Head up: RichWidgets Agile Boards

Lukáš Fryč lukas.fryc at gmail.com
Fri Nov 8 03:10:06 EST 2013

As we discussed recently on IRC,

we have adopted two open agile dashboards for GitHub issues, because the
amount of issues we already have has prevented to work with issues


for regular contributors, there is Waffle.io:

It allows to work with issues in 3 columns:

Backlog - tracks all issues in issue tracker

Ready - current sprint issues - I would like to ask you for periodical
check whether you haven't some issues assigned here

In progress - obviously, as you work with widgets, mark them as in progress

Review - the pull requests or other kind of review is required

Done - yeaaah!


The only issue with Waffle is that it doesn't support filtering other than
primitive full-text search.
On the other hand this search works for all important fields:

* summary
* milestones "0.1"
* labels "autocomplete"
* assignee "jstefek"

But you can't combine filters. ;-)


For this purpose we have adopted also another dashboard project, Hubboard:

it's rather for sprint management purposes, but it's available as well:


Thanks for setting this up, Brian!


~ Lukas
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