[rules-dev] Planner: Unified selectors

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Mon May 7 03:12:26 EDT 2012

Hi guys,

In Planner, I am going to do some structural improvements on the selectors.
Below are some of the idea's on how to do that. All of these are ideas 
are still very volatile.
Feed-back is welcome, especially if you don't like a particular naming 
or semantic.

Global design objectives:
- 1) Make selectors and generic MoveFactories faster, scalable and use 
less memory: by optionally not generating all the moves
- 2) Make selectors and generic MoveFactories more configurable: filter 
on entities, variables, moveFilter, ...
- 3) Unify entity, variable and value selectors under the same system, 
to also make them faster, scalable, memory-efficient and more configurable

Let's focus on 1) MoveSelector only for now, on terminology and semantics.
What does a MoveSelector need to have?

Terminology of methods/attributes on MoveSelector. How would you name them?

    * Iterator<Move> moveIterator:
          o iterates over all the moves in the selector, based on the
            configuration of the MoveSelector
    * long moveSizeor size:
          o how many moves in this MoveSelector.
          o The MoveSelector interface probably doesn't need to expose this
    * boolean continuous:
          o Some value ranges, for example double x with (1.0 < x < 2.0)
            are continuous.
                + For example, a value can be 1.23435455444.
          o When true, then MoveSelector.size returns -1 or throws
            exception (because it is infinity really :)
          o Not all features will be able to combine with continuous true.
                + If it's not compatible, it fails-fast during
    * boolean cacheableBetweenSteps
    * enum orderType:
          o The order in which the moveIterator generates Moves
          o DEFAULT (or FROM_SOLUTION?)
                + not cached
                      # The Moves are generated in real-time (at each
                        move scope)
                            * A1, A2, A3, ... A9, B1, B2, ... F9
                + 100% cached
                      # The Moves are generated in advance (at each step
                        scope) and iterated in generated order.
                            * A1, A2, A3, ... A9, B1, B2, ... F9
                + Not compatible with continuous == true
          o DECREASING_DIFFICULTY (experimental)
                + B1, B2, … B9, F1, F2, … F9, A1, A2 …, C9
                + This is really DEFAULT for the MoveSelector with
                  DECREASING_DIFFICULTY for the entitySelector and
                  DEFAULT/DECREASING_STRENGTH/... for the valueSelector
                + The Moves are generated in advanced (at each step
                  scope) and shuffled, so iterated in random order.
                      # C2, B2, A7, E4, F3 ...
                + Not compatible with continuous == true
                + The moves are generated in real-time (at each move
                  scope) randomly.
                      # C2, B2, A7, E4, C2 ...
                + Will sometimes generate the same Move twice, before
                  some other Move is generated once.
    * boolean hasFiniteMoveSize
          o Other names:
                + hasFiniteAmountOfMoves
                + knowsWhenAllMovesHaveBeenIterated
          o true if moveIterator.hasNext() will ever return false
          o It's false in the following cases:
                + orderType == RANDOM_SCALABLE
    * boolean roundRobinSelection
          o true if it should try to round robin selection between steps
          o If orderType == IN_ORDER
                + Suppose the moves are (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5)
                + if the first step stops after 3 move selections, it
                  gets [A1, A2, A3]
                + then the next step will get [A4, A5, A1, A2, A3].
                      # so if it stops after the 3 move selections, it
                        gets [A4, A5, A1]
                            * with roundRobinSelection == false it would
                              get [A1, A2, A3] again
          o If orderType == RANDOM_COMPLETE
                + This is a bit tricker - ignore for now
          o Not compatible with orderType == RANDOM_SCALABLE
          o Not compatible with continuous == true
    * long randomSelectionWeight
          o If this MoveSelector is put into a composition with another
            MoveSelector, how high is the chance that this MoveSelector
            is chosen?
          o See below on composition for more info.
          o Can default to 1 or can default to size.
                + Currently, Planner 5.4 implementation default it to 1.

MoveSelector composition: Local Search can only have 1 direct 
MoveSelector, but that one can be CompositeMoveSelector of other 
MoveSelectors. There are several forms of composition:

    * Summed composition: UNION:
          o If X(A1, A2, A3) and Y(B1, B2) are summed, we get (A1, A2,
            A3, B1, B2)
          o If this composition is called with RANDOM (complete or
            scalable), how high is the change that A1 will be selected?
                + if randomSelectionWeight = 1 for each, so on X = 1 and
                  Y = 1:
                      # (1/2) * (1/3) = 1/6 chance to select A1
                + if randomSelectionWeight = size for each, so on X = 3
                  and Y = 2:
                      # 1/(3 + 2) = 1/5 chance to select A1
                + Think about it: currently randomSelectionWeight = 1,
                      # so if you have 100 change moves and 1000 swap moves,
                      # then every change move has 10 times more chance
                        to be selected then a swap move
    * Multiplied composition: CARTESIAN_PRODUCT:
          o If X(A1, A2, A3) and Y(B1, B2) are multiplied, we get
            (A1-B1, A1-B2, A2-B1, A2-B2, A3-B1, A3-B2)
                + So you get composite moves: even though X and Y only
                  move 1 entity, the composite move moves 2 at the same time
                      # If multiplied composition is useful is yet to be
          o If this composition is called with RANDOM (complete or
            scalable), how high is the change that A1-B1 will be selected?
                + Always (1/3) * (1/2) = 1/6 chance to select A1-B1
                + The randomSelectionWeight doesn't matter!
                            * if randomSelectionWeight = 1 , so on X = 1
                              and Y = 1:
                            * (1/3) * (1/2) = 1/6 chance to select A1-B1
                            * if randomSelectionWeight = size, so on X =
                              3 and Y = 2:
                            * (1/3) * (1/2) = 1/6 chance to select A1-B1

I hope this makes sense :) What do you think? Naming, semantics, usage, ...
MoveFilters, entity inclusion/exclusion, etc are for phase 2 (by much 
easier to do once this stuff in in place)

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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