[rules-users] OutOfMemory with BRMS 4.0.3

sophie.ramel at tudor.lu sophie.ramel at tudor.lu
Thu Jan 10 09:20:36 EST 2008


I am using Drools BRMS 4.0.3 with tomcat 5.5.25, and I get OutOfMemory 
exceptions in tomcat regularly.

I recently changed the java option of tomcat to add "-Xmx512m", but it 
only resulted in taking a little more time before crashing (3 days, 
instead of 1 before). 
The server has nearly no access - it's a development server which is not a 
lot used at the moment - and there are only a few rules, for tests, so I 
really don't understand this error. I'm using java 1.5.0 on a linux 

The BRMS is accessed by web, to create and deploy the rules, and queried 
from another tool (on the same machine but in another server: in JBoss), 
to insert data in a workingMemory and execute the rules from the deployed 
package URL. I call the dispose() method on the StatefulSession at the end 
of the query (but this shouldn't be linked to this error, since this is in 
JBoss and the OutOfMemory occurs in tomcat...). 

Any idea?


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