[rhmessaging-commits] rhmessaging commits: r3952 - in mgmt/newdata: cumin/bin and 1 other directories.

rhmessaging-commits at lists.jboss.org rhmessaging-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon May 10 13:25:55 EDT 2010

Author: justi9
Date: 2010-05-10 13:25:54 -0400 (Mon, 10 May 2010)
New Revision: 3952

Simplify install rule around CUMIN_HOME variable

Modified: mgmt/newdata/cumin/Makefile
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/Makefile	2010-05-10 16:00:01 UTC (rev 3951)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/Makefile	2010-05-10 17:25:54 UTC (rev 3952)
@@ -2,34 +2,32 @@
 include ../etc/Makefile.common
-name := cumin
-home := ${SHARE_DIR}/${name}
+CUMIN_HOME := $(shell mktemp -d)
 	python -m compileall -x '/\.svn' -f python
 install: build
-	install -d ${BIN_DIR}
-	install -pm 0755 bin/cumin bin/cumin-* ${BIN_DIR}
-	install -d ${DOC_DIR}/${name}
-	install -pm 0644 LICENSE COPYING ${DOC_DIR}/${name}
-	install -pm 0644 ../wooly/LICENSE-for-wsgiserver ${DOC_DIR}/${name}
-	install -pm 0644 ../wooly/COPYING-for-wsgiserver ${DOC_DIR}/${name}
-	install -d ${home}/model
-	install -pm 0644 model/*.xml ${home}/model
-	install -d ${home}/resources
-	install -pm 0644 ../wooly/resources/* ${home}/resources
-	install -pm 0644 resources/* ${home}/resources
-	install -d ${ETC_DIR}/${name}
-	ln -sf ${ETC_DIR}/${name} ${home}/etc
-	install -pm 0644 etc/cumin.* ${ETC_DIR}/${name}
-	install -pm 0755 etc/sysvinit-cumin ${ETC_DIR}/${name}
-	install -d ${VAR_DIR}/log/${name}
-	ln -sf ${VAR_DIR}/log/${name} ${home}/log
-	bin/install-python-code python ${home}/python
-	bin/install-python-code ../wooly/python ${home}/python 
-	bin/install-python-code ../rosemary/python ${home}/python 
-	bin/install-python-code ../mint/python ${home}/python 
-	bin/install-python-code ../parsley/python ${home}/python 
+	install -d ${CUMIN_HOME}/bin
+	install -pm 0755 bin/cumin bin/cumin-* ${CUMIN_HOME}/bin
+	install -d ${CUMIN_HOME}/doc
+	install -pm 0644 LICENSE COPYING ${CUMIN_HOME}/doc
+	install -pm 0644 ../wooly/LICENSE-for-wsgiserver ${CUMIN_HOME}/doc
+	install -pm 0644 ../wooly/COPYING-for-wsgiserver ${CUMIN_HOME}/doc
+	install -d ${CUMIN_HOME}/model
+	install -pm 0644 model/*.xml ${CUMIN_HOME}/model
+	install -d ${CUMIN_HOME}/resources
+	install -pm 0644 ../wooly/resources/* ${CUMIN_HOME}/resources
+	install -pm 0644 resources/* ${CUMIN_HOME}/resources
+	install -d ${CUMIN_HOME}/etc
+	install -pm 0644 etc/cumin.* ${CUMIN_HOME}/etc
+	install -pm 0755 etc/sysvinit-cumin ${CUMIN_HOME}/etc
+	install -d ${CUMIN_HOME}/log
+	bin/install-python-code python ${CUMIN_HOME}/python
+	bin/install-python-code ../wooly/python ${CUMIN_HOME}/python 
+	bin/install-python-code ../rosemary/python ${CUMIN_HOME}/python 
+	bin/install-python-code ../mint/python ${CUMIN_HOME}/python 
+	bin/install-python-code ../parsley/python ${CUMIN_HOME}/python 
+	find ${CUMIN_HOME} -type d
 clean: clean-python-files

Deleted: mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-instance-init
--- mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-instance-init	2010-05-10 16:00:01 UTC (rev 3951)
+++ mgmt/newdata/cumin/bin/cumin-instance-init	2010-05-10 17:25:54 UTC (rev 3952)
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-import sys, os
-from os.path import *
-def usage():
-    print "Usage: cumin-instance-init [system|local|prefix PREFIX]"
-    sys.exit(1)
-def check_home(dir):
-    if isdir(dir):
-        # Check writable
-        pass
-    else:
-        os.makedirs(dir)
-if "-h" in sys.argv or "--help" in sys.argv:
-    usage()
-    type = sys.argv[1]
-except IndexError:
-    usage()
-if type == "system":
-    prefix = join(sep, "usr")
-    home = join(sep, "var", "lib", "cumin")
-    check_home(home)
-    map = ((join(sep, "etc", "cumin"), join(home, "etc")),
-           (join(sep, "var", "log", "cumin"), join(home, "log")),
-           (join(prefix, "share", "wooly", "resources"), join(home, "resources-wooly")),
-           (join(prefix, "share", "cumin", "resources"), join(home, "resources")),
-           (join(prefix, "share", "mint", "sql"), join(home, "sql")),
-           (join(prefix, "share", "mint", "xml"), join(home, "xml")))
-elif type == "local":
-    prefix = join(sep, "usr", "local")
-    home = join(sep, "var", "local", "lib", "cumin")
-    check_home(home)
-    map = ((join(prefix, "etc", "cumin"), join(home, "etc")),
-           (join(sep, "var", "local", "log", "cumin"), join(home, "log")),
-           (join(prefix, "share", "wooly", "resources"), join(home, "resources-wooly")),
-           (join(prefix, "share", "cumin", "resources"), join(home, "resources")),
-           (join(prefix, "share", "mint", "sql"), join(home, "sql")),
-           (join(prefix, "share", "mint", "xml"), join(home, "xml")))
-elif type == "prefix":
-    try:
-        prefix = sys.argv[2]
-    except IndexError:
-        usage()
-    home = join(prefix, "var", "lib", "cumin")
-    check_home(home)
-    map = ((join(prefix, "etc", "cumin"), join(home, "etc")),
-           (join(prefix, "var", "log", "cumin"), join(home, "log")),
-           (join(prefix, "share", "wooly", "resources"), join(home, "resources-wooly")),
-           (join(prefix, "share", "cumin", "resources"), join(home, "resources")),
-           (join(prefix, "share", "mint", "sql"), join(home, "sql")),
-           (join(prefix, "share", "mint", "xml"), join(home, "xml")))
-    print "Error: '%s' is not a recognized instance type" % type
-    usage()
-for src, dst in map:
-    if exists(dst):
-        #print "File already exists: %s" % dst
-        pass
-    elif islink(dst):
-        #print "Link already exists: %s" % dst
-        pass
-    else:
-        #print "Creating symlink: %s -> %s" % (dst, src)
-        os.symlink(src, dst)

Modified: mgmt/newdata/etc/Makefile.common
--- mgmt/newdata/etc/Makefile.common	2010-05-10 16:00:01 UTC (rev 3951)
+++ mgmt/newdata/etc/Makefile.common	2010-05-10 17:25:54 UTC (rev 3952)
@@ -13,5 +13,7 @@
     VAR_DIR := ${PREFIX}/var
+LOG_DIR := ${VAR_DIR}/log
 	find python -type f -name \*.py[co] -delete

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