[rules-users] RestFule example

Qian, Tony Tony.Qian at progressive-medical.com
Mon Nov 23 16:21:54 EST 2009


I have installed Drools Execution Server and try to figure out how to use execution server as stateless web service. I have a few questions:

1)      I checked out the all examples in the document. I didn't see any examples using RestFul web service. Is there any example out there?

2)      By looking at the Sample request content and response content, I cannot figure out what this example tries to tell us. Detail explanation would be really appreciated, especially for new user.

3)      In the example, which part works as 'fact Model' (inOutFacts, inFacts), the data we try to apply rule on? What is inFacts used for?

4)      If I only need to apply rule to a single object, how do I use restful web service? For example, I  have an object Model

   Person {

My rule is to check the first name. If first name is "Jenny", set gender to "F" and return the Person Object.  How can I use Drools Execution Server to do that? (Of cource I have to deploy knowledgebase generated from Guvnor first).


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