[richfaces-svn-commits] JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r4658 - branches/3.1.x/docs/userguide/en/src/main/docbook/included.

richfaces-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org richfaces-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon Dec 10 10:12:34 EST 2007

Author: artdaw
Date: 2007-12-10 10:12:34 -0500 (Mon, 10 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 4658

http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/RF-1184 - edit Details of Usage, edit example for 'selection' attribute

Modified: branches/3.1.x/docs/userguide/en/src/main/docbook/included/orderingList.xml
--- branches/3.1.x/docs/userguide/en/src/main/docbook/included/orderingList.xml	2007-12-10 15:11:57 UTC (rev 4657)
+++ branches/3.1.x/docs/userguide/en/src/main/docbook/included/orderingList.xml	2007-12-10 15:12:34 UTC (rev 4658)
@@ -103,29 +103,37 @@
         <para>Controls rendering is based on the <emphasis>
             <property>&quot;controlsType&quot; </property>
-        </emphasis> attribute. Possible types are button or none.
+        </emphasis> attribute. Possible types are button<!--, link--> or none.
             The <emphasis>
                 <property>&quot;selection&quot; </property>
-            </emphasis> attribute stores the collection of items selected by user. After submitting the form the current collection is placed in the object's property. 
+            </emphasis> attribute stores the collection of items selected by user. After submitting the form the current collection is placed in the object's property and then 
+            <emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:dataTable&gt;</property></emphasis> with selected items will be shown. 
             <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
         <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[...
-<rich:orderingList value="#{bean.simpleItems}" var="item" selection="#{bean.selection}" controlsType="button">
-        <rich:column>
-            <f:facet name="header">
-                    <h:outputText value="Cars" />
-            </f:facet>
-                  <h:outputText value="#{item}" />
-        </rich:column>
+        <rich:orderingList value="#{bean.simpleItems}" var="item" selection="#{bean.selection}" controlsType="button">
+                <rich:column>
+                    <f:facet name="header">
+                            <h:outputText value="Cars" />
+                    </f:facet>
+                            <h:outputText value="#{item}" />
+                </rich:column>
+        </rich:orderingList>
+        <rich:dataTable id="infoPanelID" value="#{bean.info}" var="info" rendered="true">
+                <rich:column>
+                            <h:outputText value="#{info}" />
+                </rich:column>
+        </rich:dataTable>
+        <a4j:commandButton value="reRender" reRender="infoPanelID" />
         <para> The <emphasis role="bold">
             </emphasis> component allows to use <emphasis>
@@ -163,18 +171,20 @@
                 <h:outputText value="#{item.price}" />
-        <f:facet name="footer">
-                <h:outputText value="Footer Facet" />
-        </f:facet>
         <!-- ordering control set-->
         <para>The <emphasis role="bold">
-                <property>&lt;rich:orderingList&gt;</property>
-            </emphasis> component provides the possibility to use <property>ordering controls
-            set</property>, which performs reordering. Every control has possibility to be disabled. </para>
-        <para>
+            <property>&lt;rich:orderingList&gt;</property>
+        </emphasis> component provides the possibility to use <property>ordering controls
+            set</property>, which performs reordering. Every control has possibility to be disabled. 
+        </para>
+        <para>An <property>ordering controls set</property> could be defined with 
+            <emphasis><property>&quot;topControlLabel&quot;</property></emphasis>, <emphasis><property>&quot;bottomControlLabel&quot;</property></emphasis>,
+            <emphasis><property>&quot;upControlLabel&quot;</property></emphasis>, <emphasis><property>&quot;downControlLabel&quot;</property></emphasis>attributes.
+        </para>
+        <para>It is also possible to use
                 <property> &quot;topControl&quot; </property>
             </emphasis>, <emphasis>
@@ -191,12 +201,8 @@
                 <property> &quot;downControl&quot;</property>
             </emphasis> , <emphasis>
                 <property> &quot;downControlDisabled&quot; </property>
-            </emphasis> facets are used to replaces the default control with facets content.
+            </emphasis> facets in order to replace the default controls with facets content.
-        <para>An <property>ordering controls set</property> could be also defined with 
-            <emphasis><property>&quot;topControlLabel&quot;</property></emphasis>, <emphasis><property>&quot;bottomControlLabel&quot;</property></emphasis>,
-            <emphasis><property>&quot;upControlLabel&quot;</property></emphasis>, <emphasis><property>&quot;downControlLabel&quot;</property></emphasis>attributes.
-        </para>
             <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>

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