[rules-dev] trigger patterns

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Fri Jul 13 22:41:42 EDT 2012

I've been thinking about something i think might make authoring rules 
easier. I've found that often in rules only one of the patterns is the 
reactive trigger pattern, and I use techniques to stop the reactivity of 
other patterns; such as using watch(!*). However even with !* you'll get 
reactivity when something is first inserted, just not after 
modificiation. So I've been thinking about formalising this.

To a certain degree the use of queries already have this, via ?. When ? 
is used the query is executed when left triggered only, further it is 
not left open and there is no reactivity. There are plans to allow 
patterns to also obey ?. Such that if you did ?Person() it would only 
join when left triggered and there would be no reactivity from Person 

However I'm not sure this is enough, while I may not want reactivity 
from inserts and modifies, I may still want retract to be obeyed.

Assuming A and B are class definitions and we allowed ? on ground terms. 
The following would ignore all B insertions until it is left triggered 
via an A propagation. However no link is maintained, so we do not 
receive B modifications or retracts either - so the behaviour is exactly 
like queries.
$a : A()
?B($a; )

Do we want a half measure that ignores modifies, but allows retracts? 
Maybe using a double ??
$a : A()
??B($a; )

Or is the default query behaviour adequate? Or are there some other 
alternatives people can think of?

I've been thinking about the same for rule groups too. If we have "rule 
groups" maybe only certain facts will trigger evaluations for rules. But 
again not sure what a syntax would look like.


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