[rules-dev] Rule-Flow in Rules 4.0 M2 and ruleFlowGroups

Mahler, Bjoern (EXTERN: LINEAS) extern.bjoern.mahler at volkswagen.de
Mon May 14 07:18:13 EDT 2007


I don't know whether it's a bug or something else... - i'm currently
evaluating the new version m2 and especially the rule-flow feature, which
would be the yet missing part for us to use drools. 

So after creating a testflow.rf with your editor i've put the created
.rfm-file in the context as sugested on the blog/release-notes:
InputStreamReader(DroolsTest.class.getResourceAsStream( "/testflow.rfm" ) )

After invoking the rules with workingMemory.startProcess("test"); and/or
workingMemory.fireAllRules(); nothing happened... A look in the sources and
the rfm-xml-file shows, that the element <ruleFlowGroup> is empty! I would
have expected the name of the group at this point... After changing this to
the desired string, the behaviour looks more expecting ;)

The problem is, that the .rfm file is regenerated after editing the rf-file
so changes to that will be lost...

Is it a bug or did i something wrong?


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