[rules-dev] Branches made: drools 5.2.0.M2.x and jbpm 5.1.0.M1.x

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 10:41:39 EDT 2011

Hi guys,

The release branches are made.
These branches are called *5.2.0.M2.x* for all git repositories 
(droolsjbpm-knowledge, drools, guvnor, ...),
except for jbpm, where the branch is called 5.1.0.M1.x instead.

*So now, anything you commit to master, will be for CR1, and will not be 
included in the M2 release.*
If you need certain commits to be included in the M2 release, you 'll 
have to git cherry pick them to the release branch from master.
Cherry pick with the Eclipse or IntelliJ plugin or use the git command 
line: http://progit.org/book/ch5-3.html

Switching to the release branch

If you just have guvnor cloned:
   $ cd guvnor
It's easy to switch your files to the branch:
   $ git checkout 5.2.0.M2.x
And to go back to master:
   $ git checkout master

But if you have all of droolsjbpm projects cloned, there's a script to 
help you:
  $ droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap/script/branches/git-checkout-all.sh 
5.2.0.M2.x 5.1.0.M1.x
And to go back to master:
  $ droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap/script/branches/git-checkout-all.sh 
master master

Note: "droolsjbpm-build-bootstrap/script/git-all.sh checkout 5.2.0.M2.x" 
doesn't work
because it tries to checkout the wrong branch on jbpm.

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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