[rules-users] Retract in a function

Ronald R. DiFrango ron.difrango at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 09:01:08 EDT 2007


I have the following function that I call from all of my rules.  When I
execute this function, I need to retract that object from working memory.
The problem is that when I insert the comment line below I get a compiler
error saying that I can only issue a retract on fact handles.

Here is an example of my rule plus the function:

rule "QTY Percentage tolerance - Approval"
    salience -25
    no-loop  true
        rtvHeader : RtvHeader( totalAmount : totalAmount, status not in (
StatusConstants.MATCHED, StatusConstants.APPROVAL) )
        repaymentCode : RepaymentCode( code == "QTY", matchApprv == "Y",
tolDollar ==0, tolPercent != 0, tolPercent : tolPercent )
        qtyOutput : QTYOutput( sumRTVQty : sumRTVQty , sumCmAndRnr :
sumCmAndRnr )
        eval( qtyPercentage(qtyOutput, totalAmount, tolPercent) )
        System.out.println("QTY Percentage tolerance - No Approval");
"Open RTV Lines" ), StatusConstants.MATCHED_WITHIN_TOLERANCE);

function void openRTVLines(WorkingMemory workingMemory, QueryResults
results, String status)
    System.out.println( "We have " + results.size() + " Open RTV Lines" );
    for ( Iterator it = results.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        QueryResult result = ( QueryResult ) it.next();
        DetailLine line = ( DetailLine ) result.get( "line" );

        // I need to add this in
        // workingMemory.retract(line);

Thanks in advance,

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