[rules-users] big thanks

Bagwell, Allen F afbagwe at sandia.gov
Mon Jul 20 10:31:44 EDT 2009

To the Drools Team:

We've been successfully using Drools 4.0.7 core as a replacement rule engine for a system that was in bad need of an upgrade. When the time came to update this system, we were faced with a daunting task. Our original COTS software that had a rule engine built into it was old, hard to work with, and no longer supported.  We quickly figured out that the only real options available to replace this crucial component given our budget and time constraints was Drools or Jess. Although Jess was developed in our own company, Drools fit our needs more closely and was similar in syntax to our defunct rule engine software making it a lot easier to translate our existing rules.

I'm happy to say Drools has been an elegant replacement solution for us and fun to learn.

I just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work you guys have done.

Allen F. Bagwell
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