UIRepeat issues

Michal Petrov richfaces-dev at lists.jboss.org
Fri Jan 9 09:00:04 EST 2015

To recap:
The issue with EDT has been resolved and it wasn't related to this.

Prior to the change (JAVASERVERFACES-3152) the state of the row was saved when a server request was executed from that row. Currently that doesn't work, the ui:repeat isn't visited so the state isn't saved, in situations where components are checking their previous state they see the default state. Wrapping the ui:repeat in a panelGroup and rerendering helps somewhat - the ui:repeat is visited and state is saved but due to rerendering the state is applied to all rows. (e.g. sorting a table will sort all tables) so this is not the way to go (and rerendering only a single row of ui:repeat doesn't seem to be possible).

As far as I understand from the discussions there isn't a specification regarding how the ui:repeat is supposed to behave in situations like this, i.e. if this is the intended behavior or not.

Posted by forums
Original post: https://developer.jboss.org/message/915475#915475

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