[richfaces-svn-commits] JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r4618 - in branches/3.1.x/samples/orderingListDemo/src/main/webapp: scripts and 1 other directory.

richfaces-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org richfaces-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org
Fri Dec 7 15:03:29 EST 2007

Author: nbelaevski
Date: 2007-12-07 15:03:29 -0500 (Fri, 07 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 4618

local effects script removed from orderingListDemo

Modified: branches/3.1.x/samples/orderingListDemo/src/main/webapp/pages/index.jsp
--- branches/3.1.x/samples/orderingListDemo/src/main/webapp/pages/index.jsp	2007-12-07 19:47:25 UTC (rev 4617)
+++ branches/3.1.x/samples/orderingListDemo/src/main/webapp/pages/index.jsp	2007-12-07 20:03:29 UTC (rev 4618)
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
-		<script type="text/javascript" src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/scripts/effects.js"></script>
 		<title>Ordering List Demo.</title>
+			<a4j:loadScript src="resource:///org/richfaces/renderkit/html/scripts/scriptaculous/effects.js" />
 			<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
 				<h:messages />

Deleted: branches/3.1.x/samples/orderingListDemo/src/main/webapp/scripts/effects.js
--- branches/3.1.x/samples/orderingListDemo/src/main/webapp/scripts/effects.js	2007-12-07 19:47:25 UTC (rev 4617)
+++ branches/3.1.x/samples/orderingListDemo/src/main/webapp/scripts/effects.js	2007-12-07 20:03:29 UTC (rev 4618)
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-var Effect = {
-    tagifyText: function(element) {
-        var tagifyStyle = 'position:relative';
-        if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent)) tagifyStyle += ';zoom:1';
-        element = $(element);
-        $A(element.childNodes).each(function(child) {
-            if (child.nodeType == 3) {
-                child.nodeValue.toArray().each(function(character) {
-                    element.insertBefore(
-                            Builder.node('span', {style: tagifyStyle},
-                                    character == ' ' ? String.fromCharCode(160) : character),
-                            child);
-                });
-                Element.remove(child);
-            }
-        });
-    },
-    multiple: function(element, effect) {
-        var elements;
-        if (((typeof element == 'object') ||
-             (typeof element == 'function')) &&
-            (element.length))
-            elements = element;
-        else
-            elements = $(element).childNodes;
-        var options = Object.extend({
-            speed: 0.1,
-            delay: 0.0
-        }, arguments[2] || {});
-        var masterDelay = options.delay;
-        $A(elements).each(function(element, index) {
-            new effect(element, Object.extend(options, { delay: index * options.speed + masterDelay }));
-        });
-    },
-    PAIRS: {
-        'slide':  ['SlideDown','SlideUp'],
-        'blind':  ['BlindDown','BlindUp'],
-        'appear': ['Appear','Fade']
-    },
-    toggle: function(element, effect) {
-        element = $(element);
-        effect = (effect || 'appear').toLowerCase();
-        var options = Object.extend({
-            queue: { position:'end', scope:(element.id || 'global') }
-        }, arguments[2] || {});
-        Effect[Element.visible(element) ?
-               Effect.PAIRS[effect][1] : Effect.PAIRS[effect][0]](element, options);
-    }
-Effect.Transitions = {}
-Effect.Transitions.linear = function(pos) {
-    return pos;
-Effect.Transitions.sinoidal = function(pos) {
-    return (-Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 2) + 0.5;
-Effect.Transitions.reverse = function(pos) {
-    return 1 - pos;
-Effect.Transitions.flicker = function(pos) {
-    return ((-Math.cos(pos * Math.PI) / 4) + 0.75) + Math.random() / 4;
-Effect.Transitions.wobble = function(pos) {
-    return (-Math.cos(pos * Math.PI * (9 * pos)) / 2) + 0.5;
-Effect.Transitions.pulse = function(pos) {
-    return (Math.floor(pos * 10) % 2 == 0 ?
-            (pos * 10 - Math.floor(pos * 10)) : 1 - (pos * 10 - Math.floor(pos * 10)));
-Effect.Transitions.none = function(pos) {
-    return 0;
-Effect.Transitions.full = function(pos) {
-    return 1;
-/* ------------- core effects ------------- */
-Effect.ScopedQueue = Class.create();
-Object.extend(Object.extend(Effect.ScopedQueue.prototype, Enumerable), {
-    initialize: function() {
-        this.effects = [];
-        this.interval = null;
-    },
-    _each: function(iterator) {
-        this.effects._each(iterator);
-    },
-    add: function(effect) {
-        var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
-        var position = (typeof effect.options.queue == 'string') ?
-                       effect.options.queue : effect.options.queue.position;
-        switch (position) {
-            case 'front':
-            // move unstarted effects after this effect
-                this.effects.findAll(function(e) {
-                    return e.state == 'idle'
-                }).each(function(e) {
-                    e.startOn += effect.finishOn;
-                    e.finishOn += effect.finishOn;
-                });
-                break;
-            case 'end':
-            // start effect after last queued effect has finished
-                timestamp = this.effects.pluck('finishOn').max() || timestamp;
-                break;
-        }
-        effect.startOn += timestamp;
-        effect.finishOn += timestamp;
-        this.effects.push(effect);
-        if (!this.interval)
-            this.interval = setInterval(this.loop.bind(this), 40);
-    },
-    remove: function(effect) {
-        this.effects = this.effects.reject(function(e) {
-            return e == effect
-        });
-        if (this.effects.length == 0) {
-            clearInterval(this.interval);
-            this.interval = null;
-        }
-    },
-    loop: function() {
-        var timePos = new Date().getTime();
-        this.effects.invoke('loop', timePos);
-    }
-Effect.Queues = {
-    instances: $H(),
-    get: function(queueName) {
-        if (typeof queueName != 'string') return queueName;
-        if (!this.instances[queueName])
-            this.instances[queueName] = new Effect.ScopedQueue();
-        return this.instances[queueName];
-    }
-Effect.Queue = Effect.Queues.get('global');
-Effect.DefaultOptions = {
-    transition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal,
-    duration:   1.0,   // seconds
-    fps:        25.0,  // max. 25fps due to Effect.Queue implementation
-    sync:       false, // true for combining
-    from:       0.0,
-    to:         1.0,
-    delay:      0.0,
-    queue:      'parallel'
-Effect.Base = function() {
-Effect.Base.prototype = {
-    position: null,
-    start: function(options) {
-        this.options = Object.extend(Object.extend({}, Effect.DefaultOptions), options || {});
-        this.currentFrame = 0;
-        this.state = 'idle';
-        this.startOn = this.options.delay * 1000;
-        this.finishOn = this.startOn + (this.options.duration * 1000);
-        this.event('beforeStart');
-        if (!this.options.sync)
-            Effect.Queues.get(typeof this.options.queue == 'string' ?
-                              'global' : this.options.queue.scope).add(this);
-    },
-    loop: function(timePos) {
-        if (timePos >= this.startOn) {
-            if (timePos >= this.finishOn) {
-                this.render(1.0);
-                this.cancel();
-                this.event('beforeFinish');
-                if (this.finish) this.finish();
-                this.event('afterFinish');
-                return;
-            }
-            var pos = (timePos - this.startOn) / (this.finishOn - this.startOn);
-            var frame = Math.round(pos * this.options.fps * this.options.duration);
-            if (frame > this.currentFrame) {
-                this.render(pos);
-                this.currentFrame = frame;
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    render: function(pos) {
-        if (this.state == 'idle') {
-            this.state = 'running';
-            this.event('beforeSetup');
-            if (this.setup) this.setup();
-            this.event('afterSetup');
-        }
-        if (this.state == 'running') {
-            if (this.options.transition) pos = this.options.transition(pos);
-            pos *= (this.options.to - this.options.from);
-            pos += this.options.from;
-            this.position = pos;
-            this.event('beforeUpdate');
-            if (this.update) this.update(pos);
-            this.event('afterUpdate');
-        }
-    },
-    cancel: function() {
-        if (!this.options.sync)
-            Effect.Queues.get(typeof this.options.queue == 'string' ?
-                              'global' : this.options.queue.scope).remove(this);
-        this.state = 'finished';
-    },
-    event: function(eventName) {
-        if (this.options[eventName + 'Internal']) this.options[eventName + 'Internal'](this);
-        if (this.options[eventName]) this.options[eventName](this);
-    },
-    inspect: function() {
-        return '#<Effect:' + $H(this).inspect() + ',options:' + $H(this.options).inspect() + '>';
-    }
-Effect.Highlight = Class.create();
-Object.extend(Object.extend(Effect.Highlight.prototype, Effect.Base.prototype), {
-    initialize: function(element) {
-        this.element = $(element);
-        var options = Object.extend({ startcolor: '#ffff99' }, arguments[1] || {});
-        this.start(options);
-    },
-    setup: function() {
-        // Prevent executing on elements not in the layout flow
-        if (Element.getStyle(this.element, 'display') == 'none') {
-            this.cancel();
-            return;
-        }
-        // Disable background image during the effect
-        this.oldStyle = {
-            backgroundImage: Element.getStyle(this.element, 'background-image') };
-        Element.setStyle(this.element, {backgroundImage: 'none'});
-        if (!this.options.endcolor)
-            this.options.endcolor = Element.getStyle(this.element, 'background-color').parseColor('#ffffff');
-        if (!this.options.restorecolor)
-            this.options.restorecolor = Element.getStyle(this.element, 'background-color');
-        // init color calculations
-        this._base = $R(0, 2).map(function(i) {
-            return parseInt(this.options.startcolor.slice(i * 2 + 1, i * 2 + 3), 16)
-        }.bind(this));
-        this._delta = $R(0, 2).map(function(i) {
-            return parseInt(this.options.endcolor.slice(i * 2 + 1, i * 2 + 3), 16) - this._base[i]
-        }.bind(this));
-    },
-    update: function(position) {
-        Element.setStyle(this.element, {backgroundColor: $R(0, 2).inject('#', function(m, v, i) {
-            return m + (Math.round(this._base[i] + (this._delta[i] * position)).toColorPart());
-        }.bind(this)) });
-    },
-    finish: function() {
-        Element.setStyle(this.element, Object.extend(this.oldStyle, {
-            backgroundColor: this.options.restorecolor
-        }));
-    }
\ No newline at end of file

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