[rules-dev] 3rd party jars

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 05:16:00 EST 2012

Hi Wolfgang,

quartz is optional in droolsjbpm-knowledge, because most people don't 
need it:

<scope>provided</scope><!-- This should really be scope:compile with 
optional:true -->

the version is inherited from the droolsjbpm-parent:


The pom's actually have all the dependency information. Just the maven 
tools to expose that visually is pathetic to what it could be.
Trying to keep a ReadMe up to date with that is a maintenance nightmare 
because a dependency tree is a tree, not a list.
We would need to include a tree per artifact, making one big unreadable 
readme file :)

I do agree, that the documentation on how to use quartz with drools (do 
we have any?)
should state you require to add a quartz dependency too to be able to 
use that functionality.

Op 07-03-12 10:41, Wolfgang Laun schreef:
> Is there a standard procedure for Drools releases, regulating whether
> they contain 3rd party jars that are essential for core (!) functions
> of Drools?
> For example: After downloading and installing 5.3.0, I tried to use a
> rule calendar, but there's no "quartz" to be found in all the *.jar
> files in /drools-distribution-5.3.0.Final/binaries.
> Downloading quartz is no problem, but it would be NICE if there were a
> hint in the ReadMeDrools.txt. (And what else is required but not
> included?)
> -W
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With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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