[rules-users] Partial match (best rule to fire)

Houssam Haitof h_haitof at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 12 10:09:01 EST 2008

Hi, I need to know if a there is a possibility to have a partial match for a rule. For instance, let's concider rule 1:

rule "rule 1" 


    o : MyObject(field1=="A" && field2=="B" && field3=="C") 


I have a MyObject with values ("A", "B", "X") that would normally not match the rule. 
Is there a way to have a partial match? Something like "rule 1 matches at 66%" ?
My aim is to find the best rule to fire, the one that has the highest partial matches.

Thank you in advance.

P.S: I can't break rule 1 into multiple rules because I have a large number of "fieldsN".

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