <property name="remoteParentPid">
+        <title>Parent PID</title>
+      </property>
+    </class>
+    <class name="Exchange">
+      <property name="name">
+        <title>Name</title>
+      </property>
+      <statistic name="producerCount">
+        <title>Producers</title>
+      </statistic>
+      <statistic name="bindingCount">
+        <title>Bindings</title>
+      </statistic>
+      <statistic name="msgRoutes">
+        <title>Messages Routed</title>
+      </statistic>
+      <statistic name="byteRoutes">
+        <title>Bytes Routed</title>
+      </statistic>
+    </class>
+    <class name="Queue">
+      <property name="name">
+        <title>Name</title>
+      </property>
+      <statistic name="consumerCount">
+        <title>Consumers</title>
+      </statistic>
+      <statistic name="bindingCount">
+        <title>Bindings</title>
+      </statistic>
+      <statistic name="msgDepth">
+        <title>Queue Messages</title>
+      </statistic>
+      <statistic name="byteDepth">
+        <title>Bytes</title>
+      </statistic>
+     <statistic name="msgPersistEnqueues">
+       <title>Msgs. Enqueued</title>
+     </statistic>
+     <statistic name="msgPersistDequeues">
+       <title>Msgs. Dequeued</title>
+     </statistic>
+     <statistic name="bytePersistEnqueues">
+       <title>Bytes Enqueued</title>
+     </statistic>
+     <statistic name="bytePersistDequeues">
+       <title>Bytes Dequeued</title>
+     </statistic>
+     <statistic name="msgTotalEnqueues">
+       <title>Msgs. Enqueued</title>
+     </statistic>
+     <statistic name="msgTotalDequeues">
+       <title>Msgs. Dequeued</title>
+     </statistic>
+     <statistic name="byteTotalEnqueues">
+       <title>Bytes Enqueued</title>
+     </statistic>
+     <statistic name="byteTotalDequeues">
+       <title>Bytes Dequeued</title>
+     </statistic>
+     <statistic name="unackedMessages">
+       <title>Msgs. Unacked</title>
+     </statistic>
+     <statistic name="messageLatency">
+       <title>Msg. Latency</title>
+     </statistic>
+    </class>
+    <class name="System">
+      <property name="nodeName">
+        <title>Host</title>
+      </property>
+    </class>
+  </package>
+  <package name="org.apache.qpid.cluster">
+    <class name="Cluster">
+      <property name="clusterName">
+        <title>Cluster</title>
+      </property>
+    </class>
+  </package>
+  <package name="com.redhat.cumin">
+    <class name="BrokerGroup">
+      <title>Broker Group</title>
+      <property name="name">
+        <title>Name</title>
+      </property>
+      <property name="description">
+        <title>Description</title>
+      </property>
+    </class>
+  </package>
+  <package name="com.redhat.sesame">
+    <class name="Sysimage">
+      <property name="nodeName">
+        <title>Host</title>
+      </property>
+      <statistic name="loadAverage1Min">
+        <title>Load Average 1 Minute</title>
+      </statistic>
+    </class>
+  </package>

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/sesame.xml
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/sesame.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/model/sesame.xml	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<schema package="com.redhat.sesame">
+  <class name="Sysimage">
+    <property name="uuid"    index="y" type="uuid" access="RC" desc="UUID of System Image"/>
+    <property name="osName"   type="sstr" access="RO" desc="Operating System Name"/>
+    <property name="nodeName" type="sstr" access="RO" desc="Node Name"/>
+    <property name="release"  type="sstr" access="RO"/>
+    <property name="version"  type="sstr" access="RO"/>
+    <property name="machine"  type="sstr" access="RO"/>
+    <property name="distro"   type="sstr" access="RO" optional="y"/>
+    <property name="memTotal"  type="uint32" access="RO" unit="kByte"/>
+    <property name="swapTotal" type="uint32" access="RO" unit="kByte"/>
+    The following statistics are gathered from /proc/meminfo
+    <statistic name="memFree"  type="uint32" unit="kByte"/>
+    <statistic name="swapFree" type="uint32" unit="kByte"/>
+    The following statistics are gathered from /proc/loadavg
+    <statistic name="loadAverage1Min"  type="float"/>
+    <statistic name="loadAverage5Min"  type="float"/>
+    <statistic name="loadAverage10Min" type="float"/>
+    <statistic name="procTotal"        type="uint32"/>
+    <statistic name="procRunning"      type="uint32"/>
+  </class>

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/account/main.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/account/main.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/account/main.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
 from cumin import *
 from cumin.util import *
-from model import *
 from widgets import *
 class Module(CuminModule):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
         super(Module, self).__init__(app, name)
-        #cls = app.rosemary.com_redhat_cumin.User
-        #ChangePassword(self, cls)
         self.app.login_page = LoginPage(self.app, "login.html")

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/account/model.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/account/model.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/account/model.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-from cumin.objecttask import *
-from cumin.model import *
-from cumin.util import *
-from widgets import *
-class ChangePassword(ObjectTask):
-    def __init__(self, module, cls):
-        super(ChangePassword, self).__init__(module, cls)
-        self.form = ChangePasswordForm(module.app, self.name, self)
-    def get_title(self, session, user):
-        return "Change password"
-    def do_enter(self, session, user):
-        pass
-    def do_invoke(self, invoc, user, password):
-        # XXX
-        user.password = crypt_password(password)
-        user.syncUpdate()

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/account/widgets.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/account/widgets.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/account/widgets.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 from cumin.util import *
 import main
-import model
 from wooly import Session
@@ -34,25 +33,32 @@
         self.settings = SettingsFrame(app, "main")
-class SettingsFrame(CuminFrame):
+class SettingsFrame(Frame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
         super(SettingsFrame, self).__init__(app, name)
-        self.view = SettingsView(app, "view")
-        self.add_mode(self.view)
+        self.change_password_form = ChangePasswordForm(app, "change_password")
+        self.app.form_page.modes.add_mode(self.change_password_form)
+        link = self.ChangePasswordLink(app, "change_password")
+        self.add_child(link)
     def render_title(self, session):
         return "Settings"
-class SettingsView(Widget):
-    def init(self):
-        # XXX deferring this, but I don't like it
-        #task = self.app.account.ChangePassword
-        #link = ObjectTaskLink(self.app, "change_password", task, None)
-        #self.add_child(link)
+    class ChangePasswordLink(Link):
+        def render_href(self, session):
+            nsession = wooly.Session(self.app.form_page)
+            form = self.frame.change_password_form
+            form.return_url.set(nsession, session.marshal())
+            form.show(nsession)
-        super(SettingsView, self).init()
+            return nsession.marshal()
+        def render_content(self, sessino):
+            return "Change Password"
 class LoginPage(HtmlPage):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
         super(LoginPage, self).__init__(app, name)
@@ -110,13 +116,12 @@
             if not self.errors.get(session):
-                cls = self.app.rosemary.com_redhat_cumin.User
-                user = None
-                for obj in cls.get_selection(session.cursor, name=name):
-                    user = obj
-                    break
+                conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
+                cursor = conn.cursor()
+                cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.User
+                user = cls.get_object(cursor, name=name)
                 if not user:
                     self.login_invalid.set(session, True)
@@ -126,7 +131,7 @@
                 if crypted and crypt(password, crypted) == crypted:
                     # You're in!
-                    login = model.LoginSession(self.app, user)
+                    login = LoginSession(self.app, user)
                     session.client_session.attributes["login_session"] = login
                     url = self.page.origin.get(session)
@@ -136,7 +141,7 @@
                     self.login_invalid.set(session, True)
     def render_operator_link(self, session):
-        email = self.app.config.operator_email
+        email = self.app.operator_email
         if email:
             return "<a href=\"mailto:%s\">site operator</a>" % email
@@ -151,9 +156,9 @@
         def render_content(self, session):
             return "Submit"
-class ChangePasswordForm(ObjectTaskForm):
-    def __init__(self, app, name, task):
-        super(ChangePasswordForm, self).__init__(app, name, task)
+class ChangePasswordForm(FoldingFieldSubmitForm):
+    def __init__(self, app, name):
+        super(ChangePasswordForm, self).__init__(app, name)
         self.current = self.Current(app, "current")
         self.current.required = True
@@ -192,12 +197,20 @@
         if not self.errors.get(session):
-            user = session.client_session.attributes["login_session"].user
+            conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
+            cursor = conn.cursor()
             password = self.new0.get(session)
-            self.task.invoke(session, user, password)
-            self.task.exit_with_redirect(session)
+            user = session.client_session.attributes["login_session"].user
+            user.password = crypt_password(password)
+            user.save(cursor)
+            conn.commit()
+            url = self.return_url.get(session)
+            self.page.redirect.set(session, url)
     class Current(PasswordField):
         def render_title(self, session):
             return "Current password"

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/admin.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/admin.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/admin.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from util import *
+log = logging.getLogger("cumin.admin")
+class CuminAdmin(object):
+    def __init__(self, app):
+        self.app = app
+    def get_schema(self):
+        writer = StringIO()
+        self.app.model.sql_model.write_create_ddl(writer)
+        return writer.getvalue()
+    def create_schema(self, cursor):
+        cursor.execute(self.get_schema())
+    def drop_schema(self, cursor):
+        writer = StringIO()
+        self.app.model.sql_model.write_drop_ddl(writer)
+        sql = writer.getvalue()
+        cursor.execute(sql)
+    def get_role(self, cursor, name):
+        cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.Role
+        return cls.get_object(cursor, name=name)
+    def add_role(self, cursor, name):
+        cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.Role
+        role = cls.create_object(cursor)
+        role.name = name
+        role.fake_qmf_values()
+        role.save(cursor)
+        return role
+    def get_user(self, cursor, name):
+        cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.User
+        return cls.get_object(cursor, name=name)
+    def add_user(self, cursor, name, crypted_password):
+        cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.User
+        user = cls.create_object(cursor)
+        user.name = name
+        user.password = crypted_password
+        user.fake_qmf_values()
+        user.save(cursor)
+        return user
+    def get_assignment(self, cursor, user, role):
+        cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.UserRoleMapping
+        mapping = cls.get_object(cursor, _user_id=user._id, _role_id=role._id)
+        return mapping
+    def add_assignment(self, cursor, user, role):
+        cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.UserRoleMapping
+        mapping = cls.create_object(cursor)
+        mapping._user_id = user._id
+        mapping._role_id = role._id
+        mapping.fake_qmf_values()
+        mapping.save(cursor)
+        return mapping

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/config.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/config.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/config.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-import os
-import sys
-import logging
+from optparse import OptionParser
-from parsley.config import Config, ConfigParameter
+from parsley.config import *
 from parsley.loggingex import *
+from util import *
 log = logging.getLogger("cumin.config")
 class CuminConfig(Config):
@@ -17,17 +17,48 @@
         if not os.path.isdir(self.home):
             raise Exception("Home path '%s' is not a directory")
-        sdef = os.path.normpath("/usr/share/amqp/amqp.0-10-qpid-errata.xml")
-        self.spec = os.environ.get("AMQP_SPEC", sdef)
+        web = CuminConfigSection(self, "web")
-        param = ConfigParameter(self, "data", str)
-        param.default = "postgresql://cumin@localhost/cumin"
+        param = ConfigParameter(web, "host", str)
+        param.default = "localhost"
-        param = ConfigParameter(self, "qmf", str)
+        param = ConfigParameter(web, "port", int)
+        param.default = 45672
+        param = ConfigParameter(web, "operator-email", str)
+        param = ConfigParameter(web, "user", str)
+        data = CuminConfigSection(self, "data")
+        param = ConfigParameter(data, "expire-frequency", int)
+        param.default = 600 # 10 minutes
+        param = ConfigParameter(data, "expire-threshold", int)
+        param.default = 24 * 3600 # 1 day
+    def parse(self):
+        paths = list()
+        paths.append(os.path.join(self.home, "etc", "cumin.conf"))
+        paths.append(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cumin.conf"))
+        return self.parse_files(paths)
+class CuminConfigSection(ConfigSection):
+    def __init__(self, config, name):
+        super(CuminConfigSection, self).__init__(config, name)
+        param = ConfigParameter(self, "database", str)
+        param.default = "dbname=cumin user=cumin host=localhost"
+        param = ConfigParameter(self, "broker", str)
         param.default = "amqp://localhost"
+        param = ConfigParameter(self, "model", str)
+        param.default = os.path.join(self.config.home, "xml")
         param = ConfigParameter(self, "log-file", str)
-        param.default = os.path.join(self.home, "log", "cumin.log")
+        param.default = os.path.join(self.config.home, "log", "cumin.log")
         param = ConfigParameter(self, "log-level", str)
         param.default = "warn"
@@ -35,27 +66,24 @@
         param = ConfigParameter(self, "debug", bool)
         param.default = False
-        param = ConfigParameter(self, "user", str)
+class CuminOptionParser(OptionParser):
+    def __init__(self, section):
+        OptionParser.__init__(self)
-        param = ConfigParameter(self, "operator-email", str)
+        self.add_option("--database", default=section.database)
+        self.add_option("--broker", default=section.broker)
+        self.add_option("--model", default=section.model)
+        self.add_option("--log-file", default=section.log_file)
+        self.add_option("--log-level", default=section.log_level)
+        self.add_option("--debug", default=section.debug)
+        self.add_option("--init-only", action="store_true")
-        self.expire_frequency = 600
-        self.expire_threshold = 24 * 3600
+def setup_logging(values):
+    modules = ("cumin", "mint", "parsley", "rosemary", "wooly")
-    def init(self, opts=None):
-        super(CuminConfig, self).init()
+    for name in modules:
+        enable_logging(name, values.log_level, values.log_file)
-        self.load_file(os.path.join(self.home, "etc", "cumin.conf"))
-        self.load_file(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cumin.conf"))
-        if opts:
-            self.load_dict(opts)
-        modules = ("cumin", "mint", "parsley", "rosemary", "wooly")
+    if values.debug:
         for name in modules:
-            enable_logging(name, self.log_level, self.log_file)
-        if self.debug:
-            for name in modules:
-                enable_logging(name, "debug", sys.stderr)
+            enable_logging(name, "debug", sys.stderr)

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/database.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/database.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/database.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import psycopg2
+import re
+from util import *
+log = logging.getLogger("cumin.database")
+class CuminDatabase(object):
+    def __init__(self, app, dsn):
+        self.app = app
+        self.dsn = dsn
+        self.connection_args = dict()
+    def init(self):
+        log.info("Initializing %s", self)
+        #m = re.match(r"^([^:]+)://([^@]+)@([^/]+)/(.+)$", self.uri)
+    def get_connection(self):
+        return psycopg2.connect(self.dsn)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.__class__.__name__
+def modify_pghba_conf(path, database_name, user_name):
+    comment_or_empty_line_pattern = re.compile('^\w*#|^\w*$')
+    record_pattern = re.compile('^\w*(local|host|hostssl|hostnossl)')
+    file = open(path, "r")
+    lines = list()
+    first_record_index = None
+    for i, line in enumerate(file):
+        lines.append(line)
+        if record_pattern.match(line):
+            if first_record_index is None:
+                first_record_index = i
+            tokens = line.split()
+            if tokens[1] == database_name:
+                raise Exception("This file already contains a " + \
+                                    "%s record" % database_name)
+        elif comment_or_empty_line_pattern.match(line):
+            pass
+        else:
+            raise Exception("This doesn't look like a pg_hba.conf file")
+    file.close()
+    if first_record_index is None:
+        first_record_index = len(lines)
+    line = "host %s %s ::1/128 trust\n" % (database_name, user_name)
+    lines.insert(first_record_index, line)
+    line = "host %s %s trust\n" % (database_name, user_name)
+    lines.insert(first_record_index, line)
+    file = open(path, "w")
+    for line in lines:
+        file.write(line)
+    file.close()

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/collector.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/collector.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/collector.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 class CollectorFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Collector
+        cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Collector
         super(CollectorFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/main.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/main.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/main.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@
     def __init__(self, app, name):
         super(Module, self).__init__(app, name)
-        # cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Job
+        # cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Job
         # JobHold(self, cls)
         # JobRelease(self, cls)
         # JobRemove(self, cls)
         # JobSetAttribute(self, cls)
-        # cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Negotiator
+        # cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Negotiator
         # NegotiatorEditDynamicQuota(self, cls)
         # NegotiatorEditStaticQuota(self, cls)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/negotiator.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/negotiator.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/negotiator.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 class NegotiatorFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Negotiator
+        cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Negotiator
         super(NegotiatorFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 class NegotiatorSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name, pool):
-        cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Negotiator
+        cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Negotiator
         super(NegotiatorSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/pool.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/pool.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/pool.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 class PoolSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Collector
+        cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Collector
         super(PoolSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 class PoolFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Collector
+        cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Collector
         super(PoolFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/scheduler.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/scheduler.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/scheduler.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 class SchedulerFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name, pool):
-        cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Scheduler
+        cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Scheduler
         super(SchedulerFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 class SchedulerSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name, pool):
-        cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Scheduler
+        cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Scheduler
         super(SchedulerSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/slot.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/slot.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/slot.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 class SlotSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name, pool):
-        cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Slot
+        cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Slot
         super(SlotSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 class SlotFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Slot
+        cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Slot
         super(SlotFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/submission.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/submission.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/submission.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
 class SubmissionFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Submission
+        cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Submission
         super(SubmissionFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
 class SubmissionSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Submission
+        cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Submission
         super(SubmissionSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/submitter.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/submitter.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/grid/submitter.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 class SubmitterFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Submitter
+        cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Submitter
         super(SubmitterFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 class SubmitterSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name, scheduler):
-        cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Submitter
+        cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Submitter
         super(SubmitterSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/inventory/main.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/inventory/main.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/inventory/main.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
         app.main_page.main.inventory = self.frame
-        self.system_slots_page = SystemSlotMapPage(app, "systemslots.png")
-        app.add_page(self.system_slots_page)
+        self.app.system_slots_page = SystemSlotMapPage(app, "systemslots.png")
+        self.app.add_page(self.app.system_slots_page)
 class InventoryFrame(CuminFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/inventory/system.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/inventory/system.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/inventory/system.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 class SystemSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.com_redhat_sesame.Sysimage
+        cls = app.model.com_redhat_sesame.Sysimage
         super(SystemSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 class SystemFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.com_redhat_sesame.Sysimage
+        cls = app.model.com_redhat_sesame.Sysimage
         super(SystemFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -95,12 +95,10 @@
     def render_image_href(self, session):
         system = self.system.get(session)
-        import main # XXX
-        page = main.module.system_slots_page
+        page = self.app.system_slots_page
         sess = Session(page)
-        page.system.set(sess, system)
+        page.id.set(sess, system._id)
         return sess.marshal()
@@ -112,10 +110,10 @@
     def render_slots_href(self, session):
         system = self.system.get(session)
-        page = main.module.system_slots_page
+        page = self.app.system_slots_page
         sess = Session(page)
-        page.system.set(sess, system)
+        page.id.set(sess, system._id)
         page.json.set(sess, "slots")
         page.groups.set(sess, [])
@@ -225,14 +223,15 @@
 class SystemSlotMapPage(SlotMapPage):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        self.system = SystemParameter(app, "id")
-        super(SystemSlotMapPage, self).__init__(app, name, self.system, "System")
+        super(SystemSlotMapPage, self).__init__(app, name, None, "System")
-        self.add_parameter(self.system)
+        self.id = IntegerParameter(app, "id")
+        self.add_parameter(self.id)
     def do_process(self, session):
         super(SystemSlotMapPage, self).do_process(session)
-        system = self.system.get(session)
+        cls = self.app.com_redhat_sesame.Sysimage
+        system = cls.get_object_by_id(session.cursor, self.id.get(session))
         self.slots.add_where_expr(session, "s.system = '%s'", system.nodeName)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/main.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/main.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/main.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -3,19 +3,20 @@
 import sys
 from mint import *
-from parsley.config import Config, ConfigParameter
 from parsley.loggingex import *
-from rosemary.model import RosemaryModel
 from stat import StatChartPage, StatStackedPage, \
     StatFlashPage, FlashFullPage
 from wooly import Application, Session, Page
 from wooly.pages import ResourcePage
 from wooly.parameters import IntegerParameter
-from config import *
+from admin import *
+from database import *
 from model import *
 from objectselector import *
 from objecttask import *
+from server import *
+from session import *
 from sqladapter import *
 from user import *
 from widgets import *
@@ -26,30 +27,66 @@
 log = logging.getLogger("cumin")
 class Cumin(Application):
-    def __init__(self, config):
+    def __init__(self, home, broker_uri, database_dsn,
+                 host="localhost", port=45672):
         super(Cumin, self).__init__()
-        self.log = log
+        self.home = home
-        self.config = config
+        model_dir = os.path.join(self.home, "model")
-        self.devel_enabled = self.config.debug
+        self.model = CuminModel(self, model_dir)
+        self.session = CuminSession(self, broker_uri)
+        self.database = CuminDatabase(self, database_dsn)
+        self.server = CuminServer(self, host, port)
+        self.admin = CuminAdmin(self)
+        self.add_resource_dir(os.path.join(self.home, "resources-wooly"))
+        self.add_resource_dir(os.path.join(self.home, "resources"))
         self.modules = list()
         self.modules_by_name = dict()
-        self.home = self.config.home
+        self.user = None
+        self.operator_email = None
-        self.add_resource_dir(os.path.join(self.home, "resources-wooly"))
-        self.add_resource_dir(os.path.join(self.home, "resources"))
+    def check(self):
+        log.info("Checking %s", self)
-        self.model = CuminModel(self, self.config.data)
+        if not os.path.isdir(self.home):
+            msg = "Cumin home '%s' not found or not a directory"
+            raise Exception(msg % self.home)
-        self.rosemary = RosemaryModel()
-        self.rosemary.sql_logging_enabled = True
-        self.rosemary.load_xml_dir(os.path.join(self.home, "xml"))
-        self.rosemary.init()
+        self.model.check()
+    def init(self):
+        log.info("Initializing %s", self)
+        self.model.init()
+        self.session.init()
+        self.database.init()
+        self.server.init()
+        self.add_pages()
+        import account
+        import messaging
+        import grid
+        import inventory
+        import usergrid
+        account.Module(self, "account")
+        messaging.Module(self, "messaging")
+        grid.Module(self, "grid")
+        inventory.Module(self, "inventory")
+        usergrid.Module(self, "usergrid")
+        for module in self.modules:
+            module.init()
+        super(Cumin, self).init()
+    def add_pages(self):
         self.main_page = MainPage(self, "index.html")
         self.main_page.page_html_class = "Cumin"
@@ -67,40 +104,18 @@
         self.resource_page.protected = False
-    def check(self):
-        if not os.path.isdir(self.home):
-            raise Exception \
-                ("Error: cumin home '%s' not found or not a directory" \
-                     % self.home)
+    def start(self):
+        log.info("Starting %s", self)
-        self.model.check()
+        self.session.start()
+        self.server.start()
-    def do_init(self):
-        import account
-        import messaging
-        import grid
-        import inventory
-        #import usergrid
+    def stop(self):
+        log.info("Stopping %s", self)
-        account.Module(self, "account")
-        messaging.Module(self, "messaging")
-        grid.Module(self, "grid")
-        inventory.Module(self, "inventory")
-        #usergrid.Module(self, "usergrid")
+        self.server.stop()
+        self.session.stop()
-        for module in self.modules:
-            module.init()
-        self.model.init()
-        super(Cumin, self).do_init()
-    def do_start(self):
-        self.model.start()
-    def do_stop(self):
-        self.model.stop()
 class CuminModule(object):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
         self.app = app
@@ -156,7 +171,7 @@
     def do_process(self, session):
         super(OverviewFrame, self).do_process(session)
-        count = len(self.app.model.mint.model.qmf_brokers)
+        count = len(self.app.session.qmf_brokers)
         if count == 0:
             self.mode.set(session, self.notice)
@@ -211,7 +226,7 @@
             sum(s."msgTotalEnqueues")) / (count(1)-1)) / 30 as avg_60"""
         queue_id_col = self.table._columns_by_name["_id"]
         vhostRef_col = self.table._columns_by_name["_vhostRef_id"]
-        vhost_table = self.app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Vhost.sql_table
+        vhost_table = self.app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Vhost.sql_table
         vhost_id_col = vhost_table._columns_by_name["_id"]
         vhost_brokerRef_col = vhost_table._columns_by_name["_brokerRef_id"]
@@ -262,7 +277,7 @@
 class TopQueueTable(TopTable):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Queue
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Queue
         adapter = TopQueueAdapter(app, cls)
         super(TopQueueTable, self).__init__(app, name, adapter)
@@ -302,7 +317,7 @@
 class TopSystemTable(TopObjectTable):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.com_redhat_sesame.Sysimage
+        cls = app.model.com_redhat_sesame.Sysimage
         super(TopSystemTable, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -318,14 +333,15 @@
 class TopSubmissionTable(TopObjectTable):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.mrg_grid.Submission
+        cls = app.model.mrg_grid.Submission
         super(TopSubmissionTable, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
         col = self.NameColumn(app, cls.Name.name, cls.Name, cls._id, None)
-        col = self.DurationColumn(app, cls._qmf_create_time.name, cls._qmf_create_time)
+        col = self.DurationColumn(app, cls._qmf_create_time.name,
+                                  cls._qmf_create_time)
         self.sort_col = cls._qmf_create_time.name

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/binding.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/binding.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/binding.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 class BindingFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Binding
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Binding
         super(BindingFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@
 class BindingData(ObjectSqlAdapter):
     def __init__(self, app):
-        binding = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Binding
-        exchange = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Exchange
-        queue = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Queue
+        binding = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Binding
+        exchange = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Exchange
+        queue = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Queue
         super(BindingData, self).__init__(app, binding)
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@
 class BindingSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        binding = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Binding
-        exchange = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Exchange
-        queue = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Queue
+        binding = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Binding
+        exchange = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Exchange
+        queue = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Queue
         data = BindingData(app)
@@ -106,7 +106,6 @@
             (app, "queue", queue.name, queue._id, frame)
-        self.add_attribute_column(binding.arguments)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/broker.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/broker.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/broker.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
 class BrokerData(ObjectSqlAdapter):
     def __init__(self, app):
-        broker = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Broker
-        system = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.System
-        cluster = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_cluster.Cluster
-        mapping = app.rosemary.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroupMapping
+        broker = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Broker
+        system = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.System
+        cluster = app.model.org_apache_qpid_cluster.Cluster
+        mapping = app.model.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroupMapping
         super(BrokerData, self).__init__(app, broker)
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 class BrokerSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name, data):
-        broker = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Broker
-        system = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.System
-        cluster = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_cluster.Cluster
+        broker = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Broker
+        system = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.System
+        cluster = app.model.org_apache_qpid_cluster.Cluster
         data = BrokerData(app)
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 class BrokerFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Broker
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Broker
         super(BrokerFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
         self.broker.set(session, broker)
-        cls = self.app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Vhost
+        cls = self.app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Vhost
         args = {"_brokerRef_id": id, "name": "/"}
         for obj in cls.get_selection(session.cursor, **args):
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
     def render_title(self, session, *args):
-        return "Brokers %s" % fmt_count(Broker.select().count())
+        return "Brokers"
     def render_clear_filters_href(self, session):
         branch = session.branch()
@@ -265,7 +265,8 @@
         return branch.marshal()
     def render_group_filters(self, session):
-        groups = BrokerGroup.select()
+        cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroup
+        groups = cls.get_selection(session.cursor)
         return self._render_filters(session, groups, self.group_tmpl)
     def render_group_link(self, session, group):
@@ -362,15 +363,15 @@
         vhost = self.object.get(session)
-        cls = self.app.rosemary.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroupMapping
+        cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroupMapping
         mappings = cls.get_selection(session.cursor, _broker_id=vhost._brokerRef_id)
         checked_groups = [x._group_id for x in mappings]
         self.groups.inputs.set(session, checked_groups)
     def process_submit(self, session):
         vhost = self.object.get(session)
-        cls = self.app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Broker
-        broker = cls.get_object(session.cursor, vhost._brokerRef_id)
+        cls = self.app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Broker
+        broker = cls.get_object_by_id(session.cursor, vhost._brokerRef_id)
         groups = self.groups.get(session)
         self.task.invoke(session, broker, groups)
@@ -381,7 +382,7 @@
             return "Groups"
         def do_get_items(self, session):
-            cls = self.app.rosemary.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroup
+            cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroup
             groups = cls.get_selection(session.cursor)
             return (FormInputItem(x._id, title=x.name) for x in groups)
@@ -395,14 +396,14 @@
         return "Add to groups"
     def do_invoke(self, invoc, broker, groups):
-        conn = self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
         cursor = conn.cursor()
-        cls = self.app.rosemary.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroup
+        cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroup
         all_groups = cls.get_selection(cursor)
         selected_ids = [x._id for x in groups]
-        cls = self.app.rosemary.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroupMapping
+        cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroupMapping
             for group in all_groups:
                 existing_mapping = cls.get_selection(cursor, _broker_id=broker._id, _group_id=group._id)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/brokergroup.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/brokergroup.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/brokergroup.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 class BrokerGroupSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroup
+        cls = app.model.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroup
         super(BrokerGroupSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
         return "Remove"
     def do_invoke(self, invoc, group):
-        conn = self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
         cursor = conn.cursor()
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 class BrokerGroupFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroup
+        cls = app.model.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroup
         super(BrokerGroupFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
     def __init__(self, app, name, task):
         super(BrokerGroupForm, self).__init__(app, name, task)
-        self.name_ = UniqueNameField(app, "name", BrokerGroup) # XXX
+        self.name_ = StringField(app, "name")
         self.description = self.Description(app, "description")
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
         return "Add broker group"
     def do_invoke(self, invoc, obj, name, description):
-        conn = self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
         cursor = conn.cursor()
         group = self.cls.create_object(cursor)
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
         group.name = name
         group.description = description
-        conn = self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
         cursor = conn.cursor()
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
     def do_invoke(self, invoc, group):
-        conn = self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
         cursor = conn.cursor()

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/brokerlink.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/brokerlink.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/brokerlink.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 class BrokerLinkFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Link
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Link
         super(BrokerLinkFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 class BrokerLinkSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name, vhost):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Link
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Link
         super(BrokerLinkSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 class RouteSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name, link):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Bridge
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Bridge
         super(RouteSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/connection.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/connection.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/connection.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 class ConnectionFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Connection
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Connection
         super(ConnectionFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 class ConnectionSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name, vhost):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Connection
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Connection
         super(ConnectionSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
 class SessionFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Session
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Session
         super(SessionFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
 class SessionSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name, conn):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Session
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Session
         super(SessionSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/exchange.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/exchange.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/exchange.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 class ExchangeFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Exchange
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Exchange
         super(ExchangeFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 class ExchangeSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name, vhost):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Exchange
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Exchange
         super(ExchangeSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/queue.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/queue.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/queue.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 class QueueFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Queue
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Queue
         super(QueueFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 class QueueSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name, vhost):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Queue
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Queue
         super(QueueSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -122,9 +122,7 @@
     def do_invoke(self, invoc, queue, name, durable, args):
         session = self.app.model.get_session_by_object(queue)
-        session.queue_declare(queue=name,
-                               durable=durable,
-                               arguments=args)
+        session.queue_declare(queue=name, durable=durable, arguments=args)
@@ -500,7 +498,7 @@
     class JournalAttribute(Attribute):
         def get(self, session):
             queue = self.widget.object.get(session)
-            cls = self.app.rosemary.com_redhat_rhm_store.Journal
+            cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_rhm_store.Journal
             journals = cls.get_selection(session.cursor,
@@ -576,7 +574,7 @@
     class QueueSearchInputSet(IncrementalSearchInput):
         def do_get_items(self, session):
-            cls = self.app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Queue
+            cls = self.app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Queue
             vhost = self.form.get_object(session)
             vhostid = vhost._id
             queues = cls.get_selection(session.cursor, _vhostRef_id=vhostid)
@@ -599,11 +597,11 @@
         return "Move messages"
     def do_invoke(self, invoc, vhost, src, dst, count):
-        cls = self.app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Broker
-        conn = self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        cls = self.app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Broker
+        conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
         cursor = conn.cursor()
-            broker = cls.get_object(cursor, vhost._brokerRef_id)
+            broker = cls.get_object_by_id(cursor, vhost._brokerRef_id)
         self.qmf_call(invoc, broker, "queueMoveMessages", src, dst, count)
@@ -682,8 +680,8 @@
     def get_object(self, session):
         # task expects a vhost object
         queue = self.object.get(session)
-        cls = self.app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Vhost
-        vhost = cls.get_object(session.cursor, queue._vhostRef_id)
+        cls = self.app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Vhost
+        vhost = cls.get_object_by_id(session.cursor, queue._vhostRef_id)
         return vhost
     class QueueSrcField(FormField):

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/subscription.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/subscription.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/subscription.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 class SubscriptionSelector(ObjectSelector):
     def __init__(self, app, name, queue):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Subscription
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Subscription
         super(SubscriptionSelector, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 class SubscriptionFrame(ObjectFrame):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Subscription
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Subscription
         super(SubscriptionFrame, self).__init__(app, name, cls)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/test.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/test.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/messaging/test.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-from mint import *
-from mint.schema import *
 from cumin.test import *
 from cumin.util import *

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/model.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/model.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/model.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
-import logging
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 from decimal import *
-from mint import Mint, MintConfig
+from mint import *
+from rosemary.model import *
 from struct import unpack, calcsize
-from sqladapter import *
-from sqlobject import sqlhub
 from threading import Thread, Lock
 from types import *
 from wooly import *
@@ -15,97 +11,82 @@
 from formats import *
 from parameters import *
+from sqladapter import *
 from util import *
 import wooly
 log = logging.getLogger("cumin.model")
-class CuminModel(object):
-    def __init__(self, app, data_uri):
+class CuminModel(RosemaryModel):
+    def __init__(self, app, model_dir):
+        super(CuminModel, self).__init__()
         self.app = app
+        self.model_dir = model_dir
-        config = app.config
-        self.mint = Mint(config)
-        self.mint.update_enabled = False
-        self.mint.expire_enabled = False
-        self.mint.vacuum_enabled = False
         self.lock = Lock()
-        self.classes = list()
-        self.invocations = set()
+        # int seq => callable
+        self.outstanding_method_calls = dict()
-        self.frame = None
         self.tasks = list()
         self.task_invocations = list()
         self.limits_by_negotiator = dict()
         self.jobs_by_submission = dict()
-        # Messaging
+        # # Messaging
-        CuminBroker(self)
-        CuminQueue(self)
-        CuminExchange(self)
-        CuminBinding(self)
-        CuminConnection(self)
-        CuminSession(self)
-        CuminLink(self)
-        CuminRoute(self)
-        CuminBrokerStoreModule(self)
-        CuminJournal(self)
-        CuminBrokerAclModule(self)
-        CuminBrokerClusterModule(self)
+        # CuminBroker(self)
+        # CuminQueue(self)
+        # CuminExchange(self)
+        # CuminBinding(self)
+        # CuminConnection(self)
+        # CuminSession(self)
+        # CuminLink(self)
+        # CuminRoute(self)
+        # CuminBrokerStoreModule(self)
+        # CuminJournal(self)
+        # CuminBrokerAclModule(self)
+        # CuminBrokerClusterModule(self)
-        # Grid
+        # # Grid
-        CuminScheduler(self)
-        CuminSubmission(self)
-        CuminSubmitter(self)
-        CuminJob(self)
-        CuminJobGroup(self)
-        CuminLimit(self)
+        # CuminScheduler(self)
+        # CuminSubmission(self)
+        # CuminSubmitter(self)
+        # CuminJob(self)
+        # CuminJobGroup(self)
+        # CuminLimit(self)
-        CuminCollector(self)
-        CuminNegotiator(self)
+        # CuminCollector(self)
+        # CuminNegotiator(self)
-        # Systems
+        # # Systems
-        CuminSystem(self)
-        CuminSlot(self)
-        CuminGrid(self)
+        # CuminSystem(self)
+        # CuminSlot(self)
+        # CuminGrid(self)
-        # Other
+        # # Other
-        CuminSubject(self)
+        # CuminSubject(self)
     def check(self):
-        self.mint.check()
+        log.info("Checking %s", self)
-    def init(self):
-        self.mint.init()
+        assert os.path.isdir(self.model_dir)
-        self.frame = self.app.main_page.main
+        log.debug("Model dir exists at '%s'", self.model_dir)
-        for cls in self.classes:
-            cls.init()
+    def init(self):
+        log.info("Initializing %s", self)
-    def start(self):
-        self.mint.start()
+        self.load_model_dir(self.model_dir)
-    def stop(self):
-        self.mint.stop()
+        super(CuminModel, self).init()
-    def get_sql_connection(self):
-        return sqlhub.getConnection().getConnection()
-    def add_class(self, cls):
-        self.classes.append(cls)
-        setattr(self, cls.cumin_name, cls)
     def get_ad_groups(self):
         return AdProperty.get_ad_groups()
@@ -122,10 +103,6 @@
     def show_main(self, session):
         return self.app.main_page.main.show(session)
-    def get_main_pool(self):
-        for coll in Collector.select():
-            return Pool(coll)
     def get_session_by_object(self, object):
         assert object
@@ -145,7 +122,7 @@
                 store = NegotiatorLimitStore(self, negotiator)
-                self.app.model.limits_by_negotiator[negotiator] = store
+                self.limits_by_negotiator[negotiator] = store
@@ -165,7 +142,7 @@
                 store = SubmissionJobStore(self, submission)
-                self.app.model.jobs_by_submission[submission] = store
+                self.jobs_by_submission[submission] = store
@@ -396,7 +373,7 @@
     def get_connection(self):
-        return self.model.get_sql_connection()
+        return self.app.database.get_connection()
     def get_db_name(self):
         name = self.name
@@ -1364,35 +1341,35 @@
     def get_object_name(self, conn):
         return conn.address
-class CuminSession(RemoteClass):
-    def __init__(self, model):
-        super(CuminSession, self).__init__(model, "session",
-                                           Session, SessionStats)
+# class CuminSession(RemoteClass):
+#     def __init__(self, model):
+#         super(CuminSession, self).__init__(model, "session",
+#                                            Session, SessionStats)
-        prop = CuminProperty(self, "name")
-        prop.title = "Name"
+#         prop = CuminProperty(self, "name")
+#         prop.title = "Name"
-        prop = CuminProperty(self, "channelId")
-        prop.title = "Channel ID"
+#         prop = CuminProperty(self, "channelId")
+#         prop.title = "Channel ID"
-        prop = CuminProperty(self, "detachedLifespan")
-        prop.title = "Detached Lifespan"
+#         prop = CuminProperty(self, "detachedLifespan")
+#         prop.title = "Detached Lifespan"
-        stat = CuminStat(self, "expireTime")
-        stat.title = "Expiration"
-        stat.category = "general"
+#         stat = CuminStat(self, "expireTime")
+#         stat.title = "Expiration"
+#         stat.category = "general"
-        stat = CuminStat(self, "framesOutstanding")
-        stat.title = "Frames Outstanding"
-        stat.unit = "frame"
-        stat.category = "general"
+#         stat = CuminStat(self, "framesOutstanding")
+#         stat.title = "Frames Outstanding"
+#         stat.unit = "frame"
+#         stat.category = "general"
-        stat = CuminStat(self, "attached")
-        stat.title = "Attached"
-        stat.category = "general"
+#         stat = CuminStat(self, "attached")
+#         stat.title = "Attached"
+#         stat.category = "general"
-    def get_title(self, session):
-        return "Session"
+#     def get_title(self, session):
+#         return "Session"
 class CuminLink(RemoteClass):
     def __init__(self, model):

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/objectframe.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/objectframe.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/objectframe.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
         super(ObjectFrame, self).do_process(session)
     def get_object(self, session, id):
-        return self.cls.get_object(session.cursor, id)
+        return self.cls.get_object_by_id(session.cursor, id)
 class ObjectAttributes(Widget):
     def __init__(self, app, name, object):

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/objecttask.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/objecttask.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/objecttask.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
-        agent = self.app.model.mint.model.agents[obj._qmf_agent_id]
+        agent = self.app.model.agents[obj._qmf_agent_id]
         agent.call_method(completion, obj, meth, *args)
     def exception(self, invoc, e):

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/parameters.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/parameters.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/parameters.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
         self.cls = cls
     def do_unmarshal(self, string):
-        conn = self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
         cursor = conn.cursor()
-            return self.cls.get_object(cursor, int(string))
+            return self.cls.get_object_by_id(cursor, int(string))
@@ -55,17 +55,17 @@
     def do_get(self, session):
         id = self.id_parameter.get(session)
-        conn = self.widget.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        conn = self.widget.app.database.get_connection()
         cursor = conn.cursor()
-            return self.cls.get_object(cursor, id)
+            return self.cls.get_object_by_id(cursor, id)
 class VhostParameter(RosemaryObjectParameter):
     def __init__(self, app, name):
-        cls = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Vhost
+        cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Vhost
         super(VhostParameter, self).__init__(app, name, cls)
@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@
 class NewBrokerGroupParameter(Parameter):
     def do_unmarshal(self, string):
         id = int(string)
-        cls = self.app.rosemary.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroup
+        cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroup
-        conn = self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
         cursor = conn.cursor()
-            return cls.get_object(cursor, id)
+            return cls.get_object_by_id(cursor, id)

Added: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/session.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/session.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/session.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+from model import *
+from util import *
+from qmf.console import Console, Session
+log = logging.getLogger("cumin.session")
+class CuminSession(object):
+    def __init__(self, app, broker_uri):
+        self.app = app
+        self.broker_uri = broker_uri
+        self.qmf_session = None
+        self.qmf_brokers = list()
+    def add_broker(self, uri):
+        log.info("Adding QMF broker at %s", uri)
+        assert self.qmf_session
+        qmf_broker = self.qmf_session.addBroker(uri)
+        name = qmf_broker.thread.__class__.__name__
+        qmf_broker.thread.name = "%s(%s)" % (name, uri)
+        self.qmf_brokers.append(qmf_broker)
+    def check(self):
+        log.info("Checking %s", self)
+    def init(self):
+        log.info("Initializing %s", self)
+    def start(self):
+        log.info("Starting %s", self)
+        assert self.qmf_session is None
+        self.qmf_session = Session(CuminConsole(self.app.model),
+                                   manageConnections=True,
+                                   rcvObjects=False)
+        self.add_broker(self.broker_uri)
+    def stop(self):
+        log.info("Stopping %s", self)
+        for qmf_broker in self.qmf_brokers:
+            self.qmf_session.delBroker(qmf_broker)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.broker_uri)
+class CuminConsole(Console):
+    def __init__(self, model):
+        self.model = model
+    def newAgent(self, qmf_agent):
+        log.info("New agent %s", qmf_agent)
+    def delAgent(self, qmf_agent):
+        log.info("Deleting agent %s", qmf_agent)
+    def methodResponse(self, broker, seq, response):
+        log.info("Method response for request %i received from %s",
+                 seq, broker)
+        log.debug("Response: %s", response)
+        self.model.lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            callback = self.model.outstanding_method_calls.pop(seq)
+            callback(response.text, response.outArgs)
+        finally:
+            self.model.lock.release()

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/sqladapter.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/sqladapter.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/sqladapter.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
     def get_count(self, values):
         # XXX urgh.  I want session in here
-        conn = self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
         cursor = conn.cursor()
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
     def get_data(self, values, options):
         sql_options = self.get_sql_options(options)
-        conn = self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
         cursor = conn.cursor()
@@ -133,9 +133,9 @@
 class TestData(ObjectSqlAdapter):
     def __init__(self, app):
-        broker = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Broker
-        system = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.System
-        cluster = app.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_cluster.Cluster
+        broker = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Broker
+        system = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.System
+        cluster = app.model.org_apache_qpid_cluster.Cluster
         super(TestData, self).__init__(app, broker)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/stat.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/stat.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/stat.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
     def get_adapter_stats(self, session):
         rpackage = self.rosemary_package.get(session)
         rclass = self.rosemary_class.get(session)
-        rosemary_package = self.app.rosemary._packages_by_name[rpackage]
+        rosemary_package = self.app.model._packages_by_name[rpackage]
         rosemary_class = rosemary_package._classes_by_name[rclass]
         id = str(self.id.get(session))
@@ -500,15 +500,15 @@
             if not obj:
                 rpackage = self.widget.rosemary_package.get(session)
                 rclass = self.widget.rosemary_class.get(session)
-                rosemary_package = self.app.rosemary._packages_by_name[rpackage]
+                rosemary_package = self.app.model._packages_by_name[rpackage]
                 rosemary_class = rosemary_package._classes_by_name[rclass]
                 id = self.widget.id.get(session)
-                conn = self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+                conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
                 cursor = conn.cursor()
-                    obj = rosemary_class.get_object(cursor, id)
+                    obj = rosemary_class.get_object_by_id(cursor, id)
@@ -1164,17 +1164,3 @@
         writer = Writer()
         return writer.to_string()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    import sys
-    try:
-        connuri = sys.argv[1]
-        conn = connectionForURI(connuri)
-        sqlhub.processConnection = conn
-    except IndexError:
-        print "Usage: stat.py DATABASE-URI"
-        sys.exit(1)
-    #data = DemoData()
-    #data.load()

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/test.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/test.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/test.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-from mint import Subject
 from parsley.test import *
 from wooly import *

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/tools.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/tools.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/tools.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -52,12 +52,6 @@
         if os.getuid() == 0:
-        try:
-            import psyco
-            psyco.full()
-        except ImportError:
-            pass
     def run(self):

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/usergrid/model.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/usergrid/model.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/usergrid/model.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
         return self.user.get(session).name
     def get_connection(self, session):
-        return self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        return self.app.database.get_connection()
     def get_object(self, session):
         cursor = self.execute(session)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/util.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/util.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/util.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -5,12 +5,15 @@
 from crypt import crypt
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 from qpid.datatypes import uuid4
+from pprint import *
 from random import randint
 from random import sample
 from threading import Thread, Event
 from time import mktime, time, sleep
 from xml.sax.saxutils import escape as do_xml_escape
+from parsley.threadingex import print_threads
 def xml_escape(string):
     if string:
         return do_xml_escape(string)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/widgets.py
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/widgets.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/python/cumin/widgets.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 from wooly import *
 from wooly.pages import *
 from wooly.datatable import *
@@ -6,7 +5,6 @@
 from wooly.forms import *
 from wooly.sql import *
 from wooly.tables import *
-from mint.schema import *
 from objecttask import *
 from objectselector import *
@@ -27,7 +25,7 @@
 class CuminSqlDataSet(SqlDataSet):
     def get_connection(self, session):
-        return self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        return self.app.database.get_connection()
 class CuminHeartBeat(Widget):
     """ the intent is to add stuff here """
@@ -118,7 +116,7 @@
         #    pages.append(self.app.main_page)
-        #pages.append(self.app.user_grid_page) XXX
+        pages.append(self.app.user_grid_page)
         return pages
@@ -766,7 +764,7 @@
                 return super(CuminTable.Links, self).do_render(session)
     def get_connection(self, session):
-        return self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        return self.app.database.get_connection()
     def do_process(self, session, *args):
         super(CuminTable, self).do_process(session, *args)
@@ -1304,6 +1302,7 @@
 class Wait(Widget):
+# XXX this should move somewhere else
 class LoginSession(object):
     def __init__(self, app, user):
         self.app = app
@@ -1323,7 +1322,7 @@
     def do_process(self, session):
-        conn = self.app.model.get_sql_connection()
+        conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
         setattr(session, "cursor", conn.cursor())
         if self.authorized(session):
@@ -1340,21 +1339,14 @@
             if login.created > when:
                 return True
-        elif self.app.config.user:
-            user = Subject.getByName(self.app.config.user)
+        elif self.app.user:
+            cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.User
+            users = cls.get_selection(session.cursor, name=self.app.user)
-            # cls = self.app.rosemary.com_redhat_cumin.User
-            # name_literal = "'%s'" % self.app.config.user
-            # user = None
+            if not users:
+                raise Exception("User '%s' not found" % self.app.user)
-            # for obj in cls.get_selection(session.cursor, name=name_literal):
-            #     user = obj
-            #     break
-            if user is None:
-                raise Exception("User '%s' not found" % self.app.config.user)
-            login = LoginSession(self.app, user)
+            login = LoginSession(self.app, users[0])
             session.client_session.attributes["login_session"] = login
             return True

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-admin
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-admin	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-admin	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-from mint.tools import MintAdminTool
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    try:
-        tool = MintAdminTool("mint-admin")
-        tool.main()
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        pass

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-admin-test
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-admin-test	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-admin-test	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
-trap "rm -rf ${tmpdir}" EXIT
-while read command; do
-    echo -n "Testing command '$command'..."
-    $command &> "${tmpdir}/output"
-    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-        echo " OK"
-    else
-        echo
-        echo "Command failed with exit code $?"
-        echo "Output:"
-        cat "${tmpdir}/output"
-        code=1
-    fi
-done <<EOF
-mint-admin --help
-mint-admin add-user "$id" changeme
-mint-admin assign "$id" admin
-mint-admin unassign "$id" admin
-mint-admin list-users
-mint-admin remove-user "$id" --force
-mint-admin list-roles
-exit "$code"

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-bench
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-bench	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-bench	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-import sys, os, logging, mint.sql
-from mint.tools import MintBenchTool
-def do_main():
-    MintBenchTool("mint-bench").main()
-def main():
-    if "--profile" in sys.argv:
-        sys.argv.remove("--profile")
-        from profile import Profile
-        from pstats import Stats
-        prof = Profile()
-        print "Calibrating"
-        biases = list()
-        for i in range(4):
-            bias = prof.calibrate(20000)
-            biases.append(bias)
-            print i, bias
-        prof.bias = sum(biases) / float(5)
-        print "Using bias %f" % prof.bias
-        try:
-	    prof.run("do_main()")
-	except KeyboardInterrupt:
-            pass
-        file = "/tmp/cumin-test-stats"
-        prof.dump_stats(file)
-        stats = Stats(file)
-        stats.sort_stats("cumulative").print_stats(15)
-        stats.sort_stats("time").print_stats(15)
-        stats.strip_dirs()
-    else:
-        do_main()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    mint.sql.profile = mint.sql.SqlProfile()
-    try:
-        main()
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        mint.sql.profile.report()

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-database
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-database	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-database	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/bash -e
-if [[ "$EUID" != "0" ]]; then
-    echo "This script must be run as root"
-    exit 2
-function check-environment {
-    which rpm > /dev/null
-    run "rpm -q postgresql-server"
-function check-postgresql {
-    # Is it installed?
-    # Is it initialized?
-    # Is it running?
-    test -d "$pgdata" || {
-        echo "The database is not initialized.  Run 'mint-database configure'."
-        exit 1
-    }
-    run "/sbin/service postgresql status" || {
-        echo "The database is not running.  Run '/sbin/service postgresql start'."
-        exit 1
-    }
-function confirmed {
-    while [[ "$confirm" != "yes" ]]; do
-        echo -n "Type 'yes' to proceed or [Ctrl-c] to exit: "
-        read confirm
-    done
-    return 0
-function format-output {
-    while read line; do
-        echo " | $line"
-    done
-function run {
-    echo " | \$ $1"
-    if [[ "$2" ]]; then
-        su - postgres -c "$1" | format-output 2>&1
-    else
-        $1 | format-output 2>&1
-    fi
-    return ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
-function initdb {
-    run "initdb --pgdata='$pgdata' --auth='ident sameuser'" postgres
-    run "mkdir '$pglog'" postgres
-    run "chmod 700 '$pglog'" postgres
-    /sbin/restorecon -R "$pgdata"
-function modify-postgresql-config {
-    python <<EOF
-import re
-comment_or_empty_line_pattern = re.compile('^\w*#|^\w*$')
-record_pattern = re.compile('^\w*(local|host|hostssl|hostnossl)')
-database_name = "cumin"
-path = "$pghbaconf"
-file = open(path, "r")
-lines = list()
-first_record_index = None
-for i, line in enumerate(file):
-    lines.append(line)
-    if record_pattern.match(line):
-        if first_record_index is None:
-            first_record_index = i
-        tokens = line.split()
-        if tokens[1] == database_name:
-            raise Exception("This file already contains a " + \
-                                "%s record" % database_name)
-    elif comment_or_empty_line_pattern.match(line):
-        pass
-    else:
-        raise Exception("This doesn't look like a pg_hba.conf file")
-if first_record_index is None:
-    first_record_index = len(lines)
-line = "host  %s  %s  ::1/128  trust\n" % (database_name, database_name)
-lines.insert(first_record_index, line)
-line = "host  %s  %s  trust\n" % (database_name, database_name)
-lines.insert(first_record_index, line)
-file = open(path, "w")
-for line in lines:
-    file.write(line)
-    return $?
-case "$1" in
-    status)
-        check-environment
-        check-postgresql
-        # Is it configured to be accessible?
-        # Is it accessible?
-        # Does it have a schema loaded?
-        run "psql -d cumin -U cumin -h localhost -c '\q'" postgres || {
-            echo "The database is not accessible."
-            exit 1
-        }
-        echo "The database is ready."
-        ;;
-    configure)
-        check-environment
-        if test -f $pghbaconf && run "grep ${dbname} ${pghbaconf}"; then
-            echo "The database server appears to have been configured already."
-            exit 1
-        fi
-        i_stopped_postgres=""
-        if run "/sbin/service postgresql status"; then
-            echo "The database server is running.  To proceed with configuration,"
-            echo "I need to stop it (I'll start it again after I'm done)."
-            if confirmed; then
-                run "/sbin/service postgresql stop"
-                i_stopped_postgres="yes"
-            fi
-        fi
-        test -d "$pgdata" || {
-            echo "The database server is not initialized.  To proceed, I need to"
-            echo "initialize it."
-            if confirmed; then
-                initdb
-            fi
-        }
-        modify-postgresql-config
-        if [[ "$i_stopped_postgres" == "yes" ]]; then
-            run "/sbin/service postgresql start"
-        fi
-        echo "The database server is configured. Make sure postgresql is running"
-        echo "and run 'mint-database create'."
-        # chkconfig stuff ?
-        ;;
-    create)
-        check-environment
-        check-postgresql
-        run "createuser --superuser ${dbname}" postgres
-        run "createdb --owner=${dbname} ${dbname}" postgres
-        echo "The database is created.  You can now run 'mint-admin load-schema'."
-        ;;
-    destroy)
-        check-environment
-        check-postgresql
-        run "dropdb ${dbname}" postgres
-        run "dropuser ${dbname}" postgres
-        echo "The database is destroyed."
-        ;;
-    *)
-        echo "Configure and check the mint database"
-        echo "Usage: mint-database COMMAND"
-        echo "Commands:"
-        echo "    status      Check the database"
-        echo "    configure   Modify the database server configuration"
-        echo "    create      Create the mint user and database"
-        echo "    destroy     Discard the mint user, database, and all data"
-        exit 1
-        ;;

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-demo
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-demo	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-demo	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/bash -e
-function check {
-    which psql > /dev/null
-    psql -d cumin -U cumin -h localhost -c '\q' || {
-        echo "The database is not ready; use mint-database to prepare it"
-        exit 1
-    }
-function load-data {
-    mint-admin add-user guest guest
-    mint-admin assign guest admin
-    python -c "from mint.demo import main; main()"
-case "$1" in
-    load)
-        check
-        load-data
-        ;;
-    reload)
-        check
-        mint-admin reload-schema --force || :
-        load-data
-        ;;
-    *)
-        echo "Utilities for mint demos"
-        echo "Usage: mint-demo COMMAND"
-        echo "Commands:"
-        echo "    load        Load a guest user and other demo data"
-        echo "    reload      First drop the schema and then load"
-        exit 1
-        ;;

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-server
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-server	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-server	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-import sys, os, logging
-from mint.tools import MintServerTool
-def main():
-    MintServerTool("mint-server").main()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    try:
-        main()
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-        pass

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-vacuumdb
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-vacuumdb	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/bin/mint-vacuumdb	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-TABLES="slot slot_stats job job_stats sysimage sysimage_stats"
-function check_pid() {
-  PID=`pidof postmaster`
-  if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
-    echo "Postgresql is not running, can't perform vacuum"
-    exit
-  fi
-if [ "$1" == "all" ]; then
-  check_pid
-  /usr/bin/vacuumdb --dbname=cumin --analyze --echo --verbose --host=localhost --username=cumin
-elif [ "$1" == "tables" ]; then
-  check_pid
-  for t in $TABLES ; do
-    /usr/bin/vacuumdb --dbname=cumin --table="$t" --analyze --echo --verbose --host=localhost --username=cumin; 
-  done
-  echo "Usage: mint-vacuumdb [all | tables]"
-  echo "  all    = performs a database-wide vacuum/analyze on all tables"
-  echo "  tables = performs a vacuum/analyze on a few pre-selected tables"

Modified: mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/database.py
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/database.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/database.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
-from psycopg2 import ProgrammingError
-from sqlobject import connectionForURI, sqlhub
+import psycopg2
-from model import MintInfo, Role
 from util import *
 log = logging.getLogger("mint.database")
 class MintDatabase(object):
-    def __init__(self, app):
+    def __init__(self, app, dsn):
         self.app = app
+        self.dsn = dsn
     def get_connection(self):
-        return connectionForURI(self.app.config.data).getConnection()
+        return psycopg2.connect(self.dsn)
     def check(self):
+        log.info("Checking %s", self)
     def init(self):
-        sqlhub.processConnection = connectionForURI(self.app.config.data)
+        log.info("Initializing %s", self)
     def check_connection(self):
         conn = self.get_connection()
@@ -25,6 +26,8 @@
             cursor = conn.cursor()
             cursor.execute("select now()")
+            log.debug("Database is talking at '%s'", self.dsn)
@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@
                 cursor.execute("drop schema public cascade")
-            except ProgrammingError:
+            except psycopg2.ProgrammingError:
                 log.warn("The schema is already dropped")
@@ -75,70 +78,6 @@
         return result
-    def load_schema(self):
-        paths = list()
-        paths.append(os.path.join(self.app.config.home, "sql", "schema.sql"))
-        paths.append(os.path.join(self.app.config.home, "sql", "indexes.sql"))
-        paths.append(os.path.join(self.app.config.home, "sql", "triggers.sql"))
-        paths.append(os.path.join(self.app.config.home, "sql", "rosemary.sql"))
-        scripts = list()
-        for path in paths:
-            file = open(path, "r")
-            try:
-                scripts.append((path, file.read()))
-            finally:
-                file.close()
-        conn = self.get_connection()
-        try:
-            cursor = conn.cursor()
-            try:
-                cursor.execute("create schema public");
-            except:
-                conn.rollback()
-                pass
-            for path, text in scripts:
-                stmts = self.__splitSQLStatements(text)
-                count = 0
-                for stmt in stmts:
-                    stmt = stmt.strip()
-                    if stmt:
-                        try:
-                            cursor.execute(stmt)
-                        except Exception, e:
-                            print "Failed executing statement:"
-                            print stmt
-                            raise e
-                        count += 1
-                print "Executed %i statements from file '%s'" % (count, path)
-            conn.commit()
-            info = MintInfo(version="0.1")
-            info.sync()
-            # Standard roles
-            user = Role(name="user")
-            user.sync()
-            admin = Role(name="admin")
-            admin.sync()
-        finally:
-            conn.close()
     def check_schema(self):
         conn = self.get_connection()
@@ -158,3 +97,6 @@
             print "No schema present"
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.__class__.__name__

Modified: mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/demo.py
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/demo.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/demo.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
         self.app = app
     def load(self):
-        cls = self.app.model.rosemary.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroup
+        cls = self.app.model.com_redhat_cumin.BrokerGroup
         conn = self.app.database.get_connection()
         cursor = conn.cursor()

Modified: mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/expire.py
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/expire.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/expire.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
 from newupdate import *
-from schema import *
-from sql import *
 from util import *
 import mint
@@ -8,28 +6,15 @@
 log = logging.getLogger("mint.expire")
 class ExpireThread(MintDaemonThread):
-    def __init__(self, app):
-        super(ExpireThread, self).__init__(app)
-        self.keep_curr_stats = False
-        self.ops = []
-        self.attrs = dict()
     def init(self):
+        log.debug("Initializing %s", self)
         frequency = self.app.expire_frequency
         threshold = self.app.expire_threshold
-        for cls in mint.schema.statsClasses:
-            self.ops.append(SqlExpire(eval(cls), self.keep_curr_stats))
-        for cls in mint.schema.entityClasses:
-            self.ops.append(SqlExpire(eval(cls), self.keep_curr_stats))
+        frequency_out, frequency_unit = convert_time_units(frequency)
+        threshold_out, threshold_unit = convert_time_units(threshold)
-        self.attrs["threshold"] = threshold
-        frequency_out, frequency_unit = self.__convertTimeUnits(frequency)
-        threshold_out, threshold_unit = self.__convertTimeUnits(threshold)
         args = (threshold_out, threshold_unit, frequency_out, frequency_unit)
         log.debug("Expiring database records older than %d %s, every %d %s" \
@@ -47,21 +32,6 @@
-    def __convertTimeUnits(self, t):
-        if t / (24 * 3600) >= 1:
-            t_out = t / (24 * 3600)
-            t_unit = "days"
-        elif t / 3600 >= 1:
-            t_out = t / 3600
-            t_unit = "hours"
-        elif t / 60 >= 1:
-            t_out = t / 60
-            t_unit = "minutes"
-        else:
-            t_out = t
-            t_unit = "seconds"
-        return (t_out, t_unit)
 class ExpireUpdate(Update):
     def do_process(self, conn, stats):
         seconds = self.model.app.expire_threshold
@@ -70,7 +40,7 @@
         count = 0
-        for pkg in self.model.rosemary._packages:
+        for pkg in self.model._packages:
             for cls in pkg._classes:
                 count += self.delete_samples(conn, cls, seconds)
@@ -89,3 +59,18 @@
             return cursor.rowcount
+def convert_time_units(t):
+    if t / (24 * 3600) >= 1:
+        t_out = t / (24 * 3600)
+        t_unit = "days"
+    elif t / 3600 >= 1:
+        t_out = t / 3600
+        t_unit = "hours"
+    elif t / 60 >= 1:
+        t_out = t / 60
+        t_unit = "minutes"
+    else:
+        t_out = t
+        t_unit = "seconds"
+    return (t_out, t_unit)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/main.py
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/main.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/main.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -2,52 +2,62 @@
 from expire import ExpireThread
 from model import MintModel
 from newupdate import UpdateThread
+from session import MintSession
 from vacuum import VacuumThread
 from util import *
 log = logging.getLogger("mint.main")
-class Mint(Lifecycle):
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        self.log = log
+class Mint(object):
+    def __init__(self, model_dir, broker_uri, database_dsn):
+        self.model = MintModel(self, model_dir)
+        self.model.sql_logging_enabled = False
-        self.config = config
-        self.database = MintDatabase(self)
-        self.model = MintModel(self)
+        self.session = MintSession(self, broker_uri)
+        self.database = MintDatabase(self, database_dsn)
         self.update_enabled = True
         self.update_thread = UpdateThread(self)
         self.expire_enabled = True
-        self.expire_frequency = self.config.expire_frequency
-        self.expire_threshold = self.config.expire_threshold
+        self.expire_frequency = 600
+        self.expire_threshold = 24 * 3600
         self.expire_thread = ExpireThread(self)
         self.vacuum_enabled = True
         self.vacuum_thread = VacuumThread(self)
     def check(self):
-        self.database.check()
+        log.info("Checking %s", self)
+        self.session.check()
+        self.database.check()
-    def do_init(self):
-        self.database.init()
-        self.model.init()
+    def init(self):
+        log.info("Initializing %s", self)
         def state(cond):
             return cond and "enabled" or "disabled"
         log.info("Updates are %s", state(self.update_enabled))
         log.info("Expiration is %s", state(self.expire_enabled))
+        log.info("Vacuum is %s", state(self.vacuum_enabled))
+        self.model.init()
+        self.session.init()
+        self.database.init()
-    def do_start(self):
-        self.model.start()
+    def start(self):
+        log.info("Starting %s", self)
+        self.session.start()
         if self.update_enabled:
@@ -57,9 +67,11 @@
         if self.vacuum_enabled:
-    def do_stop(self):
-        self.model.stop()
+    def stop(self):
+        log.info("Stopping %s", self)
+        self.session.stop()
         if self.update_enabled:
@@ -69,49 +81,9 @@
         if self.vacuum_enabled:
-class MintConfig(Config):
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(MintConfig, self).__init__()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.__class__.__name__
-        hdef = os.path.normpath("/var/lib/cumin")
-        hdef = os.environ.get("CUMIN_HOME", hdef)
-        self.home = os.environ.get("MINT_HOME", hdef)
-        if not os.path.isdir(self.home):
-            raise Exception("Home path '%s' is not a directory")
-        param = ConfigParameter(self, "data", str)
-        param.default = "postgresql://mint@localhost/mint"
-        param = ConfigParameter(self, "qmf", str)
-        param.default = "amqp://localhost"
-        param = ConfigParameter(self, "log-file", str)
-        param.default = os.path.join(self.home, "log", "mint.log")
-        param = ConfigParameter(self, "log-level", str)
-        param.default = "warn"
-        param = ConfigParameter(self, "debug", bool)
-        param.default = False
-        param = ConfigParameter(self, "expire-frequency", int)
-        param.default = 600 # 10 minutes
-        param = ConfigParameter(self, "expire-threshold", int)
-        param.default = 24 * 3600 # 1 day
-    def init(self):
-        super(MintConfig, self).init()
-        self.load_file(os.path.join(self.home, "etc", "cumin.conf"))
-        self.load_file(os.path.join(self.home, "etc", "mint.conf"))
-        self.load_file(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cumin.conf"))
-        self.load_file(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".mint.conf"))
-        enable_logging("mint", self.log_level, self.log_file)
 def get_addr_for_vhost(vhost):
     broker = vhost.broker
     host = broker.system.nodeName

Modified: mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/model.py
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/model.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/model.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,90 +1,50 @@
 from rosemary.model import *
-from sqlobject import *
-from cache import MintCache
 from newupdate import *
-from schema import *
-from schemalocal import *
 from util import *
-import mint.schema
-from qmf.console import ClassKey, Console, Session
 log = logging.getLogger("mint.model")
-class MintModel(Lifecycle):
-    def __init__(self, app):
-        self.log = log
+class MintModel(RosemaryModel):
+    def __init__(self, app, model_dir):
+        super(MintModel, self).__init__()
         self.app = app
+        self.model_dir = model_dir
-        assert mint.schema.model is None
-        mint.schema.model = self
+        self.agents_by_id = dict()
-        self.rosemary = RosemaryModel()
-        self.rosemary.sql_logging_enabled = False
-        self.qmf_session = None
-        self.qmf_brokers = list()
-        # qmfAgentId => MintAgent
-        self.agents = dict()
         # int seq => callable
         self.outstanding_method_calls = dict()
         self.lock = RLock()
     def check(self):
-        pass
+        log.info("Checking %s", self)
-    def do_init(self):
-        assert self.qmf_session is None
+        assert os.path.isdir(self.model_dir)
-        self.qmf_session = Session(MintConsole(self),
-                                   manageConnections=True,
-                                   rcvObjects=self.app.update_enabled)
+        log.debug("Model dir exists at '%s'", self.model_dir)
-        self.rosemary.load_xml_dir(os.path.join(self.app.config.home, "xml"))
-        self.rosemary.init()
+    def init(self):
+        log.info("Initializing %s", self)
-    def do_start(self):
-        # Clean up any transient objects that a previous instance may
-        # have left behind in the DB; it's basically an unconstrained
-        # agent disconnect update, for any agent
+        self.load_model_dir(self.model_dir)
-        # XXX
-        #up = AgentDisconnectUpdate(None)
-        #self.app.update_thread.enqueue(up)
+        super(MintModel, self).init()
-        uris = [x.strip() for x in self.app.config.qmf.split(",")]
-        for uri in uris:
-            self.add_broker(uri)
-    def do_stop(self):
-        for qmf_broker in self.qmf_brokers:
-            self.qmf_session.delBroker(qmf_broker)
-    def add_broker(self, url):
-        log.info("Adding qmf broker at %s", url)
-        self.lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            qmf_broker = self.qmf_session.addBroker(url)
-            self.qmf_brokers.append(qmf_broker)
-        finally:
-            self.lock.release()
     def get_agent(self, qmf_agent):
         id = qmf_agent.getAgentBank()
-            return self.agents[id]
+            return self.agents_by_id[id]
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.model_dir)
 class MintAgent(object):
     def __init__(self, model, qmf_agent):
         self.model = model
@@ -94,19 +54,12 @@
         self.last_heartbeat = None
-        # qmfObjectId => int database id
-        self.database_ids = MintCache()
         self.objects_by_id = dict()
-        # qmfObjectId => list of ModelUpdate objects
-        # XXX we're no longer using this; remove it
-        self.deferred_updates = defaultdict(list)
-            assert self.id not in self.model.agents
-            self.model.agents[self.id] = self
+            assert self.id not in self.model.agents_by_id
+            self.model.agents_by_id[self.id] = self
@@ -137,7 +90,7 @@
     def delete(self):
-            del self.model.agents[self.id]
+            del self.model.agents_by_id[self.id]
@@ -145,92 +98,3 @@
     def __repr__(self):
         return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id)
-class MintConsole(Console):
-    def __init__(self, model):
-        self.model = model
-    def brokerConnected(self, qmf_broker):
-        log.info("Broker at %s:%i is connected",
-                 qmf_broker.host, qmf_broker.port)
-    def brokerInfo(self, qmf_broker):
-        log.info("Broker info from %s", qmf_broker)
-    def brokerDisconnected(self, qmf_broker):
-        log.info("Broker at %s:%i is disconnected",
-                 qmf_broker.host, qmf_broker.port)
-    def newAgent(self, qmf_agent):
-        log.info("Creating %s", qmf_agent)
-        MintAgent(self.model, qmf_agent)
-    def delAgent(self, qmf_agent):
-        log.info("Deleting %s", qmf_agent)
-        try:
-            agent = self.model.get_agent(qmf_agent)
-        except KeyError:
-            return
-        agent.delete()
-        if self.model.app.update_thread.isAlive():
-            up = AgentDelete(self.model, agent)
-            self.model.app.update_thread.enqueue(up)
-    def heartbeat(self, qmf_agent, timestamp):
-        timestamp = timestamp / 1000000000
-        try:
-            agent = self.model.get_agent(qmf_agent)
-        except KeyError:
-            return
-        agent.last_heartbeat = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
-    def newPackage(self, name):
-        log.info("New package %s", name)
-    def newClass(self, kind, classKey):
-        log.info("New class %s", classKey)
-        # XXX I want to store class keys using this, but I can't,
-        # because I don't get any agent info; instead
-    def objectProps(self, broker, obj):
-        agent = self.model.get_agent(obj._agent)
-        if self.model.app.update_thread.isAlive():
-            if obj.getTimestamps()[2]:
-                up = ObjectDelete(self.model, agent, obj)
-            else:
-                up = ObjectUpdate(self.model, agent, obj)
-            self.model.app.update_thread.enqueue(up)
-    def objectStats(self, broker, obj):
-        print "objectStats!", broker, obj
-        agent = self.get_agent(obj._agent)
-        if self.model.app.update_thread.isAlive():
-            up = ObjectAddSample(self.model, agent, obj)
-            self.model.app.update_thread.enqueue(up)
-    def event(self, broker, event):
-        """ Invoked when an event is raised. """
-        pass
-    def methodResponse(self, broker, seq, response):
-        log.info("Method response for request %i received from %s",
-                 seq, broker)
-        log.debug("Response: %s", response)
-        self.model.lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            callback = self.model.outstanding_method_calls.pop(seq)
-            callback(response.text, response.outArgs)
-        finally:
-            self.model.lock.release()

Modified: mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/newupdate.py
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/newupdate.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/newupdate.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
         columns = list()
-        self.process_qmf_attributes(obj, columns)
+        self.process_headers(obj, columns)
         self.process_properties(obj, columns)
         cursor = conn.cursor()
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
         name = class_key.getPackageName()
-            pkg = self.model.rosemary._packages_by_name[name]
+            pkg = self.model._packages_by_name[name]
         except KeyError:
             raise PackageUnknown(name)
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
             return obj
-    def process_qmf_attributes(self, obj, columns):
+    def process_headers(self, obj, columns):
         table = obj._class.sql_table
         update_time, create_time, delete_time = self.object.getTimestamps()
@@ -375,10 +375,10 @@
         id = self.agent.id
-            for pkg in self.model.rosemary._packages:
+            for pkg in self.model._packages:
                 for cls in pkg._classes:
                     for obj in cls.get_selection(cursor, _qmf_agent_id=id):
-                        obj.delete()
+                        obj.delete(cursor)
                         print "Bam!", obj

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/schema.py
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/schema.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/schema.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,1829 +0,0 @@
-from sqlobject import *
-from mint.util import *
-model = None
-class Slot(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('SlotStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('SlotStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  Pool = StringCol(default=None)
-  System = StringCol(default=None)
-  AccountingGroup = StringCol(default=None)
-  Activity = StringCol(default=None)
-  Arch = StringCol(default=None)
-  CheckpointPlatform = StringCol(default=None)
-  ClientMachine = StringCol(default=None)
-  ConcurrencyLimits = StringCol(default=None)
-  Cpus = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  CurrentRank = FloatCol(default=None)
-  Disk = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  EnteredCurrentActivity = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  EnteredCurrentState = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  FileSystemDomain = StringCol(default=None)
-  GlobalJobId = StringCol(default=None)
-  IsValidCheckpointPlatform = StringCol(default=None)
-  JobId = StringCol(default=None)
-  JobStart = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  KFlops = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  LastBenchmark = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  LastFetchWorkCompleted = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  LastFetchWorkSpawned = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  LastPeriodicCheckpoint = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  Machine = StringCol(default=None)
-  MaxJobRetirementTime = StringCol(default=None)
-  Memory = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  Mips = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MyAddress = StringCol(default=None)
-  Name = StringCol(default=None)
-  NextFetchWorkDelay = IntCol(default=None)
-  OpSys = StringCol(default=None)
-  PreemptingConcurrencyLimits = StringCol(default=None)
-  PreemptingOwner = StringCol(default=None)
-  PreemptingUser = StringCol(default=None)
-  PreemptingRank = FloatCol(default=None)
-  RemoteOwner = StringCol(default=None)
-  RemoteUser = StringCol(default=None)
-  Requirements = StringCol(default=None)
-  Rank = StringCol(default=None)
-  SlotID = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  Start = StringCol(default=None)
-  StarterAbilityList = StringCol(default=None)
-  State = StringCol(default=None)
-  TimeToLive = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalClaimRunTime = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalClaimSuspendTime = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalCpus = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalDisk = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalJobRunTime = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalJobSuspendTime = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalMemory = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalSlots = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalVirtualMemory = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  UidDomain = StringCol(default=None)
-  VirtualMemory = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  WindowsBuildNumber = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  WindowsMajorVersion = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  WindowsMinorVersion = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  CondorPlatform = StringCol(default=None)
-  CondorVersion = StringCol(default=None)
-  DaemonStartTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-class SlotStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  slot = ForeignKey('Slot', cascade='null', default=None)
-  ClockDay = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  ClockMin = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  CondorLoadAvg = FloatCol(default=None)
-  ConsoleIdle = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  ImageSize = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  KeyboardIdle = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  LoadAvg = FloatCol(default=None)
-  MyCurrentTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  TotalCondorLoadAvg = FloatCol(default=None)
-  TotalLoadAvg = FloatCol(default=None)
-  TotalTimeBackfillBusy = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalTimeBackfillIdle = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalTimeBackfillKilling = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalTimeClaimedBusy = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalTimeClaimedIdle = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalTimeClaimedRetiring = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalTimeClaimedSuspended = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalTimeMatchedIdle = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalTimeOwnerIdle = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalTimePreemptingKilling = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalTimePreemptingVacating = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalTimeUnclaimedBenchmarking = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalTimeUnclaimedIdle = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfAge = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfCPUUsage = FloatCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfImageSize = FloatCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfRegisteredSocketCount = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfResidentSetSize = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-class Scheduler(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('SchedulerStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('SchedulerStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  Pool = StringCol(default=None)
-  System = StringCol(default=None)
-  JobQueueBirthdate = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  MaxJobsRunning = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  Machine = StringCol(default=None)
-  MyAddress = StringCol(default=None)
-  Name = StringCol(default=None)
-  CondorPlatform = StringCol(default=None)
-  CondorVersion = StringCol(default=None)
-  DaemonStartTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  def Submit(self, callback, Ad, Id):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Ad is not None:
-      args.append(Ad)
-    if Id is not None:
-      args.append(Id)
-    agent.call_method(self, "Submit", callback, args)
-  def GetAd(self, callback, Id, JobAd):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Id is not None:
-      args.append(Id)
-    if JobAd is not None:
-      args.append(JobAd)
-    agent.call_method(self, "GetAd", callback, args)
-  def SetAttribute(self, callback, Id, Name, Value):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Id is not None:
-      args.append(Id)
-    if Name is not None:
-      args.append(Name)
-    if Value is not None:
-      args.append(Value)
-    agent.call_method(self, "SetAttribute", callback, args)
-  def Hold(self, callback, Id, Reason):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Id is not None:
-      args.append(Id)
-    if Reason is not None:
-      args.append(Reason)
-    agent.call_method(self, "Hold", callback, args)
-  def Release(self, callback, Id, Reason):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Id is not None:
-      args.append(Id)
-    if Reason is not None:
-      args.append(Reason)
-    agent.call_method(self, "Release", callback, args)
-  def Remove(self, callback, Id, Reason):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Id is not None:
-      args.append(Id)
-    if Reason is not None:
-      args.append(Reason)
-    agent.call_method(self, "Remove", callback, args)
-  def Fetch(self, callback, Id, File, Start, End, Data):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Id is not None:
-      args.append(Id)
-    if File is not None:
-      args.append(File)
-    if Start is not None:
-      args.append(Start)
-    if End is not None:
-      args.append(End)
-    if Data is not None:
-      args.append(Data)
-    agent.call_method(self, "Fetch", callback, args)
-  def GetStates(self, callback, Submission, State, Count):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Submission is not None:
-      args.append(Submission)
-    if State is not None:
-      args.append(State)
-    if Count is not None:
-      args.append(Count)
-    agent.call_method(self, "GetStates", callback, args)
-  def GetJobs(self, callback, Submission, Jobs):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Submission is not None:
-      args.append(Submission)
-    if Jobs is not None:
-      args.append(Jobs)
-    agent.call_method(self, "GetJobs", callback, args)
-  def echo(self, callback, sequence, body):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if sequence is not None:
-      args.append(sequence)
-    if body is not None:
-      args.append(body)
-    agent.call_method(self, "echo", callback, args)
-class SchedulerStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  scheduler = ForeignKey('Scheduler', cascade='null', default=None)
-  NumUsers = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalHeldJobs = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalIdleJobs = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalJobAds = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalRemovedJobs = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TotalRunningJobs = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfAge = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfCPUUsage = FloatCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfImageSize = FloatCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfRegisteredSocketCount = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfResidentSetSize = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-class Submitter(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('SubmitterStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('SubmitterStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  scheduler = ForeignKey('Scheduler', cascade='null', default=None)
-  JobQueueBirthdate = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  Machine = StringCol(default=None)
-  Name = StringCol(default=None)
-  ScheddName = StringCol(default=None)
-class SubmitterStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  submitter = ForeignKey('Submitter', cascade='null', default=None)
-  HeldJobs = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  IdleJobs = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  RunningJobs = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class Negotiator(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('NegotiatorStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('NegotiatorStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  Pool = StringCol(default=None)
-  System = StringCol(default=None)
-  Name = StringCol(default=None)
-  Machine = StringCol(default=None)
-  MyAddress = StringCol(default=None)
-  CondorPlatform = StringCol(default=None)
-  CondorVersion = StringCol(default=None)
-  DaemonStartTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  def GetLimits(self, callback, Limits):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Limits is not None:
-      args.append(Limits)
-    agent.call_method(self, "GetLimits", callback, args)
-  def SetLimit(self, callback, Name, Max):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Name is not None:
-      args.append(Name)
-    if Max is not None:
-      args.append(Max)
-    agent.call_method(self, "SetLimit", callback, args)
-  def GetStats(self, callback, Name, Ad):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Name is not None:
-      args.append(Name)
-    if Ad is not None:
-      args.append(Ad)
-    agent.call_method(self, "GetStats", callback, args)
-  def SetPriority(self, callback, Name, Priority):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Name is not None:
-      args.append(Name)
-    if Priority is not None:
-      args.append(Priority)
-    agent.call_method(self, "SetPriority", callback, args)
-  def SetPriorityFactor(self, callback, Name, PriorityFactor):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Name is not None:
-      args.append(Name)
-    if PriorityFactor is not None:
-      args.append(PriorityFactor)
-    agent.call_method(self, "SetPriorityFactor", callback, args)
-  def SetUsage(self, callback, Name, Usage):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Name is not None:
-      args.append(Name)
-    if Usage is not None:
-      args.append(Usage)
-    agent.call_method(self, "SetUsage", callback, args)
-  def GetRawConfig(self, callback, Name, Value):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Name is not None:
-      args.append(Name)
-    if Value is not None:
-      args.append(Value)
-    agent.call_method(self, "GetRawConfig", callback, args)
-  def SetRawConfig(self, callback, Name, Value):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Name is not None:
-      args.append(Name)
-    if Value is not None:
-      args.append(Value)
-    agent.call_method(self, "SetRawConfig", callback, args)
-  def Reconfig(self, callback):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    agent.call_method(self, "Reconfig", callback, args)
-class NegotiatorStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  negotiator = ForeignKey('Negotiator', cascade='null', default=None)
-  MonitorSelfAge = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfCPUUsage = FloatCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfImageSize = FloatCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfRegisteredSocketCount = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfResidentSetSize = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-class Collector(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('CollectorStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('CollectorStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  Pool = StringCol(default=None)
-  System = StringCol(default=None)
-  CondorPlatform = StringCol(default=None)
-  CondorVersion = StringCol(default=None)
-  Name = StringCol(default=None)
-  MyAddress = StringCol(default=None)
-class CollectorStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  collector = ForeignKey('Collector', cascade='null', default=None)
-  RunningJobs = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  IdleJobs = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  HostsTotal = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  HostsClaimed = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  HostsUnclaimed = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  HostsOwner = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class Master(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('MasterStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('MasterStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  Pool = StringCol(default=None)
-  System = StringCol(default=None)
-  Name = StringCol(default=None)
-  Machine = StringCol(default=None)
-  MyAddress = StringCol(default=None)
-  RealUid = IntCol(default=None)
-  CondorPlatform = StringCol(default=None)
-  CondorVersion = StringCol(default=None)
-  DaemonStartTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  def Start(self, callback, Subsystem):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Subsystem is not None:
-      args.append(Subsystem)
-    agent.call_method(self, "Start", callback, args)
-  def Stop(self, callback, Subsystem):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if Subsystem is not None:
-      args.append(Subsystem)
-    agent.call_method(self, "Stop", callback, args)
-class MasterStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  master = ForeignKey('Master', cascade='null', default=None)
-  MonitorSelfAge = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfCPUUsage = FloatCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfImageSize = FloatCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfRegisteredSocketCount = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfResidentSetSize = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  MonitorSelfTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-class Grid(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('GridStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('GridStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  Pool = StringCol(default=None)
-  Name = StringCol(default=None)
-  ScheddName = StringCol(default=None)
-  Owner = StringCol(default=None)
-  JobLimit = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  SubmitLimit = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  GridResourceUnavailableTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-class GridStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  grid = ForeignKey('Grid', cascade='null', default=None)
-  NumJobs = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  SubmitsInProgress = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  SubmitsQueued = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  SubmitsAllowed = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  SubmitsWanted = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  RunningJobs = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  IdleJobs = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class Submission(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('SubmissionStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('SubmissionStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  scheduler = ForeignKey('Scheduler', cascade='null', default=None)
-  Name = StringCol(default=None)
-  Owner = StringCol(default=None)
-class SubmissionStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  submission = ForeignKey('Submission', cascade='null', default=None)
-  Idle = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  Running = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  Removed = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  Completed = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  Held = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class Acl(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('AclStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('AclStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  broker = ForeignKey('Broker', cascade='null', default=None)
-  policyFile = StringCol(default=None)
-  enforcingAcl = BoolCol(default=None)
-  transferAcl = BoolCol(default=None)
-  lastAclLoad = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  def reloadACLFile(self, callback):
-    """Reload the ACL file"""
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    agent.call_method(self, "reloadACLFile", callback, args)
-class AclStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  acl = ForeignKey('Acl', cascade='null', default=None)
-  aclDenyCount = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class Cluster(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('ClusterStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('ClusterStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  broker = ForeignKey('Broker', cascade='null', default=None)
-  clusterName = StringCol(default=None)
-  clusterID = StringCol(default=None)
-  memberID = StringCol(default=None)
-  publishedURL = StringCol(default=None)
-  clusterSize = IntCol(default=None)
-  status = StringCol(default=None)
-  members = StringCol(default=None)
-  memberIDs = StringCol(default=None)
-  def stopClusterNode(self, callback, brokerId):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if brokerId is not None:
-      args.append(brokerId)
-    agent.call_method(self, "stopClusterNode", callback, args)
-  def stopFullCluster(self, callback):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    agent.call_method(self, "stopFullCluster", callback, args)
-class ClusterStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  cluster = ForeignKey('Cluster', cascade='null', default=None)
-class Store(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('StoreStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('StoreStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  broker = ForeignKey('Broker', cascade='null', default=None)
-  location = StringCol(default=None)
-  defaultInitialFileCount = IntCol(default=None)
-  defaultDataFileSize = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  tplIsInitialized = BoolCol(default=None)
-  tplDirectory = StringCol(default=None)
-  tplWritePageSize = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  tplWritePages = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  tplInitialFileCount = IntCol(default=None)
-  tplDataFileSize = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  tplCurrentFileCount = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class StoreStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  store = ForeignKey('Store', cascade='null', default=None)
-  tplTransactionDepth = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  tplTransactionDepthLow = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  tplTransactionDepthHigh = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  tplTxnPrepares = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  tplTxnCommits = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  tplTxnAborts = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  tplOutstandingAIOs = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  tplOutstandingAIOsLow = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  tplOutstandingAIOsHigh = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class Journal(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('JournalStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('JournalStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  queue = ForeignKey('Queue', cascade='null', default=None)
-  name = StringCol(default=None)
-  directory = StringCol(default=None)
-  baseFileName = StringCol(default=None)
-  writePageSize = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  writePages = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  readPageSize = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  readPages = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  initialFileCount = IntCol(default=None)
-  autoExpand = BoolCol(default=None)
-  currentFileCount = IntCol(default=None)
-  maxFileCount = IntCol(default=None)
-  dataFileSize = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  def expand(self, callback, by):
-    """Increase number of files allocated for this journal"""
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if by is not None:
-      args.append(by)
-    agent.call_method(self, "expand", callback, args)
-class JournalStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  journal = ForeignKey('Journal', cascade='null', default=None)
-  recordDepth = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  recordDepthLow = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  recordDepthHigh = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  enqueues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  dequeues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  txn = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  txnEnqueues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  txnDequeues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  txnCommits = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  txnAborts = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  outstandingAIOs = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  outstandingAIOsLow = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  outstandingAIOsHigh = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  freeFileCount = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  freeFileCountLow = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  freeFileCountHigh = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  availableFileCount = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  availableFileCountLow = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  availableFileCountHigh = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  writeWaitFailures = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  writeBusyFailures = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  readRecordCount = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  readBusyFailures = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  writePageCacheDepth = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  writePageCacheDepthLow = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  writePageCacheDepthHigh = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  readPageCacheDepth = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  readPageCacheDepthLow = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  readPageCacheDepthHigh = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class System(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('SystemStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('SystemStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  systemId = BLOBCol(default=None)
-  osName = StringCol(default=None)
-  nodeName = StringCol(default=None)
-  release = StringCol(default=None)
-  version = StringCol(default=None)
-  machine = StringCol(default=None)
-class SystemStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  system = ForeignKey('System', cascade='null', default=None)
-class Broker(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('BrokerStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('BrokerStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  system = ForeignKey('System', cascade='null', default=None)
-  port = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  workerThreads = IntCol(default=None)
-  maxConns = IntCol(default=None)
-  connBacklog = IntCol(default=None)
-  stagingThreshold = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  mgmtPubInterval = IntCol(default=None)
-  version = StringCol(default=None)
-  dataDir = StringCol(default=None)
-  def echo(self, callback, sequence, body):
-    """Request a response to test the path to the management broker"""
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if sequence is not None:
-      args.append(sequence)
-    if body is not None:
-      args.append(body)
-    agent.call_method(self, "echo", callback, args)
-  def connect(self, callback, host, port, durable, authMechanism, username, password, transport):
-    """Establish a connection to another broker"""
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if host is not None:
-      args.append(host)
-    if port is not None:
-      args.append(port)
-    if durable is not None:
-      args.append(durable)
-    if authMechanism is not None:
-      args.append(authMechanism)
-    if username is not None:
-      args.append(username)
-    if password is not None:
-      args.append(password)
-    if transport is not None:
-      args.append(transport)
-    agent.call_method(self, "connect", callback, args)
-  def queueMoveMessages(self, callback, srcQueue, destQueue, qty):
-    """Move messages from one queue to another"""
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if srcQueue is not None:
-      args.append(srcQueue)
-    if destQueue is not None:
-      args.append(destQueue)
-    if qty is not None:
-      args.append(qty)
-    agent.call_method(self, "queueMoveMessages", callback, args)
-class BrokerStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  broker = ForeignKey('Broker', cascade='null', default=None)
-  uptime = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class Agent(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('AgentStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('AgentStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  clientConnection = ForeignKey('ClientConnection', cascade='null', default=None)
-  label = StringCol(default=None)
-  broker = ForeignKey('Broker', cascade='null', default=None)
-  systemId = BLOBCol(default=None)
-  brokerBank = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  agentBank = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class AgentStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  agent = ForeignKey('Agent', cascade='null', default=None)
-class Vhost(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('VhostStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('VhostStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  broker = ForeignKey('Broker', cascade='null', default=None)
-  name = StringCol(default=None)
-  federationTag = StringCol(default=None)
-class VhostStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  vhost = ForeignKey('Vhost', cascade='null', default=None)
-class Queue(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('QueueStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('QueueStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  vhost = ForeignKey('Vhost', cascade='null', default=None)
-  name = StringCol(default=None)
-  durable = BoolCol(default=None)
-  autoDelete = BoolCol(default=None)
-  exclusive = BoolCol(default=None)
-  arguments = PickleCol(default=None)
-  exchange = ForeignKey('Exchange', cascade='null', default=None)
-  def purge(self, callback, request):
-    """Discard all or some messages on a queue"""
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if request is not None:
-      args.append(request)
-    agent.call_method(self, "purge", callback, args)
-class QueueStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  queue = ForeignKey('Queue', cascade='null', default=None)
-  msgTotalEnqueues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  msgTotalDequeues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  msgTxnEnqueues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  msgTxnDequeues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  msgPersistEnqueues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  msgPersistDequeues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  msgDepth = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  byteDepth = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  byteTotalEnqueues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  byteTotalDequeues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  byteTxnEnqueues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  byteTxnDequeues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  bytePersistEnqueues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  bytePersistDequeues = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  consumerCount = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  consumerCountLow = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  consumerCountHigh = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  bindingCount = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  bindingCountLow = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  bindingCountHigh = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  unackedMessages = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  unackedMessagesLow = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  unackedMessagesHigh = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  messageLatencyMin = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  messageLatencyMax = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  messageLatencyAverage = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  messageLatencySamples = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class Exchange(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('ExchangeStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('ExchangeStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  vhost = ForeignKey('Vhost', cascade='null', default=None)
-  name = StringCol(default=None)
-  type = StringCol(default=None)
-  durable = BoolCol(default=None)
-  autoDelete = BoolCol(default=None)
-  exchange = ForeignKey('Exchange', cascade='null', default=None)
-  arguments = PickleCol(default=None)
-class ExchangeStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  exchange = ForeignKey('Exchange', cascade='null', default=None)
-  producerCount = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  producerCountLow = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  producerCountHigh = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  bindingCount = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  bindingCountLow = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  bindingCountHigh = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  msgReceives = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  msgDrops = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  msgRoutes = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  byteReceives = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  byteDrops = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  byteRoutes = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class Binding(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('BindingStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('BindingStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  exchange = ForeignKey('Exchange', cascade='null', default=None)
-  queue = ForeignKey('Queue', cascade='null', default=None)
-  bindingKey = StringCol(default=None)
-  arguments = PickleCol(default=None)
-  origin = StringCol(default=None)
-class BindingStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  binding = ForeignKey('Binding', cascade='null', default=None)
-  msgMatched = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class Subscription(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('SubscriptionStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('SubscriptionStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  session = ForeignKey('Session', cascade='null', default=None)
-  queue = ForeignKey('Queue', cascade='null', default=None)
-  name = StringCol(default=None)
-  browsing = BoolCol(default=None)
-  acknowledged = BoolCol(default=None)
-  exclusive = BoolCol(default=None)
-  creditMode = StringCol(default=None)
-  arguments = PickleCol(default=None)
-class SubscriptionStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  subscription = ForeignKey('Subscription', cascade='null', default=None)
-  delivered = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class ClientConnection(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('ClientConnectionStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('ClientConnectionStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  vhost = ForeignKey('Vhost', cascade='null', default=None)
-  address = StringCol(default=None)
-  incoming = BoolCol(default=None)
-  SystemConnection = BoolCol(default=None)
-  federationLink = BoolCol(default=None)
-  authIdentity = StringCol(default=None)
-  remoteProcessName = StringCol(default=None)
-  remotePid = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  remoteParentPid = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  def close(self, callback):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    agent.call_method(self, "close", callback, args)
-class ClientConnectionStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  clientConnection = ForeignKey('ClientConnection', cascade='null', default=None)
-  closing = BoolCol(default=None)
-  framesFromClient = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  framesToClient = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  bytesFromClient = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  bytesToClient = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class Link(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('LinkStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('LinkStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  vhost = ForeignKey('Vhost', cascade='null', default=None)
-  host = StringCol(default=None)
-  port = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  transport = StringCol(default=None)
-  durable = BoolCol(default=None)
-  def close(self, callback):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    agent.call_method(self, "close", callback, args)
-  def bridge(self, callback, durable, src, dest, key, tag, excludes, srcIsQueue, srcIsLocal, dynamic, sync):
-    """Bridge messages over the link"""
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    if durable is not None:
-      args.append(durable)
-    if src is not None:
-      args.append(src)
-    if dest is not None:
-      args.append(dest)
-    if key is not None:
-      args.append(key)
-    if tag is not None:
-      args.append(tag)
-    if excludes is not None:
-      args.append(excludes)
-    if srcIsQueue is not None:
-      args.append(srcIsQueue)
-    if srcIsLocal is not None:
-      args.append(srcIsLocal)
-    if dynamic is not None:
-      args.append(dynamic)
-    if sync is not None:
-      args.append(sync)
-    agent.call_method(self, "bridge", callback, args)
-class LinkStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  link = ForeignKey('Link', cascade='null', default=None)
-  state = StringCol(default=None)
-  lastError = StringCol(default=None)
-class Bridge(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('BridgeStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('BridgeStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  link = ForeignKey('Link', cascade='null', default=None)
-  channelId = IntCol(default=None)
-  durable = BoolCol(default=None)
-  src = StringCol(default=None)
-  dest = StringCol(default=None)
-  key = StringCol(default=None)
-  srcIsQueue = BoolCol(default=None)
-  srcIsLocal = BoolCol(default=None)
-  tag = StringCol(default=None)
-  excludes = StringCol(default=None)
-  dynamic = BoolCol(default=None)
-  syncRsv = IntCol(default=None)
-  def close(self, callback):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    agent.call_method(self, "close", callback, args)
-class BridgeStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  bridge = ForeignKey('Bridge', cascade='null', default=None)
-class Session(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('SessionStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('SessionStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  vhost = ForeignKey('Vhost', cascade='null', default=None)
-  name = StringCol(default=None)
-  channelId = IntCol(default=None)
-  clientConnection = ForeignKey('ClientConnection', cascade='null', default=None)
-  detachedLifespan = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  attached = BoolCol(default=None)
-  expireTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  maxClientRate = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  def solicitAck(self, callback):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    agent.call_method(self, "solicitAck", callback, args)
-  def detach(self, callback):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    agent.call_method(self, "detach", callback, args)
-  def resetLifespan(self, callback):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    agent.call_method(self, "resetLifespan", callback, args)
-  def close(self, callback):
-    try:
-      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]
-    except KeyError:
-      raise Exception("Agent not found")
-    args = list()
-    agent.call_method(self, "close", callback, args)
-class SessionStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  session = ForeignKey('Session', cascade='null', default=None)
-  framesOutstanding = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TxnStarts = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TxnCommits = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TxnRejects = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  TxnCount = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  clientCredit = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class Sysimage(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfAgentId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfObjectId = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)
-  qmfClassKey = StringCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfPersistent = BoolCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfCreateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  qmfDeleteTime = TimestampCol(default=None)
-  statsCurr = ForeignKey('SysimageStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsCurrIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsCurr)
-  statsPrev = ForeignKey('SysimageStats', cascade='null', default=None)
-  statsPrevIndex = DatabaseIndex(statsPrev)
-  uuid = BLOBCol(default=None)
-  osName = StringCol(default=None)
-  nodeName = StringCol(default=None)
-  release = StringCol(default=None)
-  version = StringCol(default=None)
-  machine = StringCol(default=None)
-  distro = StringCol(default=None)
-  memTotal = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  swapTotal = BigIntCol(default=None)
-class SysimageStats(SQLObject):
-  class sqlmeta:
-    lazyUpdate = True
-  qmfUpdateTime = TimestampCol(notNone=True, default=None)
-  sysimage = ForeignKey('Sysimage', cascade='null', default=None)
-  memFree = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  swapFree = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  loadAverage1Min = FloatCol(default=None)
-  loadAverage5Min = FloatCol(default=None)
-  loadAverage10Min = FloatCol(default=None)
-  procTotal = BigIntCol(default=None)
-  procRunning = BigIntCol(default=None)
-classToSchemaNameMap = dict()
-schemaNameToClassMap = dict()
-schemaReservedWordsMap = {"in": "inRsv", "In": "InRsv", 
-  "connection": "clientConnection", "Connection": "ClientConnection", 
-  "connectionRef": "clientConnectionRef", 
-  "user": "gridUser", "User": "GridUser", 
-  "registeredTo": "broker",
-  "sync": "syncRsv"} 
-classToSchemaNameMap['Slot'] = 'Slot'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Slot'] = Slot
-Slot.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('SlotStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Scheduler'] = 'Scheduler'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Scheduler'] = Scheduler
-Scheduler.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('SchedulerStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Submitter'] = 'Submitter'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Submitter'] = Submitter
-Scheduler.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Submitter', joinMethodName='submitters'))
-Submitter.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('SubmitterStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Negotiator'] = 'Negotiator'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Negotiator'] = Negotiator
-Negotiator.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('NegotiatorStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Collector'] = 'Collector'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Collector'] = Collector
-Collector.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('CollectorStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Master'] = 'Master'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Master'] = Master
-Master.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('MasterStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Grid'] = 'Grid'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Grid'] = Grid
-Grid.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('GridStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Submission'] = 'Submission'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Submission'] = Submission
-Scheduler.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Submission', joinMethodName='submissions'))
-Submission.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('SubmissionStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Acl'] = 'Acl'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Acl'] = Acl
-Broker.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Acl', joinMethodName='acls'))
-Acl.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('AclStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Cluster'] = 'Cluster'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Cluster'] = Cluster
-Broker.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Cluster', joinMethodName='clusters'))
-Cluster.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('ClusterStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Store'] = 'Store'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Store'] = Store
-Broker.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Store', joinMethodName='stores'))
-Store.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('StoreStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Journal'] = 'Journal'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Journal'] = Journal
-Queue.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Journal', joinMethodName='journals'))
-Journal.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('JournalStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['System'] = 'System'
-schemaNameToClassMap['System'] = System
-System.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('SystemStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Broker'] = 'Broker'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Broker'] = Broker
-System.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Broker', joinMethodName='brokers'))
-Broker.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('BrokerStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Agent'] = 'Agent'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Agent'] = Agent
-ClientConnection.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Agent', joinMethodName='agents'))
-Broker.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Agent', joinMethodName='agents'))
-Agent.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('AgentStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Vhost'] = 'Vhost'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Vhost'] = Vhost
-Broker.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Vhost', joinMethodName='vhosts'))
-Vhost.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('VhostStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Queue'] = 'Queue'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Queue'] = Queue
-Vhost.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Queue', joinMethodName='queues'))
-Exchange.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Queue', joinMethodName='queues'))
-Queue.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('QueueStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Exchange'] = 'Exchange'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Exchange'] = Exchange
-Vhost.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Exchange', joinMethodName='exchanges'))
-Exchange.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Exchange', joinMethodName='exchanges'))
-Exchange.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('ExchangeStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Binding'] = 'Binding'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Binding'] = Binding
-Exchange.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Binding', joinMethodName='bindings'))
-Queue.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Binding', joinMethodName='bindings'))
-Binding.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('BindingStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Subscription'] = 'Subscription'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Subscription'] = Subscription
-Session.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Subscription', joinMethodName='subscriptions'))
-Queue.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Subscription', joinMethodName='subscriptions'))
-Subscription.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('SubscriptionStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['ClientConnection'] = 'ClientConnection'
-schemaNameToClassMap['ClientConnection'] = ClientConnection
-Vhost.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('ClientConnection', joinMethodName='clientConnections'))
-ClientConnection.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('ClientConnectionStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Link'] = 'Link'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Link'] = Link
-Vhost.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Link', joinMethodName='links'))
-Link.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('LinkStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Bridge'] = 'Bridge'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Bridge'] = Bridge
-Link.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Bridge', joinMethodName='bridges'))
-Bridge.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('BridgeStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Session'] = 'Session'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Session'] = Session
-Vhost.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Session', joinMethodName='sessions'))
-ClientConnection.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('Session', joinMethodName='sessions'))
-Session.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('SessionStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-classToSchemaNameMap['Sysimage'] = 'Sysimage'
-schemaNameToClassMap['Sysimage'] = Sysimage
-Sysimage.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('SysimageStats', joinMethodName='stats'))
-entityClasses = ['Slot', 'Scheduler', 'Submitter', 'Negotiator', 'Collector', 'Master', 'Grid', 'Submission', 'Acl', 'Cluster', 'Store', 'Journal', 'System', 'Broker', 'Agent', 'Vhost', 'Queue', 'Exchange', 'Binding', 'Subscription', 'ClientConnection', 'Link', 'Bridge', 'Session', 'Sysimage']
-statsClasses = ['SlotStats', 'SchedulerStats', 'SubmitterStats', 'NegotiatorStats', 'CollectorStats', 'MasterStats', 'GridStats', 'SubmissionStats', 'AclStats', 'ClusterStats', 'StoreStats', 'JournalStats', 'SystemStats', 'BrokerStats', 'AgentStats', 'VhostStats', 'QueueStats', 'ExchangeStats', 'BindingStats', 'SubscriptionStats', 'ClientConnectionStats', 'LinkStats', 'BridgeStats', 'SessionStats', 'SysimageStats']

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/schemalocal.py
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/schemalocal.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/schemalocal.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-from sqlobject import *
-from mint.util import *
-class Subject(SQLObject):
-    class sqlmeta:
-        lazyUpdate = True
-    name = StringCol(unique=True, notNone=True)
-    password = StringCol()
-    lastChallenged = TimestampCol(default=None)
-    lastLoggedIn = TimestampCol(default=None)
-    lastLoggedOut = TimestampCol(default=None)
-    roles = SQLRelatedJoin("Role",
-                           intermediateTable="subject_role_mapping",
-                           createRelatedTable=False)
-    def getByName(cls, name):
-        try:
-            return Subject.selectBy(name=name)[0]
-        except IndexError:
-            pass
-    getByName = classmethod(getByName)
-class Role(SQLObject):
-    class sqlmeta:
-        lazyUpdate = True
-    name = StringCol(unique=True, notNone=True)
-    subjects = SQLRelatedJoin("Subject",
-                              intermediateTable="subject_role_mapping",
-                              createRelatedTable=False)
-    def getByName(cls, name):
-        try:
-            return Role.selectBy(name=name)[0]
-        except IndexError:
-            pass
-    getByName = classmethod(getByName)
-class SubjectRoleMapping(SQLObject):
-    class sqlmeta:
-        lazyUpdate = True
-    subject = ForeignKey("Subject", notNull=True, cascade=True)
-    role = ForeignKey("Role", notNull=True, cascade=True)
-    unique = DatabaseIndex(subject, role, unique=True)
-class ObjectNotFound(Exception):
-    pass
-class MintInfo(SQLObject):
-    class sqlmeta:
-        lazyUpdate = True
-    version = StringCol(default="0.1", notNone=True)
-class BrokerGroup(SQLObject):
-    class sqlmeta:
-        lazyUpdate = True
-    name = StringCol(unique=True, notNone=True)
-    brokers = SQLRelatedJoin("Broker",
-                             intermediateTable="broker_group_mapping",
-                             createRelatedTable=False)
-class BrokerGroupMapping(SQLObject):
-    class sqlmeta:
-        lazyUpdate = True
-    broker = ForeignKey("Broker", notNull=True, cascade=True)
-    brokerGroup = ForeignKey("BrokerGroup", notNull=True, cascade=True)
-    unique = DatabaseIndex(broker, brokerGroup, unique=True)

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/schemaparser.py
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/schemaparser.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/schemaparser.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-import mllib
-from sqlobject import *
-class SchemaParser:
-  """parses broker XML schema"""
-  def __init__(self, pythonFilePath, sqlTriggersFilePath, xmlFilePaths):
-    self.pythonFilePath = pythonFilePath
-    self.sqlTriggersFilePath = sqlTriggersFilePath
-    self.xmlFilePaths = xmlFilePaths
-    self.style = MixedCaseUnderscoreStyle()
-    self.additionalPythonOutput = ""
-    self.currentClass = ""
-    self.pythonOutput = ""
-    self.finalPythonOutput = ""
-    self.sqlTriggersOutput = ""
-    self.entityClasses = []
-    self.statsClasses = []
-    self.groups = dict()
-    # mapping between xml schema types and database column types
-    # see xml/MintTypes.xml
-    self.dataTypesMap = dict()
-    self.dataTypesMap["objId"] = "ForeignKey"
-    self.dataTypesMap["uuid"] = "BLOBCol"
-    self.dataTypesMap["int32"] = "IntCol"
-    self.dataTypesMap["uint8"] = self.dataTypesMap["hilo8"] = self.dataTypesMap["count8"] = self.dataTypesMap["mma8"] = "SmallIntCol"
-    self.dataTypesMap["hilo16"] = self.dataTypesMap["count16"] = self.dataTypesMap["mma16"] = "SmallIntCol"
-    self.dataTypesMap["uint16"] = "IntCol"
-    self.dataTypesMap["hilo32"] = self.dataTypesMap["count32"] = self.dataTypesMap["mma32"] = "BigIntCol"
-    self.dataTypesMap["uint32"] = "BigIntCol"
-    self.dataTypesMap["uint64"] = self.dataTypesMap["hilo64"] = self.dataTypesMap["count64"] = self.dataTypesMap["mma64"] = self.dataTypesMap["mmaTime"] = "BigIntCol"
-    self.dataTypesMap["float"] = self.dataTypesMap["double"] = "FloatCol"
-    self.dataTypesMap["absTime"] = "TimestampCol"
-    self.dataTypesMap["deltaTime"] = "BigIntCol"
-    self.dataTypesMap["bool"] = "BoolCol"
-    self.dataTypesMap["sstr"] = self.dataTypesMap["lstr"] = "StringCol"
-    self.dataTypesMap["map"] = "PickleCol"
-    # mapping for identifiers in the XML schema that are reserved words in either SQL or Python
-    self.reservedWords = {"in": "inRsv", "In": "InRsv", 
-                          "connection": "clientConnection", "Connection": "ClientConnection", 
-                          "connectionRef": "clientConnectionRef", 
-                          "user": "gridUser", "User": "GridUser",
-                          "registeredTo": "broker",
-                          "sync": "syncRsv"}
-  def renameReservedWord(self, name):
-    if (name in self.reservedWords.keys()):
-      print "Notice: %s is a reserved word, automatically translating to %s" % (name, self.reservedWords[name])
-      return self.reservedWords[name]
-    else:
-      return name
-  def attrNameFromDbColumn(self, name, removeSuffix=""):
-    return self.style.dbColumnToPythonAttr(name.replace(removeSuffix, ""))
-  def generateAttrib(self, attribName, attribType, params=""):
-    if (params.find("default") < 0):
-      if (params == ""):
-        params = "default=None"
-      else:
-        params += ", default=None"
-    if attribName == "id":
-      attribName = "id_"
-    # special case for "port" attrib, needs to be a 2-byte unsigned 
-    # but uint16 converts to a signed int (SmallIntCol), so forcing the next size up (IntCol)
-    if (attribName == "port" and attribType == self.dataTypesMap["uint16"]):
-      attribType = self.dataTypesMap["uint32"]
-    self.pythonOutput += "  %s = %s(%s)\n" % (attribName, attribType, params)
-  def generateTimestampAttrib(self, col, args=""):
-    self.generateAttrib("qmf" + col + "Time", "TimestampCol", args) #, "default=datetime.min")
-  def generateForeignKeyAttrib(self, name, reference):
-    params = "'%s', cascade='null'" % (reference)
-    name = self.renameReservedWord(name)
-    self.generateAttrib(name, "ForeignKey", params)
-  def generateForeignKeyAttribWithIndex(self, name, reference):
-    self.generateForeignKeyAttrib(name, reference)
-    name = self.renameReservedWord(name)
-    self.pythonOutput += "  %sIndex = DatabaseIndex(%s)\n" % (name, name)
-  def generateHiLoAttrib(self, name, type):
-    self.generateAttrib(name, type)
-    self.generateAttrib(name + "Low", type)
-    self.generateAttrib(name + "High", type)
-  def generateMinMaxAvgAttrib(self, name, type):
-    self.generateAttrib(name + "Min", type)
-    self.generateAttrib(name + "Max", type)
-    self.generateAttrib(name + "Average", type)
-    self.generateAttrib(name + "Samples", type)
-  def generateMultipleJoin(self, tableFrom, tableTo, attrib=""):
-    if (attrib == ""):
-      attrib = tableTo[0].lower() + tableTo[1:] + "s"
-    self.additionalPythonOutput += "\n%s.sqlmeta.addJoin(SQLMultipleJoin('%s', joinMethodName='%s'))\n" % (tableFrom, tableTo, attrib)
-  def generateLazyUpdate(self, lazyUpdate=True):
-    self.pythonOutput += "  class sqlmeta:\n"
-    self.pythonOutput += "    lazyUpdate = %s\n" % lazyUpdate
-  def generateQmfIdsIndex(self):
-    self.generateAttrib("qmfAgentId", "StringCol", "notNone=True")
-    self.generateAttrib("qmfObjectId", "StringCol", "notNone=True")
-    self.pythonOutput += "  qmfIdsUnique = DatabaseIndex(qmfAgentId, qmfObjectId, unique=True)\n"
-    self.generateAttrib("qmfClassKey", "StringCol", "notNone=True")
-    self.generateAttrib("qmfPersistent", "BoolCol", "notNone=True")
-  def generateClassAttribs(self, schemaName, elements):
-    if (schemaName == "JournalStats"):
-      print schemaName
-    for elem in elements:
-      elemName = self.renameReservedWord(elem["@name"])
-      if (elem["@type"] == "objId"):
-        reference = elem["@references"]
-        if not reference:
-          raise Exception("Attribute of objId type is missing references value")
-        #XXX: TO-DO: properly handle namespaces
-        # handle cases where the referenced class is in a different namespace (ie, contains a "." or a ":");
-        # for now, discard namespace
-        namespaceIndex = max(reference.rfind("."), reference.rfind(":"))
-        if (namespaceIndex > 0):
-          reference = reference[namespaceIndex + 1:]
-        reference = self.style.dbTableToPythonClass(reference)
-        reference = self.renameReservedWord(reference)
-        attrib = reference[0].lower() + reference[1:]
-        self.generateForeignKeyAttrib(attrib, reference)
-        self.generateMultipleJoin(reference, self.currentClass)
-      elif (elem["@type"].startswith("hilo")):
-        self.generateHiLoAttrib(self.attrNameFromDbColumn(elemName), self.dataTypesMap[elem["@type"]])
-      elif (elem["@type"].startswith("mma")):
-        self.generateMinMaxAvgAttrib(self.attrNameFromDbColumn(elemName), self.dataTypesMap[elem["@type"]])
-      else:
-        self.generateAttrib(self.attrNameFromDbColumn(elemName), self.dataTypesMap[elem["@type"]])
-    self.pythonOutput += "\n"
-  def startClass(self, schemaName, stats=False):
-    schemaName = self.renameReservedWord(schemaName)
-    if (stats):
-      origPythonName = self.style.dbTableToPythonClass(schemaName)
-      pythonName = self.style.dbTableToPythonClass(schemaName + "_stats")
-      colPythonName = self.style.dbColumnToPythonAttr(schemaName)
-      keyPythonName = self.style.dbTableToPythonClass(schemaName)
-      sqlTable = self.style.pythonClassToDBTable(pythonName)
-      sqlParentTable = self.style.pythonClassToDBTable(self.style.dbTableToPythonClass(schemaName))
-      self.sqlTriggersOutput += self.sqlTriggerFunction % (sqlParentTable, sqlParentTable, sqlParentTable)
-      self.sqlTriggersOutput += "\n"
-      self.sqlTriggersOutput += "CREATE TRIGGER update_%s_stats AFTER INSERT ON %s \n" % (sqlParentTable, sqlTable)
-      self.sqlTriggersOutput += "  FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_%s_stats(); \n\n" % (sqlParentTable)
-      self.sqlTriggersOutput += "CREATE INDEX %s_update_time ON %s (qmf_update_time);\n\n" % (sqlTable, sqlTable)
-    else:
-      pythonName = self.style.dbTableToPythonClass(schemaName)
-      statsPythonName = self.style.dbTableToPythonClass(schemaName + "_stats")
-    self.currentClass = pythonName
-    self.pythonOutput += "\nclass %s(SQLObject):\n" % (pythonName)
-    self.generateLazyUpdate()
-    if (stats):
-      self.statsClasses.append(str(pythonName))
-      self.generateTimestampAttrib("Update", "notNone=True")
-      self.generateForeignKeyAttrib(colPythonName[0].lower() + colPythonName[1:], keyPythonName)
-      self.generateMultipleJoin(origPythonName, pythonName, "stats")
-    else:
-      self.entityClasses.append(str(pythonName))
-      self.generateQmfIdsIndex()
-      self.generateTimestampAttrib("Update", "notNone=True")
-      self.generateTimestampAttrib("Create", "notNone=True")
-      self.generateTimestampAttrib("Delete")
-      self.generateForeignKeyAttribWithIndex("statsCurr", statsPythonName)
-      self.generateForeignKeyAttribWithIndex("statsPrev", statsPythonName)
-      self.finalPythonOutput += "classToSchemaNameMap['%s'] = '%s'\n" % (pythonName, schemaName)
-      self.finalPythonOutput += "schemaNameToClassMap['%s'] = %s\n" % (schemaName, pythonName)
-  def generateMethod(self, elem):
-    if (elem["@desc"] != None):
-      comment = '    """' + elem["@desc"] + '"""\n'
-    else:
-      comment = ""
-    formalArgs = ", "
-    actualArgs = "    args = list()\n\n"
-    for arg in elem.query["arg"]:
-      formalArgs += "%s, " % (arg["@name"])
-      actualArgs += "    if %s is not None:\n" % (arg["@name"])
-      actualArgs += "      args.append(%s)\n" % (arg["@name"])
-    if (formalArgs != ", "):
-      formalArgs = formalArgs[:-2]
-    else:
-      formalArgs = ""
-    self.pythonOutput += "\n  def %s(self, callback%s):\n" % (elem["@name"], formalArgs)
-    self.pythonOutput += comment
-    self.pythonOutput += "    try:\n"
-    self.pythonOutput += "      agent = model.agents[self.qmfAgentId]\n"
-    self.pythonOutput += "    except KeyError:\n"
-    self.pythonOutput += "      raise Exception(\"Agent not found\")\n\n"
-    self.pythonOutput += actualArgs + "\n"
-    self.pythonOutput += "    agent.call_method(self, \"%s\", " % elem["@name"]
-    self.pythonOutput += "callback, args)\n"
-  def endClass(self):
-    if (self.additionalPythonOutput != ""):
-      self.finalPythonOutput += self.additionalPythonOutput + "\n"
-      self.additionalPythonOutput = ""
-    if (self.pythonOutput.endswith("(SQLObject):\n")):
-        self.pythonOutput += "  pass\n"
-    self.currentClass = ""
-  def generateCode(self):
-#    self.pythonOutput += "import mint\n\n"
-#    self.pythonOutput += "from qmf.console import ObjectId\n\n"
-    self.pythonOutput += "from sqlobject import *\n\n"
-    self.pythonOutput += "from mint.util import *\n\n"
-    self.pythonOutput += "model = None\n"
-    self.finalPythonOutput += "\nclassToSchemaNameMap = dict()\n"
-    self.finalPythonOutput += "schemaNameToClassMap = dict()\n"
-    self.finalPythonOutput += 'schemaReservedWordsMap = {"in": "inRsv", "In": "InRsv", \n'
-    self.finalPythonOutput += '  "connection": "clientConnection", "Connection": "ClientConnection", \n'
-    self.finalPythonOutput += '  "connectionRef": "clientConnectionRef", \n'
-    self.finalPythonOutput += '  "user": "gridUser", "User": "GridUser", \n'
-    self.finalPythonOutput += '  "registeredTo": "broker",\n'
-    self.finalPythonOutput += '  "sync": "syncRsv"} \n\n'
-    # TODO: optimize getting the id to the parent table from new.parent_table_id
-    self.sqlTriggersOutput += """
-  SELECT ''plpgsql language created''::TEXT;
-' LANGUAGE sql;
-  (SELECT true
-     FROM pg_language
-    WHERE lanname='plpgsql')
-    (SELECT 'plpgsql language already installed'::TEXT)
-    (SELECT create_plpgsql())
-DROP FUNCTION create_plpgsql();
-    self.sqlTriggerFunction = """
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_%s_stats() RETURNS trigger AS '
-  UPDATE %s SET stats_prev_id = stats_curr_id, stats_curr_id = new.id WHERE id = new.%s_id;
-  RETURN new;
-' LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-    outputFile = open(self.pythonFilePath, "w")
-    sqlTriggersFile = open(self.sqlTriggersFilePath, "w")
-    for xmlFile in self.xmlFilePaths:
-      schema = mllib.xml_parse(xmlFile)
-      # parse groups and store their structure as is
-      groups = schema.query["schema/group"]
-      for grp in groups:
-        self.groups[grp["@name"]] = grp.query["property"], grp.query["statistic"]
-      # parse class definitions
-      classes = schema.query["schema/class"]
-      for cls in classes:
-        self.startClass(cls["@name"])
-        self.generateClassAttribs(cls["@name"], cls.query["property"])
-        # generate properties attribs from any groups included in this class
-        for clsGroup in cls.query["group"]:
-          self.generateClassAttribs(cls["@name"], self.groups[clsGroup["@name"]][0])
-        for elem in cls.query["method"]:
-          self.generateMethod(elem)
-        self.endClass()
-        self.startClass(cls["@name"], stats=True)
-        self.generateClassAttribs(cls["@name"], cls.query["statistic"])
-        # generate statistics attribs from any groups included in this class
-        for clsGroup in cls.query["group"]:
-          self.generateClassAttribs(cls["@name"], self.groups[clsGroup["@name"]][1])
-        self.endClass()
-        self.pythonOutput += "\n\n"
-    self.finalPythonOutput += "\nentityClasses = %s\n" % (self.entityClasses)
-    self.finalPythonOutput += "\nstatsClasses = %s\n" % (self.statsClasses)
-    outputFile.write(self.pythonOutput + self.finalPythonOutput)
-    outputFile.close()
-    sqlTriggersFile.write(self.sqlTriggersOutput)
-    sqlTriggersFile.close()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  import sys
-  if len(sys.argv) < 3:
-    print "Usage: schemaparser.py OUTPUT-PYTHON-FILE ",
-    sys.exit(1)
-  else:
-    parser = SchemaParser(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:])
-    parser.generateCode()

Added: mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/session.py
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/session.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/session.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+from model import *
+from util import *
+from qmf.console import Console, Session
+log = logging.getLogger("mint.session")
+class MintSession(object):
+    def __init__(self, app, broker_uri):
+        self.app = app
+        self.broker_uri = broker_uri
+        self.qmf_session = None
+        self.qmf_brokers = list()
+    def add_broker(self, uri):
+        log.info("Adding QMF broker at %s", uri)
+        assert self.qmf_session
+        qmf_broker = self.qmf_session.addBroker(uri)
+        self.qmf_brokers.append(qmf_broker)
+    def check(self):
+        log.info("Checking %s", self)
+    def init(self):
+        log.info("Initializing %s", self)
+    def start(self):
+        log.info("Starting %s", self)
+        assert self.qmf_session is None
+        self.qmf_session = Session(MintConsole(self.app.model),
+                                   manageConnections=True,
+                                   rcvObjects=self.app.update_enabled)
+        self.add_broker(self.broker_uri)
+    def stop(self):
+        log.info("Stopping %s", self)
+        for qmf_broker in self.qmf_brokers:
+            self.qmf_session.delBroker(qmf_broker)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.broker_uri)
+class MintConsole(Console):
+    def __init__(self, model):
+        self.model = model
+    def brokerConnected(self, qmf_broker):
+        log.info("Broker at %s:%i is connected",
+                 qmf_broker.host, qmf_broker.port)
+    def brokerInfo(self, qmf_broker):
+        log.info("Broker info from %s", qmf_broker)
+    def brokerDisconnected(self, qmf_broker):
+        log.info("Broker at %s:%i is disconnected",
+                 qmf_broker.host, qmf_broker.port)
+    def newAgent(self, qmf_agent):
+        log.info("Creating %s", qmf_agent)
+        MintAgent(self.model, qmf_agent)
+    def delAgent(self, qmf_agent):
+        log.info("Deleting %s", qmf_agent)
+        try:
+            agent = self.model.get_agent(qmf_agent)
+        except KeyError:
+            return
+        agent.delete()
+        if self.model.app.update_thread.isAlive():
+            up = AgentDelete(self.model, agent)
+            self.model.app.update_thread.enqueue(up)
+    def heartbeat(self, qmf_agent, timestamp):
+        timestamp = timestamp / 1000000000
+        try:
+            agent = self.model.get_agent(qmf_agent)
+        except KeyError:
+            return
+        agent.last_heartbeat = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
+    def newPackage(self, name):
+        log.info("New package %s", name)
+    def newClass(self, kind, classKey):
+        log.info("New class %s", classKey)
+        # XXX I want to store class keys using this, but I can't,
+        # because I don't get any agent info; instead
+    def objectProps(self, broker, obj):
+        agent = self.model.get_agent(obj._agent)
+        if self.model.app.update_thread.isAlive():
+            if obj.getTimestamps()[2]:
+                up = ObjectDelete(self.model, agent, obj)
+            else:
+                up = ObjectUpdate(self.model, agent, obj)
+            self.model.app.update_thread.enqueue(up)
+    def objectStats(self, broker, obj):
+        print "objectStats!", broker, obj
+        agent = self.get_agent(obj._agent)
+        if self.model.app.update_thread.isAlive():
+            up = ObjectAddSample(self.model, agent, obj)
+            self.model.app.update_thread.enqueue(up)
+    def event(self, broker, event):
+        """ Invoked when an event is raised. """
+        pass
+    def methodResponse(self, broker, seq, response):
+        log.info("Method response for request %i received from %s",
+                 seq, broker)
+        log.debug("Response: %s", response)
+        self.model.lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            callback = self.model.outstanding_method_calls.pop(seq)
+            callback(response.text, response.outArgs)
+        finally:
+            self.model.lock.release()

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/sql.py
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/sql.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/sql.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-import logging, mint
-from time import clock
-from sqlobject import MixedCaseUnderscoreStyle
-log = logging.getLogger("mint.sql")
-dbStyle = MixedCaseUnderscoreStyle()
-profile = None
-def transform_table(table):
-    try:
-        table = mint.schema.schemaReservedWordsMap[table]
-    except KeyError:
-        pass
-    table = table[0] + table[1:] # XXX why is this necessary?
-    table = dbStyle.pythonClassToDBTable(table)
-    return table
-def transform_column(column):
-    return dbStyle.pythonAttrToDBColumn(column)
-class SqlOperation(object):
-    def __init__(self, name):
-        self.name = name
-        self.time = None
-        self.text = None
-        if profile:
-            profile.ops.append(self)
-    def key(self):
-        if hasattr(self, "cls"):
-            return "%s(%s)" % (self.name, getattr(self, "cls").__name__)
-        else:
-            return self.name
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return self.key()
-    def generate(self):
-        pass
-    def execute(self, cursor, values=None):
-        self.text = self.generate()
-        try:
-            if profile:
-                start = clock()
-                cursor.execute(self.text, values)
-                self.time = clock() - start
-            else:
-                cursor.execute(self.text, values)
-            return cursor.rowcount
-        except:
-            log.warn("Text: %s", self.text)
-            if values:
-                for item in values.items():
-                    log.warn("    %-20s  %r", *item)
-            raise
-class SqlGetId(SqlOperation):
-    def __init__(self, cls):
-        super(SqlGetId, self).__init__("get_id")
-        self.cls = cls
-    def generate(self):
-        table = self.cls.sqlmeta.table
-        return """
-            select id
-            from %s
-            where qmf_agent_id = %%(qmfAgentId)s and qmf_object_id = %%(qmfObjectId)s
-        """ % table
-class SqlSetStatsRefs(SqlOperation):
-    def __init__(self, cls):
-        super(SqlSetStatsRefs, self).__init__("set_stats_refs")
-        self.cls = cls
-    def generate(self):
-        table = self.cls.sqlmeta.table
-        return """
-            update %s
-            set stats_curr_id = %%(statsId)s, stats_prev_id = stats_curr_id
-            where id = %%(id)s
-        """ % table
-class SqlInsert(SqlOperation):
-    def __init__(self, cls, attrs):
-        super(SqlInsert, self).__init__("insert")
-        self.cls = cls
-        self.attrs = attrs
-    def generate(self):
-        table = self.cls.sqlmeta.table
-        cols = list()
-        vals = list()
-        for name in self.attrs:
-            cols.append(transform_column(name))
-            vals.append("%%(%s)s" % name)
-        colsSql = ", ".join(cols)
-        valsSql = ", ".join(vals)
-        insert = "insert into %s (%s) values (%s)" % (table, colsSql, valsSql)
-        select = "select currval('%s_id_seq')" % table
-        sql = "%s; %s" % (insert, select)
-        return sql
-class SqlUpdate(SqlOperation):
-    def __init__(self, cls, attrs):
-        super(SqlUpdate, self).__init__("update")
-        self.cls = cls
-        self.attrs = attrs
-    def generate(self):
-        table = self.cls.sqlmeta.table
-        elems = list()
-        for name in self.attrs:
-            elems.append("%s = %%(%s)s" % (transform_column(name), name))
-        elemsSql = ", ".join(elems)
-        sql = "update %s set %s where id = %%(id)s" % (table, elemsSql)
-        return sql
-class SqlExpire(SqlOperation):
-    def __init__(self, cls, keep_curr_stats):
-        super(SqlExpire, self).__init__("expire")
-        self.cls = cls
-        self.keep_curr_stats = keep_curr_stats
-    def generate(self):
-        table = self.cls.sqlmeta.table
-        if table.endswith("_stats"):
-            parent_table = table[0:table.find("_stats")]
-            sql = """
-                delete from %s 
-                where qmf_update_time < now() - interval '%%(threshold)s seconds'
-            """ % table
-            if self.keep_curr_stats:
-                sql += " and id not in (select stats_curr_id from %s)" \
-                    % parent_table
-        else:
-            sql = """
-                delete from %s
-                where qmf_delete_time < now() - interval '%%(threshold)s seconds'
-                and qmf_persistent = 'f'
-            """ % table
-        return sql
-class SqlProfile(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.ops = list()
-        self.commit_time = 0.0
-    def report(self):
-        times_by_key = dict()
-        execute_time = 0.0
-        for op in self.ops:
-            if op.time is not None:
-                execute_time += op.time
-            try:
-                times = times_by_key[op.key()]
-                if op.time is not None:
-                    times.append(op.time)
-            except KeyError:
-                if op.time is not None:
-                    times_by_key[op.key()] = list((op.time,))
-        fmt = "%-40s %9.2f %9.2f %6i"
-        records = list()
-        for key, values in times_by_key.items():
-            count = len(values)
-            ttime = sum(values) * 1000
-            atime = ttime / float(count)
-            records.append((key, ttime, atime, count))
-        print
-        srecords = sorted(records, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
-        for i, rec in enumerate(srecords):
-            print fmt % rec
-            if i >= 10:
-                break
-        print
-        srecords = sorted(records, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)
-        for i, rec in enumerate(srecords):
-            print fmt % rec
-            if i >= 10:
-                break
-        print
-        print "Total statement execute time: %9.3f seconds" % execute_time
-        print "Total commit time:            %9.3f seconds" % self.commit_time
-class SqlAgentDisconnect(SqlOperation):
-    def __init__(self, agent):
-        super(SqlAgentDisconnect, self).__init__("disconnect_agent")
-        self.agent = agent
-    def generate(self):
-        sql = ""
-        for cls in mint.schema.entityClasses:
-            sql += """
-             update %s
-                 set qmf_delete_time = now()
-             where qmf_persistent = 'f'
-                 and qmf_delete_time is null""" % (dbStyle.pythonClassToDBTable(cls))
-            if self.agent:
-                sql += """
-                 and qmf_agent_id = %(qmf_agent_id)s;
-                """
-            else:
-                sql += """;
-                """
-        return sql

Modified: mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/tools.py
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/tools.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/tools.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -242,92 +242,8 @@
         def run(self, opts, args):
-    class AddUser(DatabaseSubcommand):
-        def do_run(self, cursor, opts, args):
-            try:
-                name = args[1]
-            except IndexError:
-                raise CommandException(self, "NAME is required")
-            try:
-                password = args[2]
-            except IndexError:
-                password = prompt_password()
-            crypted = crypt_password(password)
-            pkg = self.parent.app.model.rosemary.com_redhat_cumin
-            for role in pkg.Role.get_selection(cursor, name="user"):
-                break
-            assert role, self
-            user = pkg.User.create_object(cursor)
-            user.name = name
-            user.password = crypted
-            try:
-                user.save(cursor)
-            except IntegrityError:
-                print "Error: a user called '%s' already exists" % name
-                sys.exit(1)
-            mapping = pkg.UserRoleMapping.create_object(cursor)
-            mapping._role_id = role._id
-            mapping._user_id = user._id
-            mapping.save(cursor)
-            conn.commit()
-            assert role, self
-            print "User '%s' is added" % name
-    class RemoveUser(DatabaseSubcommand):
-        def do_run(self, cursor, opts, args):
-            if "force" not in opts:
-                msg = "Command remove-user requires --force"
-                raise CommandException(self, msg)
-            try:
-                name = args[1]
-            except IndexError:
-                raise CommandException(self, "NAME is required")
-            name = args[1]
-            cls = self.app.model.rosemary.com_redhat_cumin.User
-            for user in cls.get_selection(cursor, name=name):
-                break
-            if not user:
-                raise CommandException(self, "User '%s' is unknown" % name)
-            user.delete(cursor)
-            conn.commit()
-            print "User '%s' is removed" % name
-    class ListUsers(Command):
+x    class ListRoles(Command):
         def run(self, opts, args):
-            subjects = Subject.select(orderBy='name')
-            print "  ID Name                 Roles"
-            print "---- -------------------- --------------------"
-            for subject in subjects:
-                roles = ", ".join([x.name for x in list(subject.roles)])
-                print "%4i %-20s %-20s" % (subject.id, subject.name, roles)
-            count = subjects.count()
-            print "(%i user%s found)" % (count, ess(count))
-    class ListRoles(Command):
-        def run(self, opts, args):
             roles = Role.select(orderBy='name')
             print "  ID Name"
@@ -453,7 +369,7 @@
-            cls = app.model.rosemary.org_apache_qpid_broker.Broker
+            cls = app.model.org_apache_qpid_broker.Broker
             conn = app.database.get_connection()
             cursor = conn.cursor()

Modified: mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/util.py
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/util.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/util.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
         super(MintDaemonThread, self).__init__()
         self.app = app
+        self.name = self.__class__.__name__
         self.stop_requested = False

Modified: mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/vacuum.py
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/vacuum.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/python/mint/vacuum.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
         level = conn.isolation_level
-        for pkg in self.model.rosemary._packages:
+        for pkg in self.model._packages:
             for cls in pkg._classes:
                 self.vacuum(conn, cls)
@@ -31,11 +31,10 @@
     def vacuum(self, conn, cls):
         cursor = conn.cursor()
+        sql = "vacuum verbose %s"
-            cursor.execute("vacuum verbose %s" % cls.sql_table.identifier)
-            for notice in conn.notices:
-                log.debug("Database: %s", notice.replace("\n", " "))
+            cursor.execute(sql % cls.sql_table.identifier)
+            cursor.execute(sql % cls.sql_samples_table.identifier)

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/mint/xml
--- mgmt/newdata/mint/xml	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/mint/xml	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-link ../rosemary/xml
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: mgmt/newdata/parsley/python/parsley/config.py
--- mgmt/newdata/parsley/python/parsley/config.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/parsley/python/parsley/config.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,76 +1,85 @@
 import logging
-from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
+from ConfigParser import *
 log = logging.getLogger("parsley.config")
 class Config(object):
     def __init__(self):
-        self._params = list()
-        self._params_by_name = dict()
+        self.sections = list()
-    def init(self):
-        for param in self._params:
-            param.init()
+    def parse_files(self, paths):
+        parser = SafeConfigParser()
+        found = parser.read(paths)
-    def load_file(self, file):
-        conf = SafeConfigParser()
-        found = conf.read(file)
+        for path in found:
+            log.info("Read config file '%s'", path)
-        if found:
-            log.info("Read config file '%s'" % file)
-        else:
-            log.info("Config file '%s' not found" % file)
+        if not found:
+            log.info("No config files found at %s", ", ".join(paths))
-        params = dict()
+        sections = ConfigValues()
-        if (conf.has_section("main")):
-            for key, value in conf.items("main"):
-                params[key] = value
+        for section in self.sections:
+            try:
+                values = section.parse(parser)
+            except NoSectionError:
+                continue
-        self.load_dict(params)
+            sections[section.name] = values
-    def load_dict(self, params):
-        for sname, svalue in params.items():
-            param = self._params_by_name.get(sname)
+        return sections
-            if param:
-                name = param.name.replace("-", "_")
-                value = param.unmarshal(svalue)
+class ConfigSection(object):
+    def __init__(self, config, name):
+        assert isinstance(config, Config)
-                if hasattr(self, name):
-                    setattr(self, name, value)
-            else:
-                log.info("Ignoring unrecognized parameter '%s'" % sname)
+        self.config = config
+        self.config.sections.append(self)
-    def prt(self):
-        print "Configuration:"
+        self.name = name
-        for param in self._params:
-            value = getattr(self, param.name.replace("-", "_"))
+        self.parameters = list()
-            if value == param.default:
-                flag = " [default]"
+    def parse(self, parser):
+        values = ConfigValues()
+        for param in self.parameters:
+            name = param.name.replace("-", "_")
+            string = None
+            try:
+                string = parser.get(self.name, param.name)
+            except NoOptionError:
+                try:
+                    string = parser.get("common", param.name)
+                except NoOptionError:
+                    pass
+            if string is None:
+                value = param.default
-                flag = ""
+                value = param.unmarshal(string)
-            print "    %s = %s%s" % (param.name, value, flag)
+            values[name] = value
+        return values
 class ConfigParameter(object):
-    def __init__(self, config, name, type):
-        self.config = config
+    def __init__(self, section, name, type):
+        assert isinstance(section, ConfigSection)
+        self.section = section
+        self.section.parameters.append(self)
         self.name = name
         self.type = type
         self.default = None
-        self.config._params.append(self)
-        self.config._params_by_name[self.name] = self
-    def init(self):
-        if hasattr(self.config, self.name):
-            raise Exception("Parameter '%s' already present" % self.name)
-        setattr(self.config, self.name.replace("-", "_"), self.default)
     def unmarshal(self, string):
         return self.type(string)
+class ConfigValues(dict):
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        return self[name]

Modified: mgmt/newdata/parsley/python/parsley/threadingex.py
--- mgmt/newdata/parsley/python/parsley/threadingex.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/parsley/python/parsley/threadingex.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -4,65 +4,21 @@
 from threading import *
 def print_threads(writer=sys.stdout):
-    row = "%-18s  %-18s  %-18s  %-18s"
+    row = "%-28s  %-36s  %-18s  %-8s  %-8s  %s"
-    writer.write(row % ("Name", "Ident", "Alive", "Daemon"))
+    writer.write(row % ("Class", "Name", "Ident", "Alive", "Daemon", ""))
-    writer.write("-" * 80)
+    writer.write("-" * 120)
-    for thread in enumerate():
+    for thread in sorted(enumerate()):
+        cls = thread.__class__.__name__
         name = thread.name
         ident = thread.ident
         alive = thread.is_alive()
         daemon = thread.daemon
-        writer.write(row % (name, ident, alive, daemon))
-        writer.write(os.linesep)
+        extra = ""
+        #extra = thread._Thread__target
-class Lifecycle(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        super(Lifecycle, self)
-        self.log = None
-    def init(self):
-        if self.log:
-            self.log.debug("Initializing %s" % self)
-        self.do_init()
-        if self.log:
-            self.log.info("Initialized %s" % self)
-    def do_init(self):
-        pass
-    def start(self):
-        if self.log:
-            self.log.debug("Starting %s" % self)
-        self.do_start()
-        if self.log:
-            self.log.info("Started %s" % self)
-    def do_start(self):
-        pass
-    def stop(self):
-        if self.log:
-            self.log.debug("Stopping %s" % self)
-        self.do_stop()
-        if self.log:
-            self.log.info("Stopped %s" % self)
-        #print_threads()
-    def do_stop(self):
-        pass
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.__class__.__name__
+        writer.write(row % (cls, name, ident, alive, daemon, extra))
+        writer.write(os.linesep)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/rosemary/python/rosemary/model.py
--- mgmt/newdata/rosemary/python/rosemary/model.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/rosemary/python/rosemary/model.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
         self.sql_logging_enabled = False
-    def load_xml_dir(self, path):
+    def load_model_dir(self, path):
         assert os.path.isdir(path)
         extensions = os.path.join(path, "rosemary.xml")
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@
             if file_path.endswith(".xml"):
-                self.load_xml_file(file_path)
+                self.load_model_file(file_path)
         if os.path.isfile(extensions):
-    def load_xml_file(self, path):
+    def load_model_file(self, path):
         tree = ElementTree()
         file = open(path, "r")
@@ -291,31 +291,48 @@
-    def get_object(self, cursor, id):
-        assert id
+    def get_object(self, cursor, **criteria):
+        columns = self.sql_table._columns
+        options = SqlQueryOptions()
-        obj = RosemaryObject(self, id)
+        for name in criteria:
+            # XXX need to translate ref=obj args here
+            column = self.sql_table._columns_by_name[name]
+            value = "%%(%s)s" % name
+            filter = SqlComparisonFilter(None, column, value)
-        self.load_object(cursor, obj)
+            options.filters.append(filter)
+        self.sql_select.execute(cursor, columns, criteria, options)
+        record = cursor.fetchone()
+        if not record:
+            return
+        obj = RosemaryObject(self, None)
+        self.set_object_attributes(obj, columns, record)
         return obj
-    def get_selection(self, cursor, **kwargs):
+    def get_selection(self, cursor, **criteria):
         selection = list()
         columns = self.sql_table._columns
         options = SqlQueryOptions()
-        for name in kwargs:
+        for name in criteria:
             # XXX need to translate ref=obj args here
+            column = self.sql_table._columns_by_name[name]
             value = "%%(%s)s" % name
+            filter = SqlComparisonFilter(None, column, value)
-            column = self.sql_table._columns_by_name[name]
-            filter = SqlComparisonFilter(None, column, value)
-        self.sql_select.execute(cursor, columns, kwargs, options)
+        self.sql_select.execute(cursor, columns, criteria, options)
         for record in cursor.fetchall():
             obj = RosemaryObject(self, None)
@@ -326,6 +343,15 @@
         return selection
+    def get_object_by_id(self, cursor, id):
+        assert id
+        obj = RosemaryObject(self, id)
+        self.load_object_by_id(cursor, obj)
+        return obj
     def get_object_by_qmf_id(self, cursor, agent_id, object_id):
         assert isinstance(obj, RosemaryObject)
@@ -351,7 +377,7 @@
         return RosemaryObject(self, id)
-    def load_object(self, cursor, obj):
+    def load_object_by_id(self, cursor, obj):
         assert isinstance(obj, RosemaryObject)
         assert obj._id, obj
@@ -616,7 +642,7 @@
     # XXX prefix these with _
     def load(self, cursor):
-        self._class.load_object(cursor, self)
+        self._class.load_object_by_id(cursor, self)
     def save(self, cursor, columns=None):
         self._class.save_object(cursor, self, columns)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/rosemary/python/rosemary/sqlquery.py
--- mgmt/newdata/rosemary/python/rosemary/sqlquery.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/rosemary/python/rosemary/sqlquery.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@
         if options:
             if options.group_column:
-                tokens.append(self.group_by.emit(options.group_column, options.group_having))
+                tokens.append(self.group_by.emit(options.group_column,
+                                                 options.group_having))
             if options.sort_column:

Modified: mgmt/newdata/wooly/python/wooly/__init__.py
--- mgmt/newdata/wooly/python/wooly/__init__.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/wooly/python/wooly/__init__.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-from parsley.threadingex import Lifecycle
 from cStringIO import StringIO
 from urllib import quote, unquote_plus, unquote
 from copy import copy
@@ -469,7 +468,7 @@
 from parameters import DictParameter
-class Application(Lifecycle):
+class Application(object):
     def __init__(self):
         self.pages = list()
         self.pages_by_name = dict()
@@ -481,7 +480,7 @@
         self.devel_enabled = False
-    def do_init(self):
+    def init(self):
         for page in self.pages:

Modified: mgmt/newdata/wooly/python/wooly/server.py
--- mgmt/newdata/wooly/python/wooly/server.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/wooly/python/wooly/server.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
 from traceback import print_exc
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 from threading import Thread
-from time import strptime
-from parsley.threadingex import Lifecycle
 from wooly import *
 from util import *
@@ -12,33 +10,24 @@
 log = logging.getLogger("wooly.server")
-class WebServer(Lifecycle):
+class WebServer(object):
     http_date = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
     http_date_gmt = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"
-    def __init__(self, app, addr, port):
+    def __init__(self, app, host, port):
         self.log = log
         self.app = app
-        self.addr = addr
+        self.host = host
         self.port = port
-        self.server = CherryPyWSGIServer \
-            ((self.addr, self.port), self.service_request)
-        self.server.environ["wsgi.version"] = (1, 1)
-        self.server._interrupt = True
+        self.dispatch_thread = WebServerDispatchThread(self)
         self.client_sessions_by_id = dict()
         self.client_session_expire_thread = ClientSessionExpireThread(self)
-    def set_ssl_cert_path(self, path):
-        self.server.ssl_certificate = path
-    def set_ssl_key_path(self, path):
-        self.server.ssl_private_key = path
-    def do_init(self):
+    def init(self):
         return # XXX urgh
         s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
@@ -46,24 +35,28 @@
             for i in range(60):
-                    s.bind((self.addr, self.port))
+                    s.bind((self.host, self.port))
                 except socket.error:
                     log.warn("Address %s:%i is taken; retrying",
-                             self.addr, self.port)
+                             self.host, self.port)
-        raise Exception("Failed to bind to %s:%i" % (self.addr, self.port))
+        raise Exception("Failed to bind to %s:%i" % (self.host, self.port))
-    def do_start(self):
-        self.server.start()
+    def start(self):
+        log.info("Starting %s", self)
+        self.dispatch_thread.start()
-    def do_stop(self):
-        self.server.stop()
+    def stop(self):
+        log.info("Stopping %s", self)
+        self.dispatch_thread.stop()
     def get_page(self, env):
         name = env["PATH_INFO"][1:]
@@ -108,7 +101,7 @@
             modified = page.get_last_modified(session).replace(microsecond=0)
-                since = datetime(*strptime(str(ims), self.http_date)[0:6])
+                since = datetime(*time.strptime(str(ims), self.http_date)[0:6])
                 if modified <= since:
                     return self.send_not_modified(response, headers)
@@ -271,24 +264,47 @@
         return ()
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "%s(%s,%i)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.host, self.port)
+class WebServerDispatchThread(Thread):
+    def __init__(self, server):
+        super(WebServerDispatchThread, self).__init__()
+        self.server = server
+        self.name = self.__class__.__name__
+        self.setDaemon(True)
+        self.wsgi_server = CherryPyWSGIServer \
+            ((self.server.host, self.server.port), self.server.service_request)
+        self.wsgi_server.environ["wsgi.version"] = (1, 1)
+    def run(self):
+        self.wsgi_server.start()
+    def stop(self):
+        self.wsgi_server.stop()
 class ClientSessionExpireThread(Thread):
     def __init__(self, server):
         super(ClientSessionExpireThread, self).__init__()
         self.server = server
+        self.name = self.__class__.__name__
     def run(self):
         while True:
-            sleep(60)
+            time.sleep(60)
     def expire_sessions(self):
         when = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=1)
         count = 0
-        for session in self.client_sessions_by_id.values():
+        for session in self.server.client_sessions_by_id.values():
             if session.visited < when:
                 del self.server.client_sessions_by_id[session.id]
                 count += 1

Modified: mgmt/newdata/wooly/python/wooly/wsgiserver/__init__.py
--- mgmt/newdata/wooly/python/wooly/wsgiserver/__init__.py	2010-05-04 19:21:42 UTC (rev 3945)
+++ mgmt/newdata/wooly/python/wooly/wsgiserver/__init__.py	2010-05-05 15:58:15 UTC (rev 3946)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     d = WSGIPathInfoDispatcher({'/': my_crazy_app, '/blog': my_blog_app})
     server = wsgiserver.CherryPyWSGIServer(('', 80), d)
-Want SSL support? Just set server.ssl_adapter to an SSLAdapter instance.
+Want SSL support? Just set server.ssl_dapter to an SSLAdapter instance.
 This won't call the CherryPy engine (application side) at all, only the
 WSGI server, which is independent from the rest of CherryPy. Don't

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