What is target platform for archetypes

Brian Leathem bleathem at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 15:50:11 EST 2014

I'd like to see us support both servlet and EE containers with our 
archetypes at generation time.  We'd build in the archetype conditional 
asking the user if the generated project should target EE or servlet 
containers.  This should also be done in our Forge plugin.

Most users are targeting a single container with their app.  Taking a 
profile approach leaves a lot of unnecessary clutter in their pom.xml.  
whereas asking at archetype evaluation time we can trim the unnecessary 
pieces out of the pom.xml.

We can proceed with this for the simpleapp archetype, but we will have 
problems introducing this approach to the kitchensink-rf archetype, as 
that is tied heavily to the downstream jsf quickstart and archetype.  
Let's leave the kitchensink archetype targeting only EE containers for 


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