[rules-users] Inserting elements of a list into a session from a rule consequence

Warren, David [USA] warren_david at bah.com
Mon Dec 14 09:21:49 EST 2009

I am trying to write a rule whose consequence loads several lists into the session.  Each list contains a different type of class.  What I would like to do (need to do as far as I can tell) is loop through the list and insert each element individually, rather than inserting the list as a whole.  Is ther a way to do this in DRL?

Here is my example rule:
rule "Do we need to validate ONFI final action"
  a : PackageMovementInfo( finalActionInd == "*", packageId == "AA")
  b : SubmissionsInfoForRules(subId == a.subId, amendment == false, onfiAssignmentId != null) 
  insert( new RuleFlag("Validate ONFI final action") );
  insert( onfiService.getONFIAssignment(b.getSubId()) );
  insert( onfiService.getONFIReviewers(b.getOnfiAssignmentId()) );
  insert( onfiService.getONFIAttachments(b.getOnfiAssignmentId()) );

The last two insert statements insert lists.  A problem occurs in subsequent rules if I try to evaluate the contents of the lists.  I've been getting a ClassCastException when lists are present for both the reviewers and attachments, because they are not the same class.   Here is an example rule that causes a ClassCastException:

rule "Validate ONFI final action - code 666"
RuleFlag(value == "Validate ONFI final action")
a: PackageMovementInfo(actionCode == "666")
b: ONFIAssignmentInfo(reviewType == "ES", subId == a.subId)
$list : List( size > 0 )
ONFIReviewerInfo(notId == b.notId, revStatus == "CLO", reviewerRole == "PR") from $list
result.addMessage(a, "You can't do action code 666..." );

What I need to do is either (1) load each element of the lists individually, or (2) rewrite "$list : List (size > 0)" to only pick up lists of a particular class.  
Is there a way to do either of these things from DRL?  Or do I need to handle the loading outside of my rules (in the Java class that calls the rules).

Thank you,
David Warren

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