[rules-users] From RuleAgent to KnowledgeAgent

Luiz Eduardo Guida Valmont legvalmont at gmail.com
Tue Apr 13 16:30:39 EDT 2010

Hi all,

Recently I had to update part of the application I'm working so it would use
KnowledgeAgent instead of RuleAgent. The later restricts scanned DRL files
so that all rules from any given package must be written into only one
file), whereas the former does not. Long story made short: an external
application will feed my application with generated DRL's and it cannot (aka
will not) managed a single monolithic DRL or even regenerate it every now
and then.

What happens is that I have to update (re-write?) a less critical part of
that code which generates a list of all rules contained within a certain
package. It has to print rules' attibutes like name, salience,
date-effective and date-expires. On the one hand, the old code imports *
org.drools.rule.Rule* (1), which provides getters for such properties; that
Rule class is accessed through a chain of method calls starting at
RuleAgent, for example:

agent.getRuleBase().getPackage( /* ... */ ).getRules()[ /* ... */
> ].getDateEffective()

On the other hand, when using KnowledgeAgent's, I can fetch instances of *
org.drools.definition.rule.Rule* through a
similar-but-effectivelly-different chain of method calls, like so:

agent.getKnowledgeBase().getKnowledgePackage( /* ... */ ).getRules()

This one getRules returns a *Collection* of *org.drools.definition.rule.Rule
* (2). Finally, this class does not provide similar methods:

String getPackageName

String getName

Collection listMetaAttributes

String getMetaAttribute

Hoping I've made myself clear up to this point, I ask: is it posible to
convert an instance of (1) into an instance of (2) or is it possible to get
instances of (1) through getters starting at KnowledgeAgent?

Thanks in advance,
Luiz Valmont
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