[richfaces-svn-commits] JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r13736 - trunk/docs/realworld_app_guide/en/src/main/docbook/modules.

richfaces-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org richfaces-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org
Tue Apr 21 11:07:12 EDT 2009

Author: atsebro
Date: 2009-04-21 11:07:12 -0400 (Tue, 21 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 13736


Deleted: trunk/docs/realworld_app_guide/en/src/main/docbook/modules/how_it_works.xml
--- trunk/docs/realworld_app_guide/en/src/main/docbook/modules/how_it_works.xml	2009-04-21 15:00:48 UTC (rev 13735)
+++ trunk/docs/realworld_app_guide/en/src/main/docbook/modules/how_it_works.xml	2009-04-21 15:07:12 UTC (rev 13736)
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<chapter id="how_it_works" xreflabel="how_it_works">
-    <?dbhtml filename="how_it_works.html"?>
-    <chapterinfo>
-        <keywordset>
-            <keyword>RichFaces</keyword>
-        </keywordset>
-    </chapterinfo>
-    <title>How it works</title>
-      <section><title>Application Overview</title>
-            <section><title>Used Technologies</title>
-            <para>The Photo Album is based on the following technologies and frameworks:</para>
-            <itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem><para>Java Server Faces (JSF), technology that provides a single, standard, productive way to use Java technologies to build Web-based applications;</para></listitem>
-                  <listitem><para>Facelets, the technology that combines the power of UI components and the flexibility of XML to accelerate JavaServer Faces development. Facelets presents a compelling alternative to JSP as the markup technology of choice for next-generation JSF applications;</para></listitem>
-                  <listitem><para>Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), several incorporated technologies. Ajax binds together standards-based presentation using XHTML and CSS, dynamic display and interaction using the DOM, data interchange and manipulation using XML and XSLT, asynchronous data retrieval using XMLHttpRequest and JavaScript;</para></listitem>
-                  <listitem><para>Seam technology that integrates previous mentioned technologies with Java Persistence (JPA), Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 3.0) and Business Process Management (BPM) into a unified full-stack solution;</para></listitem>
-                  <listitem><para>RichFaces, a framework and library of Ajax-capable UI components for JSF framework that had been evolved from Ajax4JSF framework (merge of Ajax and JavaServer Faces technologies).</para></listitem>
-            </itemizedlist>
-            <para>One of the main goals for the PhotoAlbum Demo is to demonstrate the RichFaces.</para>
-            </section>
-            <section>
-                  <title>Benefits of RichFaces</title>
-                  <para>The RichFaces has a set of benefits distinguishing  this library and framework from a wide range of similar libraries. 
-                        All the RichFaces benefits are fully described in the <ulink url="http://www.jboss.org/file-access/default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/devguide/en/html/Introduction.html">Introduction to the RichFaces</ulink>. 
-                        The &lt;Photo Album&gt; covers some of the most important of them and demonstrates: </para>
-                  <itemizedlist>
-                        <listitem><para><emphasis>wide variety of UI components</emphasis>, which provides Lego-like way of building user interfaces for web applications;</para></listitem>
-                        <listitem><para><emphasis>built-in Ajax capability</emphasis>, which offers both component-wide and a lot more flexible page-wide Ajax support;</para></listitem>
-                        <listitem><para><emphasis>highly customizable look-and-feel</emphasis> (the RichFaces have special feature called 
-                              &quot;<ulink url="http://www.jboss.org/file-access/default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/devguide/en/html/ArchitectureOverview.html#Skinnability">Skinnability</ulink>&quot;).</para></listitem>
-                  </itemizedlist>
-            </section>
-            <section>
-                  <title>The main structure and organization of the PhotoAlbum</title>
-                  <para>Since the application uses Facelets technology the main page <code>index.xhtml</code> represents an &lt;include&gt; (or facelet) wrapped with the <emphasis role="bold">&lt;ui:composition&gt;</emphasis> tag. 
-                        This tag is used to trim unnecessary markup in the facelet. Any content outside of <emphasis role="bold">&lt;ui:composition&gt;</emphasis> tag will be ignored by the Facelets view handler. 
-                        A facelet can be incorporated into another page or facelet with the help of <emphasis role="bold">&lt;ui:define&gt;</emphasis> and <emphasis role="bold">&lt;ui:include&gt;</emphasis> tags pointed to by the <emphasis role="bold">&lt;ui:include&gt;</emphasis> &quot;src&quot; attribute. 
-                        The facelet may simply contains a fragment of XHTML or XML to be included.</para>
-                  <para>Here is <code>index.xhtml</code> page source code:</para>
-                  <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE composition PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
-                      "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
-		    xmlns:s="http://jboss.com/products/seam/taglib"
-		    xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets"
-		    xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"
-		    xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"
-		    xmlns:rich="http://richfaces.org/rich"
-		    xmlns:a4j="http://richfaces.org/a4j"
-		    xmlns:richx="http://richfaces.org/richx"
-		    template="layout/template.xhtml">
-	<ui:define name="searchWidget">
-		<ui:include src="includes/search/searchWidget.xhtml" />
-	</ui:define>
-	<ui:define name="menu">
-		<ui:include src="/includes/index/menu.xhtml" />
-	</ui:define>
-	<ui:define name="tree">
-		<ui:include src="/includes/index/tree.xhtml" />
-	</ui:define>
-	<ui:define name="body">
-		<h:panelGroup id="mainArea" layout="block">
-			<h:panelGroup styleClass="content_box" layout="block">
-				<ui:include src="#{model.mainArea.template}" />
-			</h:panelGroup>
-			<ui:include src="includes/misc/errorPanel.xhtml" />
-		</h:panelGroup>
-	</ui:define>
-                  </programlisting>
-                  <para>The snippet above shows that the <code>index.xhtml</code> page does not contain sources for application functional parts but includes them as templates that are rendered depending on conditions and events taking place during user interaction with the PhotoAlbum. 
-                        The illustration below shows <code>index.xhtml</code> page schematically with it  &quot;includes&quot; and paths to them:</para>
-                  <mediaobject>
-                        <imageobject>
-                              <imagedata fileref="images/indexxhtml.png"/>
-                        </imageobject>
-                  </mediaobject>
-            </section>
-      </section>
-      </chapter>

Deleted: trunk/docs/realworld_app_guide/en/src/main/docbook/modules/rw_itself.xml
--- trunk/docs/realworld_app_guide/en/src/main/docbook/modules/rw_itself.xml	2009-04-21 15:00:48 UTC (rev 13735)
+++ trunk/docs/realworld_app_guide/en/src/main/docbook/modules/rw_itself.xml	2009-04-21 15:07:12 UTC (rev 13736)
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<chapter id="getting_started" xreflabel="getting_started">
-      <?dbhtml filename="getting_started.html"?>
-    <chapterinfo>
-        <keywordset>
-            <keyword>RichFaces</keyword>
-        </keywordset>
-    </chapterinfo>
-    <title>The Real World main features</title>
-    <para>The &quot;Photo Album&quot; is a desktop-like online photo manager that provides social service with pictures uploading, preview, storage, management and sharing features. 
-It allows to create own albums, upload photos there, share the albums with other users, search albums. 
-For newcomers the system allows &quot;Anonymous regime&quot; that may be used to search and view others albums, but no personal albums, no possibility to mark favorite photos and friends albums are available.  	
-	</para>
-	<section>
-	<title>Used components</title>
-	<para>Below there is a list of components used in &quot;Photo album&quot;.</para>
-		<table>
-			<title>Components used in &quot;Photo album&quot;</title>
-				<tgroup cols="2">
-					<thead>
-						<row>
-							<entry>Name</entry>
-							<entry>Value</entry>
-                        </row>
-					</thead>
-					<tbody>
-						<row>
-							<entry>a4j:commandLink</entry>
-							<entry>The component is very similar to the &lt;h:commandLink&gt; component, the only difference is that an Ajax form submit is generated on a click and it allows dynamic rerendering after a response comes back. It's not necessary to plug any support into the component, as Ajax support is already built in.</entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>a4j:commandButton</entry>
-							<entry>The component is very similar to the &lt;h:commandButton&gt; component, the only difference is that an Ajax form submit is generated on a click and it allows dynamic rerendering after a response comes back. It's not necessary to plug any support into the component, as Ajax support is already built in.</entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>a4j:push</entry>
-							<entry>The component periodically perform Ajax request to server, to simulate 'push' data.</entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>a4J:poll</entry>
-							<entry>The component allows periodical sending of Ajax requests to a server and is used for a page updating according to a specified time interval.</entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>rich:calendar</entry>
-							<entry>The component is used for creating monthly calendar elements on a page.</entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>rich:contextMenu</entry>
-							<entry>The component is used for creation multileveled context menus that are activated after a user defines an event ("onmouseover", "onclick", etc.) on any element on the page.</entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>rich:dataGrid</entry>
-							<entry>The component to render data as a grid that allows choosing data from a model and obtains built-in support of Ajax updates.</entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>rich:datascroller</entry>
-							<entry>The component designed for providing the functionality of tables scrolling using Ajax requests.</entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>rich:fileUpload</entry>
-							<entry>The component designed to perform Ajax-ed files upload to server.</entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>rich:inplaceInput</entry>
-							<entry>The component is an input component used for displaying and editing data inputted. </entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>rich:inplaceSelect</entry>
-							<entry>The component is used for creation select based inputs: it shows the value as text in one state and enables editing the value, providing a list of options in another state.</entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>rich:mediaOutput</entry>
-							<entry>The component implements one of the basic features specified in the framework. The component is a facility for generating images, video, sounds and other binary resources defined by you on-the-fly.</entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>rich:modalPanel</entry>
-							<entry>The component implements a modal dialog window. All operations in the main application window are locked out while this window is active. Opening and closing the window is done through client JavaScript code.</entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>rich:progressBar</entry>
-							<entry>The component is designed for displaying a progress bar which shows the current status of the process. </entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>rich:tree</entry>
-							<entry>The component is designed for hierarchical data presentation and is applied for building a tree structure with a drag-and-drop capability. The component also uses built-in drag and drop.</entry>
-                        </row>
-                    </tbody>
-                </tgroup>
-        </table>
-	</section>
-	<section>
-		<title>Main views</title>
-		<para>The following section contains some most importants screenshots provided with additional comments. 
-		</para>
-		<para>Starting page of the &quot;Photo album&quot; contains some basic information about RichFaces an log-in fields:
-		</para>
-		<figure>
-			<title>&quot;Photo album&quot; start page</title>
-			<mediaobject>
-				<imageobject>
-					<imagedata fileref="images/rw_its_start.png"/>
-				</imageobject>
-			</mediaobject>
-		</figure>
-		<para>Three users where created for test purposes. Their names, passes and albums are listed in the table below:</para>
-		<table>
-			<title>Components used in &quot;Photo album&quot;</title>
-				<tgroup cols="2">
-					<thead>
-						<row>
-							<entry>Name</entry>
-							<entry>Pass</entry>
-							<entry>Albums</entry>
-                        </row>
-					</thead>
-					<tbody>
-						<row>
-							<entry>amarkhel</entry>
-							<entry>12345</entry>
-							<entry>Cars, Tetki</entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>root</entry>
-							<entry>12345</entry>
-							<entry>Football</entry>
-                        </row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>qqqq</entry>
-							<entry>12345</entry>
-							<entry>Japan, Music</entry>
-                        </row>
-					</tbody>
-                </tgroup>
-        </table>
-		<para>Not registered users should proceed with registration. The registration requires following fields:
-		<itemizedlist>
-                <listitem><para>First name</para></listitem>
-				<listitem><para>Second name</para></listitem>
-				<listitem><para>Login</para></listitem>
-				<listitem><para>Password</para></listitem>
-				<listitem><para>Confirm</para></listitem>
-				<listitem><para>Email</para></listitem>
-				<listitem><para>Birth Date</para></listitem>
-				<listitem><para>Avatar</para></listitem>
-          </itemizedlist>
-		  </para>
-		<para>After loging in the user gets to his personal page. It interface consists of menu bar, albums panels and working area.
-		</para>
-		<figure>
-			<title>Personal page</title>
-			<mediaobject>
-				<imageobject>
-					<imagedata fileref="images/rw_its_pers.png"/>
-				</imageobject>
-			</mediaobject>
-		</figure>
-		<para>The system &quot;Message&quot; service:
-		</para>
-		<figure>
-			<title>Personal page</title>
-			<mediaobject>
-				<imageobject>
-					<imagedata fileref="images/rw_its_mess.png"/>
-				</imageobject>
-			</mediaobject>
-		</figure>
-		<note>
-			<title>Note:</title>
-				<para>The work on &quot;Photo Album is in progress&quot;. The guide will be augumented with inforamtion.</para>
-        </note>
-	</section>

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