[rules-users] Improving Drools Memory Performance

Jevon Wright jevon at jevon.org
Fri Jul 9 04:20:38 EDT 2010

Hi everyone,

I am working on what appears to be a fairly complex rule base based on
EMF. The rules aren't operating over a huge number of facts (less than
10,000 EObjects) and there aren't too many rules (less than 300), but
I am having a problem with running out of Java heap space (set at ~400

Through investigation, I came to the conclusion that this is due to
the design of the rules, rather than the number of facts. The engine
uses less memory inserting many facts that use simple rules, compared
with inserting few facts that use many rules.

Can anybody suggest some tips for reducing heap memory usage in
Drools? I don't have a time constraint, only a heap/memory constraint.
A sample rule in my project looks like this:

  rule "Create QueryParameter for target container of DetailWire"
      container : Frame( )
      schema : DomainSchema ( )
      domainSource : DomainSource ( )
      instance : DomainIterator( )
      selectEdge : SelectEdge ( eval (
functions.connectsSelect(selectEdge, instance, domainSource )) )
      schemaEdge : SchemaEdge ( eval (
functions.connectsSchema(schemaEdge, domainSource, schema )) )
      source : VisibleThing ( eContainer == container )
      target : Frame ( )
      instanceSet : SetWire ( eval(functions.connectsSet(instanceSet,
instance, source )) )
      detail : DetailWire ( )
      eval ( functions.connectsDetail(detail, source, target ))
      pk : DomainAttribute ( eContainer == schema, primaryKey == true )
      not ( queryPk : QueryParameter ( eContainer == target, name == pk.name ) )
      eval ( handler.veto( detail ))

      QueryParameter qp = handler.generatedQueryParameter(detail, target);
      handler.setName(qp, pk.getName());
      queue.add(qp, drools); // wraps insert(...)


I try to order the select statements in an order that will reduce the
size of the cross-product (in theory), but I also try and keep the
rules fairly human readable. I try to avoid comparison operators like
< and >. Analysing a heap dump shows that most of the memory is being
used in StatefulSession.nodeMemories > PrimitiveLongMap.

I am using a StatefulSession; if I understand correctly, I can't use a
StatelessSession with sequential mode since I am inserting facts as
part of the rules. If I also understand correctly, I'd like the Rete
graph to be tall, rather than wide.

Some ideas I have thought of include the following:
1. Creating a separate intermediary meta-model to split up the sizes
of the rules. e.g. instead of (if A and B and C then insert D), using
(if A and B then insert E; if E and C then insert D).
2. Moving eval() statements directly into the Type(...) selectors.
3. Removing eval() statements. Would this allow for better indexing by
the Rete algorithm?
4. Reducing the height, or the width, of the class hierarchy of the
facts. e.g. Removing interfaces or abstract classes to reduce the
possible matches. Would this make a difference?
5. Conversely, increasing the height, or the width, of the class
hierarchy. e.g. Adding interfaces or abstract classes to reduce field
6. Instead of using EObject.eContainer, creating an explicit
containment property in all of my EObjects.
7. Creating a DSL that is human-readable, but allows for the
automation of some of these approaches.
8. Moving all rules into one rule file, or splitting up rules into
smaller files.

Is there kind of profiler for Drools that will let me see the size (or
the memory usage) of particular rules, or of the memory used after
inference? Ideally I'd use this to profile any changes.

Thanks for any thoughts or tips! :-)


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