[rules-users] Splitted Sentences in DSL...

mmquelo massi mmquelo at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 05:58:25 EST 2008

Hi guys,

As u can notice in the
pop-up Menu,
we have got the sentence "Escalate the ticket" splitted into 3 different

1. Escalate
2. Escalate the
3. Escalate the ticket

When I open "*org.drools.examples.TroubleTicketWithDSL.dslr*" from the "*
directory and i push "CTRL+SPACE" in Eclipse Europa 3.3, then the pop-up
menu I get back shows just one of the sentences above.

It just shows: "Escalate the ticket".

I expected to see all the above sentences, as I saw in the JBoss Drools
Features page (

So.... Why Do I get a different menu with just one sentence?

Is the .dsl file referred from the .drls in the "feature page" different
from the following one?

*[condition][]There is a customer ticket with status of "{status}"=customer
: Customer( )   ticket : Ticket( customer == customer, status == "{status}"
[condition][]There is a "{subscription}" customer with a ticket status of
"{status}"=customer : Customer(subscription == "{subscription}") ticket :
Ticket( customer == customer, status == "{status}")
[consequence][]Log "{message}"=System.out.println("{message} ");
[consequence][]Escalate the ticket=ticket.setStatus("Escalate");
[consequence][]Send escalation email=sendEscalationEmail( customer, ticket
*One more question.*

I have got no idea on the "Object" column which accours in the DSL Editor.
We have got "Language Expression", "", "*Object*" and "Scope".

What does "*Object*" stand for?

Thank You for any help you can give me.

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